My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2135: Reincarnation

The scene is out of control!

Su Jin's brain is blank. If he can't hold it, he can't say that he will be planted here this time. "The sky burns the world forbidden". He definitely has the ability and opportunity to kill him!

In the distant Jiuchen Continent, what the Qingmu clan can see is particularly clear——

The golden body of the Buddha exhibited by Su Jin was unprecedentedly huge, like a **** of war against the sky, standing up when the sky fell, the scene was extremely shocking.

"Ah! The Shangxian has taken a piece of the continent!" The Qingmu clan veteran exclaimed in an incredible way.

"It's over, the **** wants to rescue us, but it seems that he has been punished by the heavens, and the sky wants to kill him. Otherwise, how to explain the situation now?"

"It seems that Shangxian just passed by, seeing that we are in the heat, and then sent a benevolent heart to try to save him. It was we who caused the Shangxian!"

"Whoever wants to die must die, even if the **** has monstrous abilities, it is useless--"


The exclamation of the crowd made Girl Fengluo anxious. She originally thought it would not be that simple, but the current situation confirmed her conjecture.

"I want to come back alive..." Girl Fengluo murmured, staring at the scene that was born.

Li Fengluo has never wanted to live alone so much. She has never felt this before. It is a very complicated idea, but she really thinks that way.

Xiao Tangtang looked into the distance. She was still young and didn't understand anything. She turned her head back with a smile, grabbed a bunch of woven blue silk on her head in Li Fengluo's arms and started playing.

"Mother." Xiaotangtang asked.

"Huh?" Li Fengluo woke up from her absence and turned around.

"When will Dad be back—"

"Yes, it should be soon," Li Fengluo said in a flustered voice.

Hearing this, Xiao Tangtang's face showed a bright smile.

Su Jin is indeed very difficult now. With the golden body of the Buddha as the carrier, the dark eyes, and the two Buddha palms supporting the'City Burning Forbidden', the evil spirits fell and turned into blue smoke.

Many evil spirits were destroyed by the shock that appeared in that instant!

"The road I will take in the future is tens of thousands of times more difficult than it is at the moment. I can't even hold it. I can't talk about it!" Su Jin's temperament is unspeakable, but the anger resounds everywhere.

"The Heaven Burning World Forbidden can crush you to death. The more you fight, the stronger the suppression will be. You can't survive!" Burning World Golden Crow confronted the fateful gourd while laughing strangely.

The battle between the two seems to have become a war of attrition. The current situation is very unfavorable for Su Jin——

On the picture of the goddess holding the lotus, Liu Changjia sighed. Although Su Jin could now burst out with such strength, she had never expected it, but she had to say that things had developed to this point.

There is no retreat!

Even if you want to retreat, you have to be crushed by the Burning World Ban.

In a blink of an eye, 200 million evil spirits were wiped out, turned into blue smoke and disappeared from the arms and palms of the Buddha. Su Jin roared, and the three kinds of strange fires were intertwined and turned into a huge fire, attached to the prohibition of burning the world!

Burning the world, like the flame continent, constantly suppressed Su Jin, but his arms have been very hard!


The sky burns the world forbidden to show off his might, and he squats down again while trembling. The power this time is more than three times more than before!


Su Jin spit out blood, the Buddha emperor's golden body was pressed down five or six inches!

But the spine was not bent!

"Contend, the more you contend, the faster you die!"

The fire spirit of the Burning World Golden Crow quacked and laughed, the Fate Gourd restrained it, and it started to move away inch by inch. The current level of the Fate Gourd is still unable to collect it!

Su Jin's current consumption can almost be described as horror. Although there are tens of millions of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats and other true Buddhas chanting for him, they still can't make it out!

The current situation can be described as a desperate situation, no one knows what to do!

Besides, Su Jin couldn't let go. After letting go, he couldn't walk away, and he would be instantly suppressed by the'Heaven Burning the World'.

The horrible scene awakened the umbrella spirit of Nirvana Dragon Umbrella. The current situation made it desperate.

"It's a pity! Now if there are tens of thousands of catties of **** crystals for me to absorb, my'Umbrella Opens and Destroys the World' has a five-point confidence, and I will ban the burning of the world!" Xiao Umbrella said with a wry smile.

Su Jin did not respond to Xiao Umbrella's words.

The situation became weird.

Liu Changjia also felt that the situation was a bit weird, and Ma Shan asked, "Su Jin, can you still escape?"

After spending so much time together, Liu Changjia knew that Su Jin hated the word ‘escape’.

But at this moment after Liu Changjia said it, Su Jin didn't even respond. He even closed his eyes after spraying blood.

The Burning World Golden Crow continued to export one after another, strengthening its momentum, its bird eyes shrank, and the atmosphere was not right. It found an angry scene--

Su Jin is closing his eyes and enlightening!

You must know that now is the time when the Golden Crow is burning the world. It originally wanted to see the scene where Su Jin begged to let it go. Now the other party has not heard it, but is still enlightening!

Does this mean to look down on it?


Ji Ji Long Umbrella and Liu Chang Jia instantly discovered Su Jin's true state, and their hearts were like a calm sea, turning up a terrible sea!

What time is it! After holding up this sky, Zhencheng was still enlightened after being seriously injured. In such a strange situation, there is almost no second person to be found!

"I see how long you can hold on. In less than half a moment, the Burning World Forbidden will be superimposed eighteen layers, and that will be when you fall!" Burning World Golden Crow said coldly.

The angle is very mysterious-

Su Jin closed his eyes tightly, and the surrounding wind and clouds seemed to have nothing to do with him. From every angle, it became a state of motionlessness. At the top of the forbidden city, traces of traces formed lines and waves.

Sure enough, the ban on the burning of the world will automatically stack!

Three floors, five floors, nine floors, and eleven floors!

"Cough cough cough..." With every cough, Su Jin coughed up a mouthful of blood, but his breath did not weaken, his momentum did not weaken!

How to do how to do!

Ji Ji Long Umbrella couldn't find any possibility of surviving, and Liu Changjia's heart was also very anxious!

Soon, the World Burning Forbidden trembled, and the fifteen layers were already superimposed. Su Jin was almost unable to be supported by the Buddha's arms and palms. The flame continent that the Burning World Forbidden turned into had reached Su Jin's head!

At the moment of the moment, Su Jin opened his eyes fiercely, and the wheel of the sky secret that had just been shaken away was manifested under his feet!

Note that it is not behind, but really manifested under the feet——

The six paths of Taoism blend with each other and merge quickly, but they seem to be different and interdependent!

"It turns out that the Six Dao Great Emperors have the fusion skills! Fortunately, I noticed something wrong!" Su Jin laughed, and passed the voice to Jixi Long Umbrella and Liu Changjia.

"Six fusion skills?" Xiao Umbrella was stunned.

Liu Changjia also fell into a brief shocked silence--

Su Jin squinted, and immediately shouted: "The wheel of the secret of heaven! Six reincarnations!"

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