My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2133: Guardian monk, why be afraid of a battle!

This kind of situation is particularly true in the remote Jiuchen Continent——

The nine'Burning World Golden Crows' hissed in anger, deviating from the original position of one sun and one bird, and surrounded Su Jin with their wings.

The terrifying flames spilled out of the void, and the Qingmu tribe of Jiuchen Continent began to worship!

Girl Fengluo hugged Xiaotangtang in front of her, and Liu's eyebrows slowly frowned. The temperature here just now was far higher than it was at noon, and there seemed to be something wrong.

"Since the nine golden crows manifested, the creatures have been charcoal, and there has never been a scene of deviation. It seems that this is the work of the immortal, and he is going to accept those evil animals!" The old Qingmu clan trembled with excitement.

"The Shangxian came to save our Jiuchen Continent. If the underground river runs out a few years later, we will be completely wiped out!" The other tribe was very excited.

"not good--"

"What happened?"

"Can the gods be no match for those evil birds?"


The nine burning golden crows in the distance were angry, and the splendid flaming red horses spread out, and they could be clearly seen in the Jiuchen Continent, even the girl Fengluo was startled.

Inexplicably nervous.

The scene is indeed dangerous. Su Jin even numbs his scalp. Outside his Buddha Emperor's golden body, he has opened layers of unicorn shields, and the ghost unicorn primordial spirit is roaring.

Red Lotus Purifying Fire, Sky Hellfire, and Qinghu Immortal Yan, these three kinds of strange fires envelop the Buddha's golden body, and there are thousands of layers of unicorn shields outside!

You must know that the current unicorn shield has far more defensive power than before. After all, Su Jin is now the Great Emperor of the Six Daos. No matter how bad, this unicorn shield is also an emperor realm method.

Su Jin's heartbeat speeds up!

At this moment, if the "Fate Gourd" is used to protect him and make him a place to hide, it is estimated that the Fate Gourd will have to be melted. This "Burning World Golden Crow" is too terrifying!

This is the case, Su Jin is guarded by layers of defense, and the terrifying temperature can still be felt, his golden body is extremely hot——

"If you are still so stubborn, then I will fight you upright!"

Su Jin gritted his teeth, intending to try hard to defend!

"How can you be, I can see through it at a glance. Just now, my clone can make you evade in embarrassment. If my nine bodies fit and transform into a real Golden Crow Divine Body, how can you fight me?"

The idea of ​​"Burning World Golden Crow" was passed on.


Sure enough, the actual situation is consistent with what Su Jin thought. These nine world-burning golden crows can only be merged to be the real "world-burning golden crow flame". This is terrible—

"Can't escape, this flame is quite spiritual, you can say something good to it quickly, be soft, and maybe you can leave alone." Liu Changjia's voice changed.

"I'm not begging for mercy!" Su Jin uttered unyielding annoyed words at Liu Changjia.

There is no word ‘begging for mercy’ in Su Jin’s dictionary. Even when he was in such a desperate situation, he had never thought about it!

"Oh, you are mad at me." Liu Changjia knew that Su Jin was very smart, but people had to bow their heads under the eaves. He should understand this truth?

"Fight against the sky monk, why not be afraid of a battle!" Su Jin snarled up to the sky.

The sword box attached to his back was taken down by his Buddha palm. After opening the box, the two divine swords Juque and Longyuan rose into the sky——

Immediately, Su Jin looked at the fiery red and shattered unicorn shield outside. This shield was useless and simply gave up!

Hands...slowly put together! Close your eyes!

The Buddha emperor's golden body slowly grew bigger, then bigger, and finally reached the point where the Buddha's head and eyes were closed tightly, and the golden body of Huang Cancan was urged to the extreme!

The red fire lotus is like a pedestal, with branches and leaves scattered, and the six heavenly secret wheels unfold behind it——

Gorgeous, beautiful and magnificent!

Even in the remote Jiuchen Continent, as long as people look in the right direction, they can see the faint golden Buddha body and the existence of the erect roulette that represents the supreme secret!

The three kinds of pure and pure fires, magnificent and upward, are dancing in clusters. The tens of millions of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, true Buddhas, etc. in the ancient mysterious world, all of them sing Buddhist songs, all from far away Come everywhere.

The two great warriors of Juque and Longyuan surround the Buddha's golden body. Wherever Longyuan flies, the traces of the dragon shadow are hidden, and the real dragon roars on its sword.

Su Jin did not open his eyes, but the Wisdom Buddha pupil showed immeasurable wisdom, as if he could see through all dullness and ignorance!

"Some ability, but want to compete with me, it's not a little bit worse!" The Burning World Golden Crow seemed a little surprised, the mysterious and intoxicated Tian Secret Wheel surprised it.

Su Jin did not answer.

Slowly lifted the Buddha's palm, and gently retreated the huge and thick golden palm toward the south!

Although gentle, there is always a mysterious feeling that people can't hide!

Pat it with one palm--


The two'Golden Crows Burning the World' facing to the south were so big that they didn't hide, and their palms were unprecedented!

But the result was unexpected. The Buddha's palm dangled three kinds of strange fires, passed through the two'Burning World Golden Crow' bodies, and shot the void out of a terrifying and deep abyss, without actually causing substantial damage to them!

On the contrary, the nine golden crows that burned the world, at that moment, turned into raging flames, with faint bird-shaped scars flying in them, like a world of fire!

Tens of millions of true Buddhas, such as Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats, continue to appeal to the Scriptures, bless the golden body of Su Jin Buddha, and Su Jin’s ‘wisdom Buddha pupil’ shines——

Su Jin was not discouraged, as if nothing between the world and the earth could affect him, he continued to lift his right palm, grasping four fingers with four fingers, leaving the index finger around the finger softly.

Juque and Longyuan danced around their fingers. Su Jin had the blessing of the wisdom Buddha pupil. The two magical swords were controlled by him. When he lifted his fingers, he chopped it towards a dense red and black spot!

There is the fire spirit of the Burning World Golden Crow!


Long Yuan and Juque alternated, passing through the void, severely slashing——



But what is the situation? Even though the fire spirit made a strange whistle, after being cut into two pieces, it healed again.

How to fight this?

Su Jin was horrified, and he even had some doubts, whether he was a little rash when he came to collect this "Burning World Golden Crow Flame", the fire was more visible than invisible, and it was difficult to extinguish!

"Come, come, what other means are you using at me!" Fen World Golden Crow's ridiculous tone seemed not to be afraid of Su Jin.

Liu Changjia felt the scorching temperature in the bone ring, and if it continued like this, the goddess holding lotus map it contained would be automatically burned.

Under this circumstance, Liu Changjia said anxiously: "It's impossible to take it away. This'Burning World Golden Crow' is even more powerful than your three strange fires combined together. You have to think of a way to retreat."

"Can't leave--" Su Jin communicated in a cold voice.

"Please forgive me!"


Su Jin's voice was extremely furious, although Liu Changjia said it was good for him, but it was a matter of principle.

"Look, your golden body is beginning to melt!" Liu Changjia noticed this and screamed again and again.

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