My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2122: Am i dreaming?

a long time--

Su Jin hadn't changed a bit, it was obviously difficult to wake up as he wished.

On the contrary, as the sky dimmed and the cold increased several times, Li Fengluo hugged him into a crevice and dug a cave to become warmer.

"Why the body is getting more and more ice!" Li Fengluo sensed that something was wrong and tried Su Jin's body temperature in fear.

Li Fengluo has never been like this before. She cared about the life and death of a man, not expressing affection, but now saying this is nonsense——

Li Fengluo hadn't figured out whether she peeked or not peeked at her that night. She was afraid that Su Jin died because of the special place here. She was alone and it was difficult to get out.

"From now on, if you survive, you and I will never owe you again..." Li Fengluo closed her eyes and made a rather bold move.

Yes, Su Jin's body is very ice, this is what Li Fengluo felt!

The skin's dear, nothing more than this.

She just hugged Su Jin into a sitting position, and she was...

Well, Li Fengluo behind Su Jin's beautiful face, sticking to Su Jin's face and neck, even touched a little stubble... And the originally very temperamental coat, although not too spacious, but also vaguely wrapped The jade arm hugged Su Jin's waist over half of his shoulder.

Blushing face, hot in the cold.

Perhaps a miracle happened. Under such circumstances, Su Jin's heartbeat jumped a few more times in the same time!

"If you die, I will seal this cave, and I will definitely not be able to get out --" Li Fengluo said with a sullen mouth.

What kind of person is Su Jin?

Li Fengluo found that she didn't understand him at all. Once she appeared, she beheaded Beigong Xun, defeated and spared Bai Jianfei's life, and even the remnant Dao Zun was seriously injured!

This achievement is unbelievable everywhere, is it just because he is the emperor of the two ways?

So cold

The surrounding area was dark and heavy. It turned out that there was also a dark night in the extreme cold and deep sky that was rumored to be dark blue. You can only see a little dark blue ice color, or you can see it nearby.


Li Fengluo kept this posture, her face pressed against Su Jin's face and neck, and fell asleep faintly, the cold ice gradually clinging to the two of them to form——

I do not know how long it has been.

Those immortal medicine pills merged into the whole body, and with this little medicine power, Su Jin's consciousness gradually appeared.

"What's the matter? I can't even open my eyes." Su Jin said in shock.

The weak consciousness can only feel a little unique warmth, right behind, after the consciousness appeared, the breathing increased a little, but the fresh girly fragrance was smelled.

Su Jin concentrated his consciousness, inspecting the injury, the cruel dying Dao Venerable, beyond anyone Su Jin had ever played against!

In the state of introspection, at the position above the emperor's heart, Honglian Jinghuo was firmly suppressed, and it was difficult to counterattack.

That weird Taoist law almost burned the upper half of the Emperor Spirit to ashes the moment it hit him!

If it weren't for the Red Lotus Purifying Fire but the strange fire fused with the emperor spirit, I'm afraid I would have fallen!

"I hate that my realm is too low. If I am the Six World Realm, you can kill Dao Sovereign with a wave of hand!" Su Jin's consciousness continued to hate.

It's really incomparable.

Is that an old monster who has practiced for many years?

How long has Su Jin practiced himself!

Soon, Su Jin thought of two ways, one is to mobilize the two kinds of strange fires, namely the sky hellfire and the Qinghu Immortal Yan, and merge them into the emperor's spirit to strengthen the power of the red lotus.

Another way is to use the King of Life and Death together to carry out activities to suppress the Taoism, thereby gradually recovering from the injury.

But then, Su Jin felt a chaos in his consciousness, those medicines were being consumed, and there was not much time left for him!

Mobilize the other two kinds of strange fires, no! Su Jin couldn't even perceive it, and he hurt too much!

However, he is the king of life and death, but he played a big role!

The faint Buddha light is slowly appearing through the body——

Li Fengluo shivered and felt a warmth. When he opened his eyes, the Buddha's light was faint.


Li Fengluo was shocked when he looked at the freezing situation around him, but what shocked him even more...

Su Jin actually emits Buddha's light!

"Does he have a Buddha treasure?" Li Fengluo guessed.

But it's not like it. Those Buddha lights were obviously from this body, and Li Fengluo was shocked immediately.

Many people suspect that this is not a simple imperial realm.

Remnant Dao Venerable said before that Su Jin is the emperor of two daos, but now Li Fengluo is almost certain that he is not the emperor of two daos, but the emperor of three daos!

OMG! Three Dao Great!

No wonder it is very powerful. The other two kinds of Dao Su Jin show that they are very exquisite. If you want to come to this Buddha, you will not be weak!

The Buddha light seemed to dispel a bit of the harsh cold, and Li Fengluo felt so much better——

Su Jin mobilized the power of Buddhism and Taoism, and his consciousness increased again!


The ice gap buzzed and vibrated, Su Jin opened his eyes fiercely, his eyes blank! But Li Fengluo's face was pale!

Those eyes were pitch black, not a bit of white, and the rustling evil spirits were covered in flesh like dust, which made Li Fengluo feel the ominous omen of extinction.

Gui Mingdao! he! He is not the Three Dao Great! He is the Four Dao Great!

Li Fengluo was almost crying, no wonder he was able to kill Tianjiao and even severely wounded the remnant Dao Zun!

If Su Jin was not in a special situation, Li Fengluo would definitely push him away, but she was kind-hearted and couldn't bear it.


A fairy source well opened up the void, and the good fortune longevity power worked, Su Jin opened one more with his enhanced consciousness! To counter the law of Taoism——

"You!!" Li Fengluo froze, the pure fairy power came into motion, taking the void of the fairy power, supplementing herself, this scene Li Fengluo felt like a dream.

"My king and the heavens live together, and he is on his seat with the balance, and he is destined to rule the heavens for thousands of generations!"

One billion evil spirits left Su Jin's divine body rustlingly, bowed down in the void, and contributed to the power of belief in ghosts!


In the distant eternal nothingness, thousands of Buddhas, Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and true Buddhas walked with their hands together, neatly and squarely, sitting cross-legged, chanting the ‘Sutra of Life and Death’, helping the king and Buddha!

not enough!

not enough!

Su Jin's consciousness was in his body, and he shouted silently, this law of signs was so terrifying!


With the rotation of the "Dao Heart Seed Demon", a 10,000-mile-high erected roulette was fiercely opened at Li Fengluo. It was the wheel of the six heavens!

Click, click, click~~~

The red magic mist turned into a snake, shuttled between the ice layers, and a huge "devil" character appeared, plundering vitality, and continuously spreading out——

With the brilliant and incomparable Tian Secret Wheel, and with the help of six kinds of Taoism, Li Fengluo has become a silly girl now, and his brain is often a good thing, but it's not easy now!

From knowing the amazement of his two great emperors, to her discovering that Mu Ziye turned out to be the three great emperors, four great emperors, five... five great emperors——

It is difficult to understand, beyond the common sense and cognition of Feng Luo girl!

But the truth is often so unexpected!

Li Fengluo murmured:

"Am I dreaming? He turned out to be the Six Dao Great Emperor——"

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