My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2140: Desperate place

What's behind?

Just after a hundred steps, there was nothing, and Miss Feng Luo became curious in her heart. She was a very curious girl.

Besides, Su Jin is very clear. If you don't leave, close your eyes and don't look back. She must be leaving, so if you look at it now, there is no problem!

Immediately, Li Fengluo slowly turned her head away——

"Ah!" Li Fengluo let out an overwhelmingly frightened voice.

When the call appeared, Li Fengluo chose to close her eyes for the first time, and hooked Su Jin's neck with one arm, most of her cheeks pressed against Su Jin's face!

Behind them, the footprints of the two people.

A puff of blood condensed from the footprints, and even blood corpses condensed out, with aversion on the face, missing mouth and nose, and even missing half of the head.

"On this remnant land, there are only ghasts. Our vitality helps them condense. After all, it is because of the blood." Su Jin patted her back, watching her still shaking.

"You hold me~~~" Girl Fengluo made a faint voice.


"I said you take me away!"

"Carry you!"

"You, don't go too far--"

Girl Fengluo flushed, opened a gap in her big eyes, and then walked around with her legs. With a jump with her little feet, Su Jin caught her two legs.

Carrying is obviously better than holding. Girl Fengluo hugged Su Jin's neck from behind, and the intimacy was obvious.

Su Jin didn't respond. The skin on Li Fengluo's legs made his heart and soul tremble, and the more beautiful feeling was the back, but it was obviously not the time to experience it carefully.

Happy fairy step!

The peak footwork reappeared, and the blood corpses were invisible in an instant. Li Fengluo's heartbeat gradually calmed down. Although she was in a desperate situation, she was carried by Su Jin, but she felt an unconcealable sense of security.

That is a girl's unique feeling-

The Six Dao Emperor kissed her.

Six Dao Great Emperor embraced her.

Six Dao Great Emperor carried her.

Perhaps Su Jin’s previous achievement was a joke, but this is definitely a real achievement. If you are another girl in Ji Yaotian, you may not be treated like this.

There is a consensus in the heavens and the great world, that the strong is respected over there! If Su Jin was a beggar by the side of the road, it is estimated that no matter how simple and poor the dinosaur sister was, she would not give him a glance.

This is a very practical truth.

Su Jin carried Fengluo on his back and walked in the void. There are many mountains in the **** land. Those mountains are red and blue, like a vein, this moment is thousands of miles away when it comes.

Stopped in the void.

About tens of meters below, a mountain peak is densely packed with green and red tablets. This is a mountain burial for the whole family, from the longevity ancestor to the Yingxian tribe, one by one.

There are eighty-seven mountains all around--

"The creatures in this continent may have been wiped out by the disasters that followed." Feng Luo's face was pressed against Su Jin's hair, and she was very relieved and said her opinion.

"Disaster, curse." Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, all he felt was negative energy.

"That's right—" Li Fengluo said.

The consensus is that if this is not the case, who made these tablets? If not, why is there no living beings in the entire continent?

Su Jin fell silent.

In the Great China World, the current world extinction catastrophe has not yet ended. Perhaps it will become such a situation sooner or later. Su Jin has not seen this kind of scene for the first time, but it is rather strange here.

"Brother Midnight, why are you not talking suddenly?" Girl Feng Luo panicked and felt a kind of sadness, that kind of sadness appeared in Su Jin.

"My home is in the midst of annihilation. God forbids it to exist anymore. Not long ago, I just burned a clean ant nest." Su Jin said.

"Ah? It's so serious!" Li Fengluo said in a strange way.

"So, if you fall and cry on the ground, no one will stretch your hand. If you fall half-dead and still get up and continue fighting, everyone will make way for you. Who will show you the cowardice if you are not strong?"

Su Jin's tone gradually became firm. He firmly believed that his head against the sky was correct, and then he slowly said: "When the kind God tears off the mask completely, you will find that there is no chance to kneel down. !"


Girl Fengluo grew up and has never experienced a catastrophe. She has always been cared by her family in her palms. Now she has heard Su Jin say this——

Although I don't have a deep understanding, it also makes sense.

Su Jin retracted his gaze, swept away the negative energy, and continued to drive to the middle.

Perhaps the most dangerous place is the breakthrough. If you want to get out of the restriction in this realm and go north, you may be able to use the unstable energy there to open the barrier and leave.

Otherwise, there is no other way!

Su Jin carried Li Fengluo on his back and walked cautiously for another three hundred miles, seeing a strange existence for the first time in the illusory environment.


Maybe it can't be called a creature!

It was a kind of bone flower, dazzling with black energy, rooted on a three-eyed lion demon.

This three-eyed lion demon is severely petrified, with plum blossom marks on its body, black stone horns with splits on its head, two forefoot being chopped off, and three eyes dug out strangely——

The hollow eye sockets, the majestic posture seems to reproduce the fierce power of the year!

"Horrible." Li Fengluo's heart beat as anxious as a drum.

"The demon lion of the immortal realm." Su Jin's eyes sharpened.

Will there be one day.

His three divine eyes were dug out like this lion. There was a Dao Zun who was against the heavens, and his eyes were taken away. During the peak period, there was no resistance.

But now this terrifying and mighty longevity lion demon made Su Jin vigilant.

"It's not known here. I have never heard of such horrible things." Girl Fengluo meant that Su Jin wanted to find a way to leave quickly.

Su Jin remained unmoved and asked, "Look at it, what's so peculiar about it?"

"I don't feel anything else, I don't know how many years have passed since I died--" Li Fengluo shook his head.

"No, look at its posture." Su Jin said coldly.

"What's wrong?" Li Fengluo looked at the body of the demon lion that had been petrified.

"The forefoot was cut off, obviously because the lion refused to kneel down. This is because God wanted it to die. Cutting off the forefoot meant worshiping God--" Su Jin said slowly.

"Huh? It seems to mean that, you are so smart." Li Fengluo didn't even notice this detailed story.

"Go, this **** continent makes me feel uneasy, and there seems to be a heart beating underground." Su Jin clenched his brows tightly and did not stay here.

There are many things to be solved. The closer you get to the middle, the more worried Girl Fengluo is. Who is the giant carrying the sacred tree?

Although Su Jin is the emperor of the six realms, there are only two experts in the immortal realm here, and there may be many others who don’t know--

In this way, the two reached the edge of the blood river in the rift valley!

But when they got here, Su Jin and Li Fengluo felt directly--

No way to escape!

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