My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2134: The sky burns the world forbidden

The golden body of the Buddha is the body of the deity.

If the golden body melts, the physical body of Su Jin's body can be imagined, and will die with the destruction of the physical body——

The situation is extremely dangerous!

The life and death crisis was unprecedented, Su Jin closed his eyes and looked at the world with the pupils of the Great Wisdom Buddha, but he became clearer and clearer, and there was no sense of panic in his heart.

"Human ants! You can't hurt me half a point! Poor, the biggest flaw in your life lies in your body, not as noble as my Golden Crow." Fen Shi Jin Crow laughed.

"How noble are you?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"Noble than you!"

"When you kneel down and beg me for food--"


The fire spirit of the Burning Golden Crow was extremely angry. It would get angry inexplicably at noon, turning God's anger into roasting, roasting on the Jiuchen Continent.

But no matter how angry it was in the past, it was not as angry as it is now.


In the world of flame void, a black world-burning golden crow fire spirit, flapping its wings soaring up, this is the real golden crow fire spirit, and the nine avatars around it have already turned into world-burning fire!

Condescendingly, the Golden Crow Fire Spirit slapped its wings, blazing flames into a pillar, and blasted towards Su Jin——

If he were bombarded, Su Jinrao would have three kinds of strange fires, and the Buddha's golden body would be difficult to carry, and he would be burned on the spot and completely fall!

"Drink!" Su Jin opened his eyes fiercely, and the three kinds of strange fires blessed the eyes, turning into two pillars of fire, and gushing over.

The two forces collided, the void was burned to pieces, the clear sky was gone, and the day turned into the night!

It can be seen with the naked eye that Su Jin's two pillars of flames are resisting the opponent's attack. The opponent is the fire spirit of the Burning World Golden Crow Flame. This way is obviously too strong!

An inch to kill--

Su Jin's fiery eyes were suppressed for the first time in this situation, and the flames of the two pillars were getting lower and lower, and the other side became stronger!

It has never been so weak.

Just like a vigorous human being who sees himself about to die, the process of waiting for death is very tormented. If the three kinds of strange fires are suppressed, their eyes will turn into golden eyes.

Su Jin will be swallowed and fall completely.

"Give up, you can't beat me, let alone get my approval--" The burning world golden crow thought came.

"Brother, it's so powerful, I can't hold it anymore." Just now Princess Huoer, when she just used her power, she turned into the original fire spirit and blessed the power of Qinghu Immortal Yan, and now there was a weak voice.

Su Jin did not respond to her.

The Great Wisdom Buddha pupil keeps shining——

"Originally, I thought that the emperor of the six daos is even the emperor of the six daos, but my six kinds of daocheng emperors can only simply blend and increase strength. This is not the right way!" In Su Jin's wisdom Buddha pupil, a certain kind of epiphany appeared.

For example, Su Jin can use the Sword Dao and Vulcan Dao to fuse, Buddhism and Vulcan Dao can be used to fuse, Demon Dao can also be fused with Vulcan Dao, but the three ways of "Fairy Ghost and Devil" have not tried to blend with Buddhism , But it does not exclude.

"What to do, what to do!"

Liu Changjia on the picture of the goddess holding the lotus, if she can cry now, I am afraid she will cry anxiously. At present, she has no idea and is at a loss.

"I'm going to fight for it, not being mad and not alive!"

At the juncture of life and death, Su Jinneng was calm and calm. Now his ‘Great Wisdom Buddha’s pupil’ helped him realize this point, and he realized that the true fusion of the six realms might be changed.

Su Jin took a deep breath and looked into the distance——

The creatures of the Jiuchen Continent are still looking forward to it, Xiao Tangtang is still waiting for him to return. If this is not successful, he will become a benevolent!

The remote Jiuchen Continent.

On the Rift Valley, Li Fengluo's heart was tight. She, like everyone else, looked at the black void that turned into an abyss, the huge Buddha statue, which was not big in their eyes.

But the flames from those two parties are competing, but they are clearly visible!

Su Jin has obvious disadvantages.

"Ah -" Li Fengluo suddenly exclaimed in the silent scene. In her vision, the fire column from the fiery eyes suddenly disappeared.

The Burning World Golden Crow Flame swallowed the Buddha Emperor's golden body in an instant!

"What's the matter? Has Shangxian been killed?" The old Qingmu clan said with a pale face.

"Shangxian is so powerful, he should not be killed. This is an illusion! It will definitely not be that simple!"

"We are cursed people, isn't the **** sent by God? But why help me wait?"

"Santa, you can't die!"

Sorrow is everywhere.

This is the real situation, but just now after Su Jin was ready, he stimulated the "Burning World Golden Crow".

"Dead Bird, uncle accompany you crazy once!" Su Jin said before being swallowed.

"Do you dare to scold me, I--" Fen Shijin Crow was about to fight back when he said, but he saw the other party's eyes closed.

"Just right, you come in for me to die! Close it!" Su Jin grabbed the fateful gourd, and then aimed at the fire spirit.

All heavenly creatures have fate, and Su Jin, the wisdom of this burning world golden crow, only gives sixty points. If it can burn the fateful gourd, or resist being taken away, he can only plan for the worst!


One after another, the madness began to be absorbed into the fateful gourd. The fire spirit of the "Burning World Golden Crow" was really extraordinary. While resisting the sucking, he said angrily: "You shame me!"

"Be obediently taken away by me, the heavens are so big, I will take you to see! Lao Tzu is now going to be strong against you, turn over and become the master, okay? Scum!" Su Jin said with a face.

"You, you are forcing me! The sky burns the world, and kills this humble human for me!" The chain was broken on the third leg of the Burning World Golden Crow Fire Spirit.


Above the black void, as if frozen, the color of white ice! This is a ruin!

Su Jin felt cold when he saw this, and saw the world-burning golden crow fire spirit, still resisting fate, although it was not taken away, but it has been restrained——

Immediately, Su Jin Buddha's golden body trembled!

Based on the golden body of the King of Life and Death, and the golden body of the Buddha emperor, the six realms merged together! Su Jin himself is the Six Dao Great Emperor, but he has never used the power of thorough fusion!

The gold body is plated with a layer of fairy light, this is the fusion of the immortal and the Buddha!

The three monstrous fires burst out from the inside out in the golden body, and a ‘fire sea’ belonging to the Vulcan Dao appeared!

The eyes of the golden body of Buddha and Dao turned into black, this is the fusion of ghost kings!

From the palm of the Buddha, a billion evil spirits worshipped Su Jin, shouting the grand language of the king of ghosts and the heavens for longevity!

Two drops of blood and tears dripped from the dark eyes, and the huge magic character filled the feet. In the blood red magic character, there were thousands of floating corpse visions and demon head visions!

Demon, merged into the golden body of the Buddha!

Who buried the sword, who was sobbing lonely in the old face?

Inside Su Jinjin's body, the gray stone heart was dripping with dazzling light, where is the sword of the sword body!

Juque and Longyuan turned into streamers that cut the void, wandering around the huge Buddha body!

The sky burned the world forbidden, and was burned into the color of fire iron. At this moment, it was like a burning continent, suppressed for life!

In a blink of an eye, I pressed it to the top of my head--

Su Jin held up the Buddha's palm and brazenly withstood it, he wanted to break through this sky!

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