My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2144: Blood River Diagram

Li Fengluo couldn't bear the terrible result.

Xiaotangtang was given to her by Su Jin. It was originally the responsibility of two people, but she may only be responsible for it in the future——

So is Su Jin now alive or dead?

Su Jin was in a strange state. He lost consciousness after feeling the incomparable killing intent at that moment. After falling into that river of blood, his consciousness began to gradually recover.

However, the recovered consciousness is like a stream of water, and there is unreality everywhere.

Red like blood, like a dream.

"Hey, come and catch me..." From a unique perspective, several children chased each other. The child in front of him who was dressed in a simple manner was pushed down by another child, and the situation of crying aggrieved and crying is vivid.

Not far from the scene, there are young monks gathered on the edge of the'Wang Qing Mountain', which is a place of'Zhan Qing', in groups of three or five, men and women are in company——

There was a young man with a firm face, and he pulled a kite string on his finger, while the female sister cried bitterly.

The line is broken, the marriage is exhausted, and Lao and Yan are flying each other and never see each other again. Cut off mutual affection, cut off all affection, forget all affection.

And four hundred and fifty meters in front of the "Wang Qing Mountain", there is a piece of black soil, and an old man bent over, facing the yellow soil with his back to the sky, waved his hoe, then dug out a blue bronze man, and carefully pushed it away——

All kinds of scenes rolled in.

Parting life and death, love and hatred, the fall of the unworldly strong, and the unexpectedly swallowed into the mouth of the beast, to name a few.

Two hours, this situation disappeared.

The pain was rolling, manifested in Su Jin, this is the most real situation!

Su Jin opened his eyes, and his whole body was enveloped by black air. There are many white flesh and gray bones in his wounds. If he is an ordinary person, he may have already died.

"Where am I--" Su Jin tried to stand up several times, but failed. Finally, he staggered a few times before his legs tremble and stand firmly.

On the side, the gray-blue wooden hammer gave out a faint blue light, and the murderous aura of the mysterious giant was exhausted, and it had completely turned into Su Jin's magic weapon.

Su Jin grabbed the wooden hammer and coughed several times. He covered his mouth with his left hand, and most of what he coughed up was blood clots!


In the black and red scene, the trees became a forest. Su Jin saw the cry of the soul crow, flicked a branch, and flew away from the forest——

When he walked to a stone road at the entrance of the town, the ancient monument next to him was written with the characters ‘Soul Town’.

"Here is the blood river map! I am in the blood river map!" Su Jin can see the truth more and more clearly. Earlier, when the blood river map was put into his eyes one by one, he clearly saw the existence of the soul town in it.

Su Jin froze.

According to his current situation, it is impossible to live, let alone to generate consciousness, so why is it so?

Even his damaged vitality began to recover quickly, and the fleshy skin was healing a little bit, although it was slow, but the feeling was real.

Su Jin slowly took a breath, his whole body was tingling. When he walked hard to the side of the stone monument with the words "Soul Town", he stretched out his hand and flicked his fingertips--

Strange appearance! A kind of peculiar Taoist sound is scattered around, I don't know where the sound comes from.

"During the three generations, samādhi, three sweets and three bitterness, the three generations and three lives of the King’s heart, the Vajra Sadao Dharmakaya, and..."

Su Jin looked from the left and right, he was in a very serious injury now, it was difficult to open the three divine eyes to distinguish the sound from coming and going, I can only say that this place is too weird.

And it's strange.

Soul Town seemed to have a unique attraction that even made him feel cordial.

In the past three thousand lives, Su Jin knew a lot, but he could never be kind to the scene in the Blood River Picture, and he was more certain that he had never been here, but the kindness was true.

"It's the kindness produced by my ghost king body——" Su Jin sighed.

The Blood River picture is a treasure of ghosts, but when you see its shape from the outside, you can't comprehend the essence. If this treasure has a substantial appearance, he will not find it, but he has an idea!

I don't know if it was a coincidence, it fell into this blood map.

Su Jin can use this blood river map to condense the ghost king, and perhaps make things change!

With this plan, Su Jin immediately did not stay in front of the ancient monument——

Two steps directly past the entrance of the town, appearing in the door.


Su Jin's eyes turned dark, and the streets around Soul Town seemed to feel that the ghost king was coming to the world, and he gradually walked out with a tacit understanding, and no evil spirits were in a hurry.

On the opposite side, a large number of evil ghosts and dead souls gathered soon!

There are countless men, women and children, most of them are dressed in quaint clothes, and they kneel down to worship Su Jin in a unified manner.

They shouted in unison: "See my king~~~ My king and the heavens live together to rule the world! Enjoy the spring and autumn of eternal life."

Su Jin scanned the past and sat down on the streets of the town. The power of believing in the ghost king spread out, and there was a **** ghost king curse on the eyebrows of each evil ghost.

In the entire "Soul Town", there are more than 50 million ghosts dead. Although the number is slightly different from the one billion ghosts displayed by the ghost king, the quality has a great advantage!


Su Jin saw the **** soil and the land, the world is a rare place for practice, otherwise there will not be so many longevity realm strong people, and these evil spirits are dozens of them!

This is not an exaggeration!

A huge power rolled in, Su Jin's eyes flickered, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"This king is going to do a great thing! My people, bless my body with power--" Su Jin closed his eyes, and said a few voices.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

The more than fifty million evil spirits gathered and dissipated when they knelt down, Su Jin's strength skyrocketed, and his ghost kingly way continued to grow, one step closer!

However, within three quarters, Su Jin stretched his arms vigorously, his sleeves came out, his soul shadow flickered, and it was the more than 50 million ghosts in the "Soul Town" that went up and down!

"This hammer has been called Ghost King Hammer from now on!" Su Jin suddenly opened his eyes.

Inside the Ghost King's Hammer, there are fine arrays of waves, and the mysticism of his Ghost King's way contains in them, the more than fifty million'Soul Town' evil spirits floating on the sleeves are absorbed by the Ghost King's Hammer!


In the thick black, mixed with blood-red thunder, Su Jin held up the'Ghost King's Hammer', the power above waved, and the lightning lingered, was taken down!

"Cough cough cough." Su Jin's expression dimmed.

If it were normal times, this kind of hemoptysis would not occur, but his internal body was traumatized.

Fortunately, the Ghost King Hammer has already accumulated success——

After Su Jin collected the evil spirits in Soul Town, he fell into confusion, how did this blood river figure get out? His injuries were further controlled, but he was also trapped in the Blood River Picture.

"You hurt so badly." Liu Changjia made a voice in the bone ring.

"It's not bad if you haven't died--" Su Jin's face was a bit fierce. If there was a chance, that mysterious giant would never end well.

"This makes me very uneasy, perhaps because I am a soul body." Liu Changjia was a little depressed and panicked.

But at this moment, the mysterious giant in the far north uttered a roar.

Su Jin looked to the north with sharp eyes.

There... what happened!

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