My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2127: Serious nonsense


Girl Fengluo quickly backed away, waving her hands and stammering: "No, no...I don't--"

I am not!

But looking at Xiao Tangtang and stretched out his hands, his face was full of grievances, the small cheeks slowly bulged, and the area of ​​the **** eyes quickly filled with mist~~~

"Oh!" Li Fengluo sighed heavily in her heart, and had to step forward and hold Xiaotangtang in her arms. This girl is really cute, she can't refuse, and make her angry.

Su Jin glared fiercely. On the other hand, Su Shao, the instigator, had a smile on his face and a natural expression, which made Li Fengluo depressed to death!

"She is the eternal goddess, you and I must treat her well in the future -" Su Jin nodded solemnly.

Longevity Goddess?

Li Fengluo's eyes widened. Originally, she wanted to say that she is still growing up under the wings of her parents, and for blessings, how can she accept a daughter? Now that she hears the words ‘Longevity Goddess’, it’s literally!

After going home, what a big deal, I said the daughter I recognized——

Although she is still a big girl, she has no experience with children!

"What do you mean by me? Who are you! I don't know how to say it when I go back!"

After speaking, Li Fengluo held Xiaotangtang, turned around, put her hands on her long icy blue hair, her heart was inexplicably stable.

"Simple, stay with me for ten or eight years and then go back, then—"

"Bah, baah, shut up!" Li Fengluo blushed.

"Oh, in fact, I also have a daughter named Sakura with an unusual identity. I suspect she is the reincarnated immortal king of good fortune." Su Jin took advantage of his joy and told this story.


"No, born with a stone fetus--"

"Huh?" Li Fengluo was startled.

The Immortal King of Good Fortune, Li Fengluo faintly saw this name in books, but now Su Jin said to her, it feels unreal.

The eternal goddess and the fairy king of good fortune were all adopted by Su Jin as daughters, so who is this Su Jin?

Li Fengluo suddenly felt Su Jin's mystery, but she didn't know it. Su Jin was very confused about his identity, and was still looking for answers, let alone answering her.

At this moment, after chatting for a while, the longevity coffin began to emit waves, and wisps of white smoke drifted out, and the Shenhua Daoyun in it began to disappear.

In the end, the dense cracks began to spread and fell apart——

"It's a pity this treasure coffin." Su Jin and Li Fengluo were both looking at the longevity coffin, secretly calling it a pity.

If it can be preserved and used, Emperor Su Jin's spirit will never be extinguished, but there will never be such a good thing, this longevity coffin is completely useless.

"Where is this place? How come there are nine suns and stars?" Li Fengluo was born in Ji Yaotian, where it is not called'the sun', but has the term'sun and stars'.

"In a short time, don't even think about going back to Ji Yaotian, we are already far away from the 33 heavens." Su Jin said lightly.

"Hmph, I can't go back if I can't go back temporarily, anyway, the family knows I'm fine." Li Fengluo said.

Everyone knows the truth.

In the family's ancestral temple, there is Li Fengluo’s soul jade card in full bloom. If life and death disappear, the soul jade card will be broken. That is the case with Beigong Xun. After death, the Beigong family immediately rushed to Yunjian Mountain, ask for an explanation.

"When I return to the thirty-three universe, I must become the six realms world when I become the world of the six realms!" Su Jin said coldly.

"Huh? How long will it take?" Li Fengluo asked.

"Within two months!" Su Jin set himself a big goal.

With the tree of enlightenment, one day can be worth ten years!

A wise Buddha pupil and boundless wisdom, Su Jin has this confidence, and the Shenlu Academy has already explained it, and it should be no problem to rush back when Dabi is waiting.

Time is right!

"Two months, okay, I'll play with you for two months. I'm a lone man and a widow. It's very inconvenient--" Li Fengluo said quite rightly.

"Okay, let's take a look at where this is. Find a place with people." Su Jin opened his'Mahe Town Prison Eye' and swept around.

From the southeast to the northwest, Su Jin finally opened the void passage and headed west, that is, the middle part with Li Fengluo.

Scorched earth and desolation are common sights in this continent. Su Jin and the three appeared in the central area, and Li Fengluo instantly wetted his clothes with sweat——

With a beautiful figure, she can only hide the embarrassing atmosphere by holding Xiaotangtang. She is in a state of imperial state, it is difficult to resist the temperature here, and when she is in the extreme cold and deep space, she is almost in a bipolar existence!

"It's so hot, what the hell--" Li Fengluo said uncomfortably.

"There are many tribes here, but they don't live on the ground, but underground." Su Jin looked at the big rift valley ahead and pointed to the deep holes.

"It's so hot, can anyone survive here?" Li Fengluo felt that it was a miracle.

Just when Su Jin was about to take Li Fengluo to the opening of the cave, the nine suns in the void were buzzing and fluctuating.

In the nine suns, nine phoenix-headed strange birds gradually began to manifest. Each phoenix-headed strange bird is red and yellow, with three legs and Kong Ling’s long tail--

Su Jin vaguely saw the third leg of the nine strange birds, which seemed to be tied by a red chain, and was angry.

Is it?

Su Jin's face was solemn, and he was guessing.

"It's getting hotter! I can't—" Li Fengluo looked at each of the deep cave houses, feeling like heaven, and wanted to hide in.

"Go!" Su Jin hugged Li Fengluo's waist tightly with one hand, and snorted softly.

"You hold me again!"

When Li Fengluo finished speaking, the three of them rushed into one of the caves.

Strangely speaking, Xiao Tangtang didn't even sweat a star at such a high temperature. Seeing Li Fengluo embarrassed, although it felt strange, she still kissed her face with her small mouth for a long time.

Li Fengluo's heart was melted, and she felt much better when she was in the cave.

"Shang Xian! A Xian Xian has come! Could it be that the gods have sent me to save us?" Suddenly several voices appeared.

"It has been a full fifteen years, and the gods haven't dropped a single rain, our world is cursed, there can be no gods to save us!"

"What if it is, I don't want to sneak out every night!"


As several people shouted, more and more people rushed to see Su Jin and Li Fengluo Xiaotangtang in their eyes, with defensive and jealous expressions in their eyes, but more of them saw hope.

Su Jin looked at the coming crowd, hesitated a little, but still confidently said: "I did come to understand and save you! As the Dragon King, I will relieve you from the adversity and drop the rain!"


Not only were the cave dwellers dumbfounded, even Li Fengluo was dumbfounded—

Isn't this serious nonsense? Su Jin or Dragon King? Who are you fooling?

But in the next moment, Li Fengluo couldn't believe what she saw before her--

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