My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2137: Eager to save mother

Choose one of the two, which way would the Burning World Golden Crow choose?

In the palm of the Buddha of Life and Death, Su Jin squinted his eyes to increase his final strength, revealing a prominent suppressive aura, and the Burning Golden Crow observed for a while--

In the end, the Burning World Golden Crow lowered its noble head and said, "I choose the first way! Return to the six masters!"

It is often very difficult to make a choice. In the past, I chose the right path for thousands of times, but once I missed it, it ceased to exist. Su Jin’s revealed posture dispelled all doubts of the Burning World Golden Crow!

Su Jin remained silent, nodded, the Buddha's fingers circled around the mark of the "Ghost King Curse", and the mark entered the spirit of the "Burning World Golden Crow"!


Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief. The clothes behind him were already wet with sweat. He was fortunate that at the last moment, no flaws were revealed, otherwise he would not even be able to walk away, let alone collecting the "Burning World Golden Crow"!

Under the feet, the Vulcan Dao of the Wheel of Secret of the Sky began to emit a hot brilliance!

Su Jin immediately sat cross-legged in the void, looking at the burning golden crow's eyes, gradually becoming reverent, his heart moved, and the golden crow screamed loudly--


The dark red burning world golden crow's original flame was absorbed by the wheel of heaven secret, and in the wheel of heaven underfoot, the burning world golden crow was bathed in flames!

The other three kinds of strange fires are intertwined, Su Jin raised his head, roared, and the flames rushed into the sky!

Four kinds of strange fires, only this kind of world-burning golden crow made him reach the highest point of the Vulcan Dao Emperor! It can be seen how powerful this "Burning World Golden Crow Flame" is!

The dark eyes faded, and the Buddha's light filled the wheel of the heavenly secret. Except for the Vulcan Dao, the six kinds of Daohui dimmed, and I don't know when they will recover.

Sure enough, although the Six Dao imperial realm fusion skills are strong, they have great shortcomings. Su Jin now has the Vulcan Dao boosting his strength, but the other five Dao are at a loss.

Immediately, the Sky Secret Wheel under his feet disappeared, Su Jin still did not get up, and began to condense the four kinds of strange fires. He wanted to explore the mystery of the Burning World Golden Crow Flame.

In the remote Jiuchen Continent.

Because of the absence of the "Burning World Golden Crow", the evening sun was particularly refreshing, and the temperature quickly dropped to a normal level.

"Shang, Shangxian succeeded!" The old Qingmu clan's tears of excitement spread all over his face.

"The disaster is finally over! Shangxian used his boundless mana and rescued the creatures on the Jiuchen Continent--" The clansmen couldn't help but cheered.

"It's been a long time since I looked up at the setting sun like this. I didn't expect to see the Golden Crow being taken away in my lifetime. The gods are too powerful!"

"When will Shangxian come back?"

While some people were happy, they asked this question.

Girl Fengluo is holding Xiaotangtang, and she is also thinking about when Su Jin will return. It should be quick to think about it. After all, the disaster has been resolved and it is only a matter of time before she returns.

After a quarter of an hour, Su Jin opened his eyes. This is not a place to practice. The mystery of the Vulcan Road is not completely understood in a short time. Thinking of this, he got up and raised his head——

The phantom of the Burning Golden Crow was condensed around, and the two ink red wings on both sides were clearly visible!


Flapping his wings, Su Jin was surprised to find that the speed of going back was faster than when he came, but although the beast of the Burning World Golden Crow is a strange fire, it is still a medium flame bird after all, with wings...just fast!

Soon, the nine suns dimmed, and thick dark clouds rolled from north to south.

"Rumble—" Thunder made a sound in the clouds, and in the northern sky, the blue lightning, like a net, was densely packed, filling a side of the sky.

There is a golden dragon in the thick dark clouds, moving clouds and rain, and when visible to the naked eye, violent storms and rain are blowing, moisturizing the ground with large cracks!

"It's raining, it's raining!" The Qingmu tribe, his face was slapped by the rain.

Many people ran excitedly in the rain, constantly shouting, their voices getting smaller and smaller, the heavy rain poured down, and the unprecedented joy is beyond words——

On the Great Rift Valley, there are dead old trees, and in the shade above the roots, a few shoots are pushed out, opening up new green leaves.

The bean-like vegetation rushed out of the soil, and the greenery continued--

No one could see that in the void above the dense dark clouds, in front of a **** ship, Su Jinmo was flying, standing with his hands behind.

"We are leaving, he asked me to thank you for your hospitality." Girl Fengluo looked at the Qingmu elder, and told the Qingmu elder what Su Jin had just transmitted.

"Shangxian is going to leave? Can you leave more time, let us thank you for the great kindness of Shangxian!" The old Qingmu clan's posture was very low and low, and his tone was full of gratitude.

"It doesn't have to be this way, it's fine." Li Fengluo hugged Xiao Tangtang and walked into the void, looking back at the Jiuchen Continent where the rain fell down——

Those figures knelt down, faintly calling out to worship Su Jin.

Farther and farther~~~

Li Fengluo landed on the bow.

"I have observed that there is no long-distance teleportation formation here. We need to find another place." Su Jin turned his handsome face slightly to the side, and when Li Fengluo saw her, she felt tight.

"Where are we going?" Girl Fengluo asked.

"Think of a way to go to'Tai Brahma', there are great things that I have not completed." Su Jin drove the Nine Elephants Flying Boat and washed away the void.

"What's the matter." Li Fengluo was a little curious, it was absolutely no small matter to make Su Jin a big deal.

"Save my mother--" Su Jin's face was a little more tired.

Su Jin is indeed very tired now, but he is eager to save his mother! Originally, going to be the Lord of Brahma would rank first, but compared with my mother, it is no longer worth mentioning!

Girl Fengluo was silent. She knew that Su Jin was a man with a story. There was nothing to ask about, he had his own plan!


Su Jin waved his hand lightly, splitting the void, the dark color, I don't know how far-reaching it is.

Nine Elephant Flying Boat rushed in.

"Void Abyss, you!" Girl Fengluo's face was pale.

The emperor realm is in the abyss of void, it is simply looking for death, it is a place of eternal exile.

"I have the means to come out, don't worry." Su Jin said.

Only then did Li Fengluo's complexion turn around. Sure enough, the Six Dao Great Emperors were extraordinary. If she strayed into it, she would be scared to cry——

"It's dark, sleep." Xiao Tangtang yawned again and again, hugged Li Fengluo's jade neck, lay on her shoulders, and closed her eyes.

"There are rooms in the boat." Su Jin motioned.


Before long, Li Fengluo put Xiaotangtang on the bed in the cabin.

When Li Fengluo came out, she was a little embarrassed to see Su Jin in front of the stone table on the deck.

Su Jin did not speak, and faced Li Fengluo on his side, and hugged her willow waist directly——

"Huh? What do you want to do?"

Li Fengluo screamed. She leaned back and was placed on a stone table behind her back. The small feet under her long legs could touch the ground, and her posture was awkward.

Su Jin leaned forward, breathing on Li Fengluo's face, it was a male domineering aura!

One hand was pressed by Li Fengluo's back.

Slowly, Su Jin lowered his head slightly and looked at the position beyond her jade neck.

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