My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2126: Sugar candy

"Mu Ziye! What happened outside?"

When Li Fengluo saw Su Jin opened his eyes and guessed what he should have seen, he became extremely nervous.

Su Jin stared at the strong woman of the Divine Dao realm, such a formidable enemy he had never encountered.


There was a loud noise, and all 1.03 million tombstones rose up with icy flames, and the handwriting of every clan life recorded on the tombstones, but at this moment, the handwriting quickly faded out——

After the explosion of 1.03 million tombstones, they all turned into black and gray, and the rising icy flames turned into one piece!

The eleven corpses of the gods, transformed into a black and gray misty form, were born around the ancient warship. The ancient warship creaked and shook.


Those black and gray clouds, as if holding an ancient warship through the sky! At the same time, under the one hundred and thirty thousand tombstones, the corpses of one hundred and thirty thousand people from the tribe, all volatilized the last trace of strength!

A strong woman in the divine realm, looking at the overwhelming icy flames, there was a trace of fear on her arrogant face, she now dare not even reach out to catch the ancient warship that left!


The entire ancient corpse land was turned into nothing, and the superior female power in the Divine Dao realm was repelled back to the original place.

"Senior! Can you do it?" The Supreme Elder of the Beigong family asked with a face full of Ancestral Realm.

What was brought to him was only a cold face covered with frost, and immediately the elder snorted and stopped speaking, and secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Chasing—" The Patriarch of Beigong looked at Yuntian Dao Zun and asked him to figure out the way the ancient warship was leaving.

"No, they have already left Ji Yaotian." The strong woman of the gods shook her head.

"Senior! I'm not reconciled!" Patriarch Bei Gong squeaked his fists.

"I can't catch up. I didn't expect this ancient corpse land to be so extraordinary. Don't be upset. Since he appeared in Ji Yaotian, he will come later. I will kill him by then." said the strong woman of the gods. .

"Did you let him go like this?" Bei Gongxue was full of grief and indignation.

"Xiaoxue!" The Patriarch of Beigong glared at his daughter.

Now the master is here. It is obviously impolite to make such a play. The master can't catch him when he goes out, and he can't make it through his face. It is not bad to be able to promise to kill him in the future.

"Father--" Tears were in Bei Gongxue's eyes, she was even more angry than her father, but now the superiors had already given up, obviously it would be useless to persist any longer.

"It can only be so." The Patriarch of the North Palace clasped a fist to the Supreme, watching her disappear, and returning to the North Palace, he knew that the Supreme was a little unhappy.

The Beigong family can only go back, they hope that Su Jin can appear again.


White clouds are long.

A few distant stars exude a strong light, and this unknown world has risen to nine suns!

The earth was scorched and cracked, and the river, which had not seen water flow in more than ten years, became barren.

At this moment, an ancient warship appeared in the void, and the black fog was consumed, and it was close to the edge of exhaustion. It was illuminated by nine suns and turned into nothingness.

The huge ancient battleship fell straight down.

Su Jin was the first to discover the situation, rushed out of the fateful gourd, took out the longevity coffin, and landed on the barren and cracked river bed——

The ancient warship fell to the ground, causing a burst of noise! Rumble endlessly!

Su Jin immediately let out Li Fengluo, which was relieved.

"Where is this?" Li Fengluo looked around and became curious.

"do not know."

"How did we come out? Huh? What are you holding this longevity coffin for?"

Li Fengluo was surprised.

Suddenly, Su Jin stared at Li Fengluo with a weird look, which frightened Li Fengluo—

"Sister Fengluo." Su Jin stared at her and said.

"Huh?" Li Fengluo acquiesced to Su Jin's name. After all, the Six Dao Great Emperors are not ashamed!

"Do you want to have a child?" Su Jin blinked quickly.

"Huh?" Li Fengluo's expression was weird, her face blushing and incomprehensible, what is this?

"I ask you if you want to have a child." Su Jin reminded again.

"Bah, baah, I'm still a big girl, where are there any kids, do you want to take advantage of me?" Li Fengluo glanced at him embarrassedly.

"If a little girl lost her mother, and finally lost her father, standing alone in front of you, would you adopt her?" Su Jin began to talk.

"It's so pitiful, I don't want it. Give it away!" Li Fengluo squinted and smiled.


Originally, Li Fengluo was regarded as a very brainless girl by Su Jin, so why is she suddenly smart now? She failed to try to pit her!

"That little girl is very beautiful, and her talent is a hundred times better than you. Would you give it away too?" Su Jin asked again.

"Who?" Li Fengluo finally looked at the longevity coffin.

Although Li Fengluo thinks she is not as smart as Su Jin, there is no dead in the longevity coffin, otherwise it would not be called the ‘longevity coffin’. Su Jin just said that the living person buried in the coffin must be a little girl!

"Inside." Su Jin made a gesture to push the longevity coffin away, but was suddenly blocked by Li Fengluo.

"Don't open the coffin indiscriminately. This longevity coffin is built for one person throughout your life. If you let her see the sky again, you let her out, this longevity coffin will be lost and you can no longer protect her."

"Her family agreed."

Su Jin looked at Li Fengluo, "Besides, don't you think it's cruel? In our world, even ordinary mortals, who live for decades, must live wonderfully and look at the world's landscape."

"This—" Li Fengluo nodded.

Su Jin gently pushed open the longevity coffin and looked at the little girl with long ice blue hair. Half of her face was buried in the fur of the beast, and she was crying.

"Little Tangtang." Su Jin's voice was as warm as a spring breeze. After Tangtang heard it, she saw the blue sky and felt the hot temperature that she had never felt before.

"Dad, dad." Xiao Tangtang stretched out her arms, tears rolling down her cheeks.

In the distant memory, Xiao Tangtang could not remember his father's face, but at that time his father seemed to be very young, and her name was only called by her father. She felt like she was dreaming.

Su Jin:...

Li Fengluo sighed, taking two steps back.

Slowly closing his eyes, Su Jin seemed to have seen the ancient corpse land in the silent deep sky again. One day the fateful gourd flew over and was caught by the father as his daughter's only gift.

Su Jin seemed to have seen the scene of the last nine bows of the **** corpse. So far he calmed down, smiled, stretched out his hand, and hugged her into his arms.

"Wow! So beautiful--"

Li Fengluo looked at the pink face, and couldn't help but feel the urge to pinch her. With her long icy blue hair reaching the crooked legs, the little girl was born a beautiful embryo, which made people feel distressed.

Su Jin walked to Li Fengluo's side, but Xiao Tangtang immediately stretched out his arms and let Li Fengluo hug him.

I called Li Fengluo dumbfounded on the spot:


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