My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2128: Smelly shameless!

The project is huge, and it is naturally difficult to implement it.

Su Jin aroused Li Fengluo's suspicion, but then he directed at the outside of the cave and gently shook his finger, which caused the wind and clouds to be moved. A dark cloud covered the entire rift, and the sound of dragons was faintly heard.


The drifting rain poured down.

Naturally, Su Jin didn't brag. He once refined the Dragon King Pearl, and it was a small trick and a small trick, not the first time he used it.

But in the eyes of these people, Su Jin is simply a godlike existence!

"Shang Xian! Meet the Xian Xian!" A neat passage of the cave, dozens of people kneeled and worshiped Su Jin, which was unimaginable for Li Fengluo.

"The crisis in our mainland is coming to an end, and the grace of the immortal will be remembered forever by our human race——"

"If the disaster is resolved, each of us will enshrine the longevity tablet for the Shangxian, thank the Shangxian for his great kindness!"


Everyone's tone was very excited, and Su Jin was also speechless. Most of these people's cultivation bases were around the Infant and Aspiration Period, and Half Saint hadn't seen it yet.

Li Fengluo kept winking at Su Jin, Qiao's face was a little anxious, obviously she saw the clue.

You know, although moving clouds and raining is simple in Su Jin's hands, the root is still in the nine suns. This is simply an impossible task for humans!

"I'm the elder of the Qingmu clan, please come in soon, Shangxian—" an old man of the aspiring period came out.

Su Jin nodded, he just happened to know the situation to see if it matched his guess.

As a result, they were arranged to stay in the most noble cave house. The clan elder of the Qingmu clan came to report to Su Jin. The others were waiting outside, not daring to make a loud noise.

After half an hour...

Little Tangtang played on that bed by herself. The little girl was very curious about everything, but she didn't make much noise.

"Shangxian, that's how things are. If the old man dares to conceal a word, he won't die!" The old Qingmu clan swore.

"Well, let me think about it for a long time. Tomorrow I will cast the spell, and the Jiuchen Continent will be green." Su Jin said quietly.

"Well, it's only half a day, the old man knows--" The old Qingmu clan wanted to kneel down and worship Su Jin again, but he was supported by his hands. He could see the piety and sincerity of the other party, but the behavior may not necessarily require this.

Immediately, the old Qingmu clan left.

"Hey, you are too rash, we can't help in this situation!"

As soon as the Qingmu veteran walked away, Li Fengluo saw Su Jin holding a clay teacup, drinking a sip of tea quietly, and reveling.

"If you can't do it, how can you know that I can't do it?" Su Jin looked at Li Fengluo and asked.


Li Fengluo choked, then crossed her arms in front of him, glanced at Su Jin, and asked, "Okay, what do you do?"

"If I guessed correctly, there should be a kind of strange fire in the nine suns. I think you are not someone who has never read a book. Think about whether there is a kind of strange fire name, and those strange fires in the sun. Fire match?"

Su Jin looked at Li Fengluo and asked. When he hadn't entered the cave mansion, he felt that there was a 90% chance of this--


Li Fengluo raised her head to look at the sky, thinking carefully, she was silent for about two minutes before her eyes lit up, "There is a strange fire similar, but I'm not sure."

"What's your name?" Su Jin actually felt it, and it didn't matter if he knew the name.

"Burning World Golden Crow!"

Li Fengluo felt more and more alike, but quickly attacked: "Even if you know that it is a strange fire, you still have nothing to do!"

The voice just fell--

Chi Chi~~

Su Jin lifted his finger lightly, and a small red fire lotus floated on his index finger. The cyan pistil had waves of green celestial force, which was strange in short.

Li Fengluo immediately covered her heart, her expression a little bit painful, "What is it?"

The temperature in the cave was soaring so fast that Su Jin put away the red lotus and said lightly: "It's nothing, just three kinds of strange fires——"


Li Fengluo froze for a moment, her eyes were unbelievable, but she soon reacted, "The red lotus, I look like a red lotus purifying fire, but what do you say about three? I don't believe it!"


Clusters of blue and white flames appeared in the palm of her hand, and Li Fengluo gave another strange cry.

"This is'Hellfire in the Sky'." Su Jin said.

"Hurry up! I believe it--" Li Fengluo couldn't bear the pain.

Su Jin shrugged and said, "I still have the'Qinghu Immortal Yan'. These three kinds of strange fires are all part of my'Fire God Dao," one of the six ways of the Fire God Dao!"

"You want to collect the'Burning World Golden Crow'!" Li Fengluo directly guessed Su Jin's thoughts, and couldn't be shocked.

"You guessed it, but there is no reward."

Su Jin stretched out his hand, "I will collect the'Burning World Golden Crow' and incorporate it into my Fire God Dao. I also know that there is a strange fire location in the Qinghuomen, but there are five strange fires, which can bring me to the top of the Fire God Dao Emperor! "

According to the old Qingmu clan, the "Burning World Golden Crow" only appeared fifteen years ago. Originally, the heat of the nine suns was not high and it could maintain normal weather and smooth weather.

Therefore, taking away the "Burning World Golden Crow" will definitely not affect this Jiuchen Continent!

Li Fengluo was shocked by Su Jin's thoughts, but it was not infeasible. After all, this guy could become an emperor even in six ways. What's impossible!

"Dad! Mother!"

Xiaotangtang stood on her toes, trying to reach a feather fan hanging on the wall, and turned her head anxiously for help.

Li Fengluo couldn't refuse her long icy blue hair to the crooked legs, and the delicate face of a beautiful woman. So Li Fengluo quickly grabbed the feather fan and placed it in front of her.

However, the more realistic question lays at hand-

Li Fengluo's face was hot, and the little deer was smashing wildly in her heart, and asked: "Hey, a room, a bed, a bathtub, an adult man, a big girl..."

Sister Feng Luo is a bit messy. It looks like a place short of water. Why is there a bath tub? Is the underground river abundant? Or live in this room, will have super high standard treatment?

"It's very simple, live in the same room, sleep in the same bed, and wash in the same tub—"

Su Jin responded without even thinking, "As for the damsel Huanghua, do you want to be a girl for a lifetime?"

Saying this, my face is not red!

Li Fengluo gritted her silver teeth, creaked and stared at Su Jin's eyes, this was stinking shameless!

Seeing Li Fengluo not speaking, Su Jin's face was innocent, and he said slowly: "It's not that I haven't seen it~~"

"You!!" Li Fengluo remembered again that Su Jin was wearing a hidden dragon suit. The night he followed her, this guy kept saying that he didn't watch it, now?

Don't confess!


Breathing quickly, Li Fengluo narrowed her mouth tightly and decisively recognized her, and said: "If you share the same bed, you will be in the same bed. If you wash together, you will wash together. I even dare to recognize my daughter. I'm afraid of you--"

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