My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2139: You bullied me again


Girl Fengluo was stunned, "Why are you leaving?"

After speaking, Li Fengluo glanced at the memorial tablet he was holding. I don't know that this memorial tablet was made by He Shenmu. The breath of the vicissitudes of life was on his face, but the engraving of a few large characters was shocking!

‘First test the longevity of the **** Ling Gao’!

A line of vertical writing was written on the sacred wooden tablet, and Miss Fengluo almost threw it away, her pretty face was bloodless and pale, even her body was trembling.

Su Jingang wanted to explain, but after seeing Li Fengluo's abnormal reaction, he couldn't help but look at the sacred wooden tablet, his face sank.

Can't calm down!

The two words "first test" are honorifics to the father who has passed away, but it is obviously not important. The important ones are the words "God" and "Changsheng"!

In the great world of the heavens, the general uniform hierarchy is divided into:

Emperor Realm: The Great Emperor.

World Realm: Venerable and female nuns are female.

Three Steps of the Way of Heaven: Dao Zun!

The nine realms of Shinto, that is, the realms of Shinto: Supreme!

The longevity stage is called the ‘God’!

Obviously, this tablet was erected by the children of the **** Linggao. Once the cultivation base reached the longevity stage, he still died!

Su Jin's scalp was numb.

"It is not advisable to stay here for a long time, and go fast--" Su Jin embraced Girl Fengluo's waist with one hand, planning to take the Nine Elephant Flying Boat first and stay away from here.

"Hey hey, speak clearly before you hug me." Li Fengluo struggled lightly.

"not good!"

Su Jin's expression became extremely ugly, and the Nine Elephant Flying Boat shook in a large arc. He put it in the palm of his hand and placed it in the bone ring. The blue brilliance around it opened the curtain.

From the naked eye, this kind of prohibition method far exceeds the strength that Su and Jin can achieve!

Miss Feng Luo was stunned, knowing that she had missed the best opportunity, because the two had been included in this mysterious restriction!

"I, I, I'm wrong." Miss Feng Luo knew that she had made a mistake, panicked, she lowered her head and dared not look at Su Jin's eyes.

A hint of irritation flashed across Su Jin's face, but seeing her performance, his heart softened, naturally it was not easy to blame, and he was not the kind of person who blamed girls.

"Six fingers cover the sky, break it to me!" Su Jin turned his right arm into a dragon arm, flipped his hand and patted it in front of——

The tried-and-tested method, shooting on this kind of prohibition, is like a mortal shooting on a mountain wall, without the slightest shock at all!

This is a big trouble!

Su Jin had been on guard before, and he hadn't walked on this broken continent of blood-colored soil, but he couldn't get out of it.

"It's my fault." Miss Feng Luo was still blaming herself, seeing that Su Jin failed to break the barrier, she almost shed tears in a hurry.


Su Jin sighed, provoked her chin, and said seriously: "Since it comes, you will be safe, didn't you ask why you are leaving? I will show you--"

Immediately, Su Jin waved his hand gently, revealing what he saw.

To the north, that is the central area of ​​the damaged continent, where there are more than a thousand rift rivers, blood constantly flowing out of the soil, converging into a long tree-shaped river!

The scene was vague, and the entire damaged continent seemed to be breathing and roaring.

And this is obviously not more terrifying, the roar is emitted from a certain underground in the mainland, in the extremely far above, in the more than one thousand rift rivers, the blood is fogged and rolled into the void!

There was a running giant there, carrying a section of green-red sacred wood that was half carbonized. Although it was only a section, it was ten thousand meters in length, and its width even exceeded the giant's shoulders.

"This...what should we do?" Girl Feng Luo was suffocated.

"Go up." Su Jin's face was solemn.

"I'm afraid that on this continent, even the strong in the longevity realm will die." Li Fengluo said, her mouth tightly closed.

"What are you afraid of? While there is still time, tell your regrets!" Su Jin joked, easing the tension.

"What regret?" Li Fengluo didn't understand, but it sounded strange.

"For example, I want you, and you want me, isn't it a pity—"


Li Fengluo gritted his teeth, what is it all about? When is this, Su Jin is still in the mood to make such a joke, which really makes her angry.

And even more annoying, Su Jin said that he has time?

Have time to stay here but wish?

With her cheeks bulging, Miss Fengluo looked straight at Su Jin, with a little embarrassment and a smile that wouldn't let you succeed.

Without delay, Li Fengluo was a little nervous, clutching Su Jin's arm with both hands, followed him nervously, and stepped onto the scarlet land.

Girl Fengluo's heart was beating in a hurry, her tender skirt, long white legs, and delicate gray animal leather boots tied around her thin ankles, the scarlet land, the ground was soft.

When her little gray boots stepped on, the soil oozes blood, and the edges of the shoes were stained, which made her feel very uncomfortable.



Here, Li Fengluo would rather stay in the extreme cold and deep space, or the Jiuchen Continent, and be baptized by ice and fire! Obviously, this place is more than a thousand times more dangerous than those two places!

"Mu Ziye--" After walking for about a hundred steps, Girl Fengluo stopped eagerly and refused to go.

"I said my name is Su Jin." Su Jin glanced at her.

"It doesn't matter, I will call it that way."

"Then you can ask a brother to listen, to warm up this king's heart. After all, I just left and didn't leave, all thanks to you—"

"Zi...Brother Midnight." Li Fengluo's silly expression, the quality of beauty is a bit high.

"Have you ever kissed a man?" Su Jin asked.

"Bah, baah! You are so bad, why are you mentioning such a shameful topic again—"

"answer me."


"It's a bit of a failure."

"Say I failed without having kissed? What theory!"

Girl Fengluo was anxious. She was born in Ji Yaotian, born as a fairy. At a certain age, when it is difficult to improve her practice, the talents there will consider looking for Taoists.

Besides, where is it so easy to find? You don't want the bad ones, and the good ones are hard to come by. If you really look for a lady like Li Fengluo, you will definitely choose one in a thousand.



Su Jin was fast as lightning, lowered her head and kissed her little mouth fiercely, making Li Fengluo who was impatient, blinded her eyes.

"Hahaha! You succeeded!" Su Jin made an expression that recognized her very much.

"You bullied me again." Miss Feng Luo said dumbfounded.

"I am helping you complete an achievement." Su Jin refused to admit to bullying her.

"It's so irritating, go by yourself, I won't go with you!" Girl Feng Luo was a little embarrassed, and various embarrassed expressions appeared on her face.

Su Jin calmed down, "Okay, just stay here and don't move, but I remind you, close your eyes and don't look back—"

no way back? What's behind?

This made Girl Fengluo fear in her heart.

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