My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2142: I fear pain!

Have a hammer!

The world owes Su Jin an Oscar figurehead!

Acting, still acting! Li Fengluo felt the gap between himself and Su Jin. This guy is too capable of pretending. If he was an ordinary person, who would dare to pretend to be in front of the longevity seniors?

But Su Jin was able to calm down, and he took a fancy to the grey-cyan wooden hammer, saying that the wooden hammer was indeed very good, with traces on it, which was very mysterious.

"It's okay to send you--" the mysterious giant's faint voice, with an extremely aggrieved tone.

Said he was going to throw the bleeding river map.

"Wait!" Su Jin burst out.

"What else?"

"The predecessor's magical skills are beyond the world, the master and servant brand left on this magic weapon must still be there, please completely refine it before throwing it over."

Su Jin didn't have any humble tone, instead he insisted: "Although I am in the imperial realm, I am not an ordinary emperor. If I detect anything wrong with this hammer, I will leave directly, and the seniors will be trapped forever!"

"You'd better not play tricks with me." The mysterious giant threatened.

"If you don't believe me, I will leave--"

"Wait!" The mysterious giant behaved eagerly.

In the battle of wits and courage, the mysterious giant stopped talking, grabbed the gray-blue wooden hammer, waved off the supernatural light on it, and immediately burst out a mighty power!

With a fierce throw, the gray-blue wooden hammer, under the suppression of the blood river map, could emit a brilliant brilliance, flew out of the turbulent catalogue, and was thrown around in a whirl.


Su Jin's eyes were red, and two beams of fire were freed up to shine on the grey-blue wooden hammer.

If this treasure can be burned, it is naturally a fart treasure. If it can't be burned, Su Jin's "fire eyes and golden eyes" can see the mystery.

Sure enough, all the marks of the master and servant were removed and turned into a masterless thing. When the wooden hammer flew out, it had shrunk to a normal size.

Then Su Jin grabbed the wooden handle without hesitation, and deep in his pupils flashed a fierceness that was not noticed by anyone.

"This hammer has continued my current 30% cultivation base. You only need to do one thing for me and you can leave." The mysterious giant grew weaker and weaker, said.

"What's the matter." Su Jin closed his eyes and branded the Ghost King Curse in. Suddenly, the gray-blue wooden hammer exudes a breath of vicissitudes of life.

"You walk along the land of the source of the blood river for five thousand feet, and you will see a blood spring. Use this hammer to smash my 30% strength into it, that is, it has nothing to do with you."

"No problem -" Su Jin held the grey-cyan wooden hammer and agreed.

"So we can leave?" Girl Fengluo asked Su Jin.

"Go." Su Jin passed a word to Girl Fengluo with his mind.

Li Fengluo was at a loss, and Su Jin took her little hand, and started to walk towards the blood spring where the mysterious giant said.

I really don't understand Su Jin--

Before I said that I could not help, now that I have benefited, I still did what the giant said.

Observing Su Jin's face silently, Li Fengluo didn't notice anything wrong, but she was strange in her heart. It was true that she won the treasure. If the mysterious giant was released, the two would still not be able to leave!

Five thousand feet, to be honest, not far away!

Both Su and Jin spent less than ten breaths before seeing the gushing blood spring.

The blood spring is bright red, and the blood is hot--

Beside the blood spring, there is a beautiful human bone with complete bones. A lantern with a gray stone edge and a jade grip is tilted on the ground.

A sense of sadness, a sense of desolation, even the silly girl Li Fengluo felt it, she didn't know why she was so, she wanted to cry.

Su Jin had no expression on his face, opened his eyebrows, "Mohe Town Prison Eye", and said silently "Reverse Void"!

The scenes came to mind.

It was a year of annihilation of the world, covering the sky and covering the sun, and the lives were overwhelmed. Every moment, people died. The only place was warm, and there was no one attached to the lantern, with the hosta, walking in that night.

Perhaps it was too much sadness, no one lay down weakly, tears rolled from the corners of his eyes, the lantern was tilted, and a hole was melted on that side regardless.

No one touched the earth, touched the edge of the blood spring, the ink hair was blown away, and no one could beat the black red wind——

In the last hoarse, the beauty cried out heartbreakingly:

"I want to know each other, and my life will never fail. The mountains have no mausoleums, and the rivers are exhausted! Winter thunder shakes, spring and autumn rains and snow, heaven and earth are united, I dare to be with you!

The black hair was white, the vitality of life was blown away by the red wind, and the snow-like body was hung up, leaving behind white bones.

That is, in that night, the earth pulsated, torn apart into a tree-shaped rift valley, and blood surged to the earth.

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes.

"Why did this senior lie here?" Li Fengluo looked at the pale hair behind the skull and learned that it was a woman.

"Troubled by love, desperate for love, don't touch anything of her." Su Jin reminded.

Originally, Li Fengluo squatted down and wanted to touch the extraordinary octagonal lantern. It felt that the wisdom of the ancients was still very powerful, but it was a pity that it ruined one side.

A big hole was burned out on that side, and the mystery was lost.

"Oh." Li Fengluo nodded silly.

In this continent, there were many strong people back then, and there were even many strong people in the immortal realm. The Great Tribulation of World Destruction destroyed everything here, and no one could escape.

Su Jin has some concerns, and maybe one day, he will also embark on this path.

"This elder sister must have been beautiful and young, but why did she die here?" Li Fengluo asked puzzled.

She knew that Su Jin was very smart.

I'm afraid I have expected everything a long time ago, and there is a truth that I could not think of.

"The unworldly strong man she loves has melted the earth, and his blood is not cold, and his heart is beating, but the unworldly strong man still has not changed the fate of this continent being destroyed." Su Jin has a seed. A sense of awe.

"Huh? Still alive?" Li Fengluo took a step backwards in shock.

"Dead, it's impossible to live." Su Jin pointed sideways and said, "Remember that there are giants carrying sacred trees in the void?"


"That is the **** of the giant predecessor just now, trapped here and suppressed by the blood river map, he will never leave forever."

"Who is good and who is bad?" Li Fengluo asked weakly, tiring thinking about so many things.

Su Jin looked at her listless appearance, pinched the gray-cyan hammer, put his hands on her shoulders face to face, and asked, "Next, I have to do something."

"what's up?"

"Of course you have to go out, but the process will be very dangerous. Ninety-nine percent of you will die. Are you afraid." Su Jin smiled gently.

Girl Fengluo's face was panicked, she swallowed, her heart was obviously very nervous, and she said, "But, but I'm afraid of pain--"

No matter how stupid the girl was, hearing Su Jin said this, she knew that the matter was very serious and very dangerous, but the two of them had no choice.

Afraid of pain naturally means that when you die, you obviously have a visceral thought.

Su Jin comforted her, eyes twinkling, calmly said:

"I will try, if I can, I will let you live, I will die first..."

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