My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2145: Wear a road map

The trapped mysterious giant's voice is painful--

Not only hatred, but also a little tired feeling in his voice, Su Jin raised his head and looked upward.

The **** river picture at the top became stronger, and the **** clouds rolled northward.

"What happened?" Liu Changjia asked in shock.

Fortunately, she is a soul body and survives in the goddess holding the lotus figure, otherwise I am afraid that the roar of the mysterious giant can make her soul fly away!

"The giant couldn't kill me, and he lost 30% of his strength! The strong man who caused the earthquake is attacking the giant!" Su Jin's eyes lit up.

Very lucky

At first, when the mysterious giant asked him to hammer the ghost king against the blood spring, he not only did not do that, but also squandered his power completely. At that time, the underground pulse was rapid, and Su Jin knew that it would not be that simple.

It is difficult to escape the contest between the two.

"What are you going to do?" Liu Changjia became nervous.

"Take advantage of his illness, kill him!" Su Metal has the kind of character that will repay you. You temporarily bullied me, didn't you let him find a chance now?

revenge! A very crazy revenge--

Liu Changjia:...

When he is speechless, what is he going to do in that state of the other party?

Soon after Su Jingang finished speaking, he was planning to recover again, rushing to the north, but the next scene was unexpected.

"Good intentions, this picture is given to you, and the gods will not hinder you." A voice appeared in the surrounding world.

As he spoke, a red-bright Chiyu scroll flew over and was caught by Su Jin.

"Senior, this picture is too precious." Although Su Jin didn't open the scroll, there were four words on the edge, which was enough to show its extraordinary.

The four words are: ‘blood sacrifice to mountains and rivers’!

This scroll is a map of the blood river, an unimaginable treasure, but at this moment, it was given to himself inexplicably.

"Wear a road map, leave quickly, this place will never exist again--" The mysterious voice lacked breath, and seemed to have feelings that could not be parted.

The purpose of the diagram is twofold.

This picture is precious. Secondly, Su Jin helped him a lot. First, he took the giant wooden hammer magic weapon that contained 30% of the power, and did not follow the other party's words. This is the reason for giving the picture.

Immediately afterwards, Su Jin's face changed slightly, and a fire began to ignite all around, and the river of blood began to evaporate inch by inch!

Su Jin immediately opened the scroll, and the scroll suddenly expanded, and wisps of light were brightened on it, and the objects that were so subtle that they were invisible to the naked eye seemed to be alive.

There are many mysteries in this blood river map, Su Jin still can't know it for the time being, but after unrolling the scroll, he is surrounded by the Tao map, and the terrifying ghost power is wrapped around him!

The whole person is directly blessed, soaring into the sky!

Xiaoyao stepped forward, wearing a Taoist figure, Su Jin came to the place where he used a wooden hammer to blast the forbidden enchantment, stretched his arms and turned into a red light, actually passing through the forbidden enchantment.

On the Nine Elephants Flying Boat.

Girl Fengluo opened her eyes wide, as if she had seen something incredible.

Su Jin looked tired and his clothes were tattered. It seemed that he was seriously injured, but he did not die. He came out successfully!

Staggered down on the deck.

"Dad is back--" Xiao Tangtang exclaimed happily.

"How are you?"

Li Fengluo stepped forward in a hurry, and was rejected by a resistance before he even touched it.

That is the glory of the blood river map! Miss Fengluo just now had all her thoughts on Su Jin's face and state. Although she saw him wearing a Taoist picture, she had never thought of this.

With a thought in mind, the mountain and river map automatically synthesized a scroll, which fell into Su Jin's hands and was received in the bone ring——

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Su Jin's dark eyes gradually cleared, and he was afraid that the state of the ghost king would scare Xiao Tangtang.

However, when he put away the ghost king state, his body staggered a little, and she was so weak that she almost fell. Fortunately, Miss Fengluo's eyesight was quick and she supported him.

"I said it's okay, let's go." Li Fengluo said worriedly.

"Don't worry, something has happened to the **** remains, let's take a look and then leave—"

Su Jin took a deep breath and tried five full times before opening the eyes of Mohe Town Prison, resisting the urge to vomit blood, and muttering silently: "Void"!

Waved, scenes of horror appeared.

On the broken continent, the **** soil seemed to have been ignited, and there was a raging fire, and the blue and red peaks and mountains turned out to be magical.

Just like the meridians of the human body!


The land was burned by the **** road fire, and the soil began to fall apart, and the source of the blood river suddenly cracked in a large area again——

The mountains on both sides trembled, breaking through the dirt, and it turned out to be two terrifying giant arms! The roar and roar broke out in both, but the terrifying Daohuo was getting closer and closer to the Jiuxiang Flying Boat.

"Go!" Regardless of whether they are dead or alive, Su Jin drove the Nine Elephants Flying Boat, quickly left, and joined the torrent of the Void Abyss.

A black boat, drifting in the vast abyss of the void——

The remnant **** land behind it seemed to be turned into a ball of flames, and the rumbling sound drifted away with the black boat until it was no longer heard or seen.

Su Jin was helped into the cabin room, and without a word, he meditated on the spot.

Li Fengluo knew that he was seriously injured, and did not disturb him. After all, he could only leave the Void Abyss if his body was unharmed.

When Li Fengluo touched Xiao Tangtang's hair and closed the door silently, Su Jin tried several times. In the end, the bad condition inside made him feel a big head. He waved the "Blood River Picture", dressed in this picture, and began to refine.

"First elevate the Ghost King Road to the'Emperor Realm to the Top'. This map has strong ghost power and has absorbed hundreds of millions of ghosts, so that we can merge the Ghost King Road and Fire God Road!"

Su Jin’s idea is very simple. Using this method to heal the injuries in the body, although he may not be able to heal immediately, he can always recover roughly——

The strange and unpredictable "Blood River Picture", glowing with red and bright blood~~~

Time passed bit by bit, and a whole day passed in a blink of an eye.

Su Jin smelled the wonderful scent, slowly opened his eyes, put away the Blood River Picture, and stood up.

The Blood River Tu has been refined and has become a masterpiece, and Su Jin's current body injury has recovered as much as 60%, which is far better than yesterday's situation.

Water sound~~~

Su Jin turned her head and looked at Girl Fengluo by the bath tub, trying the temperature of the water. She took out some petals from the storage bag, white and red, and threw them on top.

The scent of petals mixed with her own scent, like a charming poison, refreshing, and that scent can even wake Su Jin——

The ink hair hangs down, Li Fengluo's green shirt is underneath, Lingluo's belt is tight and her waist is tight, Su Jin's flat abdomen has already been felt with his hands, and there is no trace of flaws.

When the water surface of the bathtub was filled with petals, Li Fengluo breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out her hand, and began to untie her collar~~

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