My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2143: Go forward, don't look back!

Su Jin died first?

Let yourself live?

Li Fengluo stared at Su Jin's face, a little confused at first, but Su Jin's expression was not contrived!

Inexplicably, there was a special warmth in Miss Fengluo's heart. She also knew that this place was very dangerous. Although she didn't know what Su Jin was going to do, if he couldn't survive, he would not escape death.

"Without you, I can't get out of the abyss of void, it's better to be together—" Li Fengluo's eyes were firm, staring at Su Jin, and said softly.

"Okay, let's take a fight!" Su Jinhao became angry, and the self-confidence he had lost was returned at that moment.

What else can I do?

That's it!

"How to do it? Do you need my help?" Li Fengluo found that after spending so long with Su Jin, she couldn't help even a little bit of help. There was nothing he could do about the difficulties he faced.

In the past, Li Fengluo, as the eldest lady of Yunjian Mountain in the "Jade Yaotian", was not only talented, but also very confident. This time she would help even if she was a little help!

"Before I do it, you must be very curious, why I promised to help that mysterious giant——" Su Jin said lightly.

"Yeah, tell me, you are too smart, I dare not think about what you do." Li Fengluo had a lot of doubts.

First of all, Su Jin told the mysterious giant before that he and the two have found a way to leave. There is a lot of deception and deception, but it feels like he is setting up something.

"I just said that he can't break up with this wooden hammer, otherwise I can't help him!" Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said, "He broke his faith in me, and he wants to cut me off!"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"In this hammer, there is a trace of killing intent he left behind, the killing intent of a strong longevity realm. It only takes a moment, I can't live--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Then why do you dare to pick it up?" Li Fengluo's face changed, she didn't expect this situation at all. Although she knew it would not be so easy, she was too easy to trust people.

I thought that if I helped the seniors, I might let them leave here.

wrong! Wrong!

"This is your hope of surviving, you follow me closely--" Su Jin stroked her little face.

"Okay." Li Fengluo nodded, knowing that no problems should arise.

With a grim expression on Su Jin's expression, he glanced at the gushing blood spring, and immediately he raised the grey-blue wooden hammer, and the whole person stepped on a happy fairy step...

"Go!" Su Jin roared.


Li Fengluo understood Su Jin's meaning in a ghostly mess, it was really too risky!

Su Jin actually wanted to borrow 30% of the power stored by the mysterious giant in the wooden hammer to blast the divine forbidden sky above. You must know that in the mountains and rivers, perhaps this wooden hammer could not exert its full strength.

But the surrounding area and the sky above are the weakest places, this grey-cyan wooden hammer can definitely succeed!

Girl Fengluo is not slow, and the void dome is coming in the blink of an eye, and a black boat is glowing with black light, about the size of a palm, Xiyan flies in front of her and is caught by her!

"Brother Midnight!" Li Fengluo knew that Su Jin did this to let her take Xiaotangtang away. After all, Xiaotangtang was sleeping in the Nine Elephant Flying Boat not long ago.

"Go forward and don't turn your head back!" Su Jin used all the power of the Six Dao Great Emperors, coupled with the magnificent blessing of the Wheel of Secrets, to truly activate the power of giants contained therein.

At that moment, God Forbidden instinctively responded, and the arc-shaped round enchantment became more and more obvious, but Su Jin fiercely swung the wooden hammer and smashed it toward the sky!


The horror **** forbidden barrier was blasted, the surrounding space became unstable, and a crack in the void of the abyss appeared.

"Brother Midnight, I'm waiting for you outside, you must live back..."

Li Fengluo didn't intend to give up the opportunity Su Jin created for her, but at the end of the sentence, the word ‘come back’, before she finished speaking, she saw that Su Jin’s body seemed to stiffen--

Feng Luo covered her small mouth, and a sobbing voice appeared. The tears in her eyes could no longer be stopped for an instant, and she flowed down, and she rushed out of the barrier...

Turning around, Li Fengluo watched as the barrier was healing quickly.

And that man, lost all his power, like a meteor, swiftly across the clouds, his whole body billowing in black death, drawing a radian.

Su Jin was only in the emperor realm, even the Six Dao Great Emperors, when facing the longevity realm gods, did not have a trace of resistance, even though it was just a murderous aura.

Li Fengluo's heartstrings were deeply touched.

Actually, she is not smart.

With Su Jin's wisdom, she can be deceived, and encourage her to hold the wooden hammer and blast open the forbidden barrier, then Su Jin can live alone, but now this man has given her the hope of survival!

The nine elephant flying boat rose in the wind, Li Fengluo squatted on the deck, crying--


With long icy blue hair that is kneeling, Xiao Tangtang rubbed her eyes still confused, and after hearing the heart-piercing voice of Girl Fengluo, she appeared from the room and walked to the deck.

Li Fengluosu wiped away the tears with her hand and stabilized her emotions. The sad expression on her face was obvious. She asked softly, "Did I wake you up?"

"What about Dad~~~" Xiao Tangtang looked around, but didn't see Su Jin's figure, and asked curiously.

"Your father is still inside, let's wait for him to come out!" Li Fengluo said firmly.

"Yeah!" Xiaotangtang blew the tears on Li Fengluo's face painfully.

Miss Feng Luo looked at the restored God forbidden barrier, she recalled the last scene.

The black life surrounded by Su Jin could not be said to have completely died, but that the mysterious giant had already resorted to means. Of course, although Su Jin's hope of surviving was very slim, Li Fengluo still planned to wait.

Over the **** land, Su Jin dived down with his head and feet closed.

Death drew a path, and he was now in a state of devilishness, his whole body was burnt with flesh and flesh, and his consciousness was unknown!

"If you offend this god, you will die!" The mysterious giant made a vicious voice, but he still regretted it.

How many years have passed since I came to these two monks, who could have helped him, but now I don’t know how many years will it take for the next opportunity to come!

Su Jin fell and fell into the river of blood in the Rift Valley. He was slashed by the killing intent just now, without the slightest resistance.

Strangely speaking, the original direction of Su Jin's fall should not be the blood river side!

Of course, Su Jin no longer knew about this strange situation, he just saw Li Fengluo successfully sent away by him——

One quarter of an hour.

A stick of incense.

An hour!

As time got longer and longer, Li Fengluo waited outside, becoming more and more anxious--

"Mother, when will Dad come out?" Xiaotangtang asked in a nervous and naive voice, aware of the abnormal atmosphere.

"Come on." Li Fengluo slowly closed her eyes.

Up to now, Su Jin is uncertain!

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