My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2136: One punch

Under the feet, the wheel of the secret of the sky is gorgeous, like a continent that has turned into a heavenly defender, ripples in the gorgeousness!

Six fusion skills-six reincarnation!

Originally, Su Jin had doubts about the power of the Six Dao Great Emperors. God did not allow the Six Dao Emperors to become emperors. Simply speaking, the power of using the six Dao Emperors could not threaten anyone at all!

But now, incarnate into the six reincarnations, this is just the fusion technique of the emperor realm!

In the future, Su Jin's six dao emperor realms will reach the top, and they will become the world realm of six daos! At that time, he was going to transform even more, transforming the world fusion skills... the world of six realms.

At that time-

Su Jin was excited thinking about it.

Of course, now that the crisis is ahead, Su Jin cannot tolerate thinking about it, when he utters the words "Six Paths of Reincarnation", the situation is reversed!

The six kinds of Daoguang surging surgingly on the wheel of the secret of the sky.

The sacred Buddhism's brilliance, the path is no longer, and it quickly condenses into a dense group of Buddha's light. Soon the Buddha's light emits a dim yellow'Buddha Ting', which is a kind of Buddha's real thunder, crackling and flickering.

That group of Buddhism actually condensed a avatar of Su Jin, but that avatar had no spiritual wisdom and looked like an imaginary Buddha created by pure Buddha power, and even its three eyes were golden.

On the Secret Wheel, all the Buddha's yellows disappeared!

Immediately, the dense black light quickly condensed into a ball, and the ghost king's virtual body condensed from the entire ghost road turned out, and the black ghost power disappeared on the huge sky secret wheel!

The two pure powers condensed the clone, and the wheel of heaven was suddenly empty!

A Su Jin clone appeared again, it was a fairy king!

Following that, the "modern and ancient devil emperor", under the thunder sensation, came out of the magic path!

Burying the sword, holding out the sword, the saint path of the sword body has become an emperor, and the emperor carrying the sword box is radiant--

Vulcan is fierce, burning all over, Vulcan's body is cloned, the whole body rises into the sky, and the same condensed appears!

The wheel of the secret sky dimmed, those mysterious ‘blue’, called the blue of the secret sky, but at this moment there are faint traces of graying, and the mystery seems to disappear.

The six clones surrounded Su Jin into a circle, and suddenly followed Su Jin's roar, the clone made the same roar!

Bang bang bang~~~

Behind the avatar of Buddhism and Dao, a door emerged from the town, that is Buddhism of Life and Death!

Once entering Buddhism, it is as deep as the sea, and the world is lonely from then on!

This is the true gate of Buddhism and Taoism!

Behind the ghost king is a portal printed with the "Ghost King Curse". When it is opened, evil ghosts and monsters roar inside, and the voice is full of conquering momentum, and the overbearing conqueror is fully revealed!

The fairy gate, shining brightly, opened behind the fairy king——

Immediately after the six pure clones, the portals were manifested. On the sword body door, there was the imprint of the domineering divine sword, with the breath of endless years.

Su Jin Buddha suddenly withdrew the Buddha's golden body, and was instantly merged by the Buddha Dao clone, opening a Buddhist gate behind him!


The eighteenth floor of the World Burning Ban was completely superimposed to complete success, and it crashed down!

The six dao clones merged with Su Jin in less than one breath!


Like five thunders, six colored thunders descended from heaven and earth, and Su Jin completely opened six ‘doors of reincarnation’ behind him!

The edge of the gate of reincarnation is surrounded by flames, engraved with ancient swords, devil heads, Buddha, fairy dragon, fire lotus, and ghost king curse!

It's not messy, on the contrary, it makes people look mysterious and unpredictable.

"This, this is the gate of reincarnation!" Liu Changjia manifested outside on the goddess holding lotus picture, panicking in shock.

"The Gate of Reincarnation! How could it be!" Ji Mie Long Umbrella exclaimed in shock.

Huaxia Jifu also has a gate of reincarnation, but it is made of various materials, controlled by the book of life and death, and can reincarnate creatures.

But comparing the two, there is simply a huge difference! No one has ever been able to condense the ‘gate of reincarnation’ by himself, and this method is absolutely against the sky!

"I want you to God, you will no longer enjoy the incense of the Jiuchen Continent. Everyone there, every creature who kneels down and worships me, will enter my reincarnation!"

Su Jin smiled slightly, "In the future, I will rob you of your common people and treat me as heaven. Your punishment to sentient beings will become ridiculous!"

While speaking, in the gate of reincarnation, it seems that there are various souls of the Qingmu clan faintly branded in it, and the worshipped creatures are included in his reincarnation, and when they die in the future, they will not take the fate of heaven!

It's too late to say, it's fast, Su Jin looked at the falling World Burning Forbidden, that is like a red iron continent, which stretches forever!

But at this moment, instead of retreating, Su Jin soared into the sky!

Welcome up!

That seemingly ordinary punch blasted on the'Burning World Ban', and with just one punch, it was directly blown up like a burning iron heaven!

"Impossible!" Fen Shi Jin Crow screamed, with an incredible tone of voice.

I don't believe it!

Su Jinmo was flying, and in the meteor fire group that was destroyed by the burning world and turned into a rustle, his expression was unbelievable!

"One punch! Six Dao Emperors' fusion skills, Six Dao Reincarnations are so strong?" Nirvana Dragon Umbrella was so excited.

"He's a miracle!" Liu Changjia was very frightened, Su Jin's strength made her feel scared, this is just a friend, if it is an enemy, you can imagine!

The Fen World Golden Crow was in a daze, "You weren't that strong just now. How can you achieve the point where you can break the Fen World prohibition? This is impossible, it's not true!"

Until now, the fire spirits of the Burning World Golden Crow Flame did not believe it!

"Because I discovered the secret of God not allowing the Six Dao Ancestors to become Emperors--" Su Jin looked at the Burning World Golden Crow.

The reason for not allowing the Six Dao Ancestors to become emperors is because of the fusion skills!

Su Jin secretly called it a pity.

Although this fusion is strong, it is not invincible, because the loss of power is too great, almost exhausting the power on the wheel of the secret. It is not known how long it will take for the wheel of the secret to replenish itself.

And the time is short!

Just a blow, blasted the World Burning Ban, and almost consumed 80% of his fusion skills!

If this were the case, Su Jin faced a Taoist priest and used this skill to kill the opponent, but if he faced two or three at the same time, it would definitely be miserable.

After all, the strength is in vain, killing one or two Taoist priests, the third one will definitely make him impossible to go.

Thinking of this, Su Jin stepped into the void, walked not far from the Burning World Golden Crow, and said lightly: "Now you have two ways to go!"

"Which way?" Fen Shi Jin Crow was trembling in shock.

"One is to surrender to me and strengthen my fire god! The second is to die for me and be completely crushed by me!" Su Jin's eyes were fierce.

Immediately, under the fierce eyes, Su Jin protruded a huge Buddha palm and held the fire spirit of the Burning World Golden Crow in his hand.

Su Jin was also very worried.

Now his power is in short supply and he can no longer extinguish this flame!

Su Jin is betting and fighting a psychological battle. If he succeeds, he can collect the fire. If he fails and is seen by the opponent, Su Jin will end badly!

The Fen World Golden Crow stared at Su Jin closely, and faintly saw Su Jin's condition. He actually laughed wickedly and slowly said:

"I choose—"

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