My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2132: Burning World Golden Crow

Clear sky

There is not even a trace of wind.

Su Jin looked at the red sea of ​​flames, where these nine "Burning World Golden Crows" were actually far away from the nine suns!

In the sea of ​​fire, there is a crystal-like jade platform that stretches endlessly, covered with red lines, which seems to be a kind of prohibition?

"Ah~~" In the bone ring, the goddess holding the lotus picture made a surprised voice.

"Wake up? Miss Changjia?" Su Jin communicated.

"Wake up, why did you come to such a place?" Liu Changjia's voice was a little frightened.

"I want to collect the nine'Burning World Golden Crows' and incorporate them into my Vulcan Dao——" Su Jin said faintly.


Liu Changjia denied Su Jin's thoughts and urged: "Leave quickly."

"Why are you leaving?" Su Jin came here specifically for this, his legs were about to buckle, where would he want to leave!

"This is the'Burning World Ban', set up by God to punish sentient beings. How can you collect the Burning World Golden Crow?"

Liu Changjia stopped again and again, and then said: "When the nine'Burning World Golden Crows' become furious, your Vulcan Dao cannot be resisted, and your golden body is about to melt!"

indeed so--

On the surface of Su Jin Buddha's golden body, there is Buddha's light permeating, otherwise, if he simply steps on the prohibition of burning the world with his golden body, it will instantly melt into drops of golden water.

"God wants to punish innocent creatures, so I have to stop it. This is called'reverse' and I can't go!" Su Jin walked sideways along the platform of'Burning the World', towards a golden crow.

The chain like a mountain traps the huge golden crow, this kind of terrifying project, ordinary people simply can't do it!

"No, everything about you will be burned in it, you can't hold the golden crow fire!" Liu Changjia's tone was a little anxious.

Su Jin remained silent and ignored Liu Changjia's warning.

The more powerful the "Burning World Golden Crow", the better, even if there is only a glimmer of hope to collect it, it can strengthen his "Fire God Dao". Now his strength is low and it is difficult to survive in the extremely Yaotian.

Why would you let this opportunity go!

Su Jin didn't step on the platform of ‘Burning the World’ forbidden by accident. He discovered a pattern.

On both sides of the platform of the Burning World Forbidden, every nine hundred miles, there will be a crystal mountain with chains, and there is a wonderful symbol on the crystal mountain——

Each time the Golden Crow screamed in anger, those symbols would jump once, and the Crystal Mountain would emit a red light.

Soon, the first Golden Crow of Burning World appeared in front of Su Jin!

The first feeling is big! Looking up, the third foot of this golden crow was imprisoned by the thick chain!

Su Jin soared up and appeared in this burning world golden crow a hundred miles away, but the eyes on the phoenix head were staring at his body as small as dust——


Before Su Jin could speak, the Burning World Golden Crow opened his mouth, and a fierce red flame condensed and sprayed directly!


The Red Lotus Purifying Fire, the Sky Hellfire, and the Qinghu Immortal Yan were all separated, fluttering into the void, forming a circle, firmly protecting Su Jin in it!

The blood-red flames couldn't be avoided at all, and they smashed into the periphery of the Three Fire Protection.


The entire barrier raised with strange fire was blasted apart, and it flew along with Su Jin!

"So strong!" Su Jin's eyes were colorful.

"So this Burning World Golden Crow is not something you can fight against. When your strength rises to the next level, there may be a glimmer of hope, hurry up and leave!" The image of the goddess holding the lotus showed the surrounding scene.

Liu Changjia who was watching was frightened.

Being able to take this blow even went beyond Liu Changjia's expectation. Changing to an ordinary emperor realm, there would be no more dust left.

"Strong! The stronger the better!"

Su Jin was agitated, but his calculation was wrong. This is just a "Burning World Golden Crow". If the nine merged to become a real "Burning World Golden Crow", he will bring the emperor to the top!

Liu Changjia sighed, knowing that he couldn't persuade Su Jin. In her opinion, this guy was covered with lard and was greedy!

Su Jin leaped forward, condensed the sound into a line, and uttered a voice at the Burning World Golden Crow: "Poor, such a peerless sacred fire, but will be imprisoned here, never extinguished——"


Another flame came.

Su Jin felt that his golden body was burning, and Xiaoyao immediately dodged, avoiding the blow. After just knowing the power of the opponent, if he dared to take it again, it would be too long!

"You are imprisoned by God. If you are enlightened, you can talk to Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu is the **** of fire against the sky, come to rescue you!" Su Jin opened his eyes.

"Tiny human race, what qualifications do you have to control me--" Fen World Golden Crow sent a thoughtful voice.

"Although I am small, I am more noble than you! I can walk in all walks of life, and although your wings are huge, you can only be regarded as a dog by God. You are tied here and cannot fly high!"

Su Jin sneered and said: "I can't see the excitement outside!"

In this regard, it is as simple as the fire spirit of the golden crow burning the world, but it cannot be rebutted, or it is speechless.

"My allegiance is to heaven. It is impossible to allegiance to you, a weak human being." An idea came from the Burning World Golden Crow, no lack of arrogance.

"You are Shabi!"

Su Jin is ashamed. The opponent's intelligence is probably about a few years old in the human race, but it is so difficult for him to communicate, and the possibility of forcibly collecting is almost zero—

Liu Changjia secretly squeezed a cold sweat for Su Jin, it was useless, if it wasn't for a bit of strength, or the Burning World Golden Crow was too lonely, otherwise it would be difficult to say a word or two.

Either die or escape, there are only two possibilities.

"The great God will never be what you waiting for the creatures to imagine, I..." Fen Shijin Crow wanted to continue, but the result came to an abrupt end.

At this moment, there was a seven or eight-year-old girl in a yellow skirt beside Su Jin. Now that both hands are oily, she is holding two roast geese?

It turned out that after parting with Bi Xu Nu Zun and the others that day, after Huo Er gnawed the Fire Jiao, Su Jin gifted the calligraphy to the owner of the shop.

Princess Huoer has only survived till now.

"These two are left--" Princess Huoer was summoned by Su Jin.

The roast goose in both hands was naturally used by the fire to explain the situation, but was seen by the Burning Crow.

Su Jin touched her head and said lightly to the'Burning World Golden Crow', "I see, she was originally the fire spirit of the Qingyu Immortal Yan, and she had the same idea as you, but now she is following me. It’s so moist~~~"

"The desire for fruit belly, lest it be too superficial! I am the servant of God..." Fenshijin Crow looked at Huoer and took a bite on the roast goose, and suddenly there was a thunderous gurgling sound in the void.

"Follow me! The Six Dao Great Emperors will take you to pretend to be Bi and take you to fly. The world is vast, why sit here and watch the sky!" Su Jin yelled.


A total of nine Golden Crows of Burning World, with those chains on their feet, flew away from their original tracks and rushed over!

"You tempted me to betray God, that is to die!"


Sure enough, you can't play with fire!

Su Jin has only two thoughts in his heart now——

One is to go, and the other is to die here! But in the hesitation, there is nowhere to go!

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