My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2147: Weird place

Before the bath tub——

Although Li Fengluo didn't look at Su Jin, her pretty face was a little flustered, and a strong sense of crisis spread in her heart. The crisis came from a man!

The green onion fingers were grasping on the edge of the exquisitely patterned bathtub, and the beautiful big eyes were full of panic, Su Jin was approaching!


Don't hide?

This is a dilemma. While Miss Fengluo was hesitating, Su Jin walked behind her and gently hugged her delicate and flat abdomen~~~

The water-red tulle dress made Fengluo feel supple to Su Jin's suppleness to the extreme, and the palms were all delicate and warm.

"Earlier~~ I heard you say that I can't do it? I really want to prove myself now."

Su Jin's chin rested on Miss Fengluo's right shoulder, her voice was very low, and the exhaled warm wind was in the suet-like earlobe, and the special atmosphere was rapidly heating up.

prove yourself?

Li Fengluo was dumbfounded, can you say this as well? She is still an unmanned girl, is it appropriate to say that? It seems that this guy's face has reached a new height!

"No, no--" Li Fengluo said with confusion in her eyes and nodding slightly, very embarrassed.

"Do you have a bad memory?"

"I'm a silly girl."

"I was speechless. I used to talk to the enemy and give him two options. Now I also tell you once, you only have two options!"

"What choice?"

"First, you let me prove myself, and second... You said from the bottom of your heart, do you like me? If I am not satisfied with the second answer, then you will suffer."


Miss Feng Luo has never seen such a brazen person!

Do you like him? Such questions should be answered? And when he said that, this guy didn't blush, he was really angry!

"Quickly, which one do you choose."

"Can you not choose?"


"You are pretty good, I like you a lot~~~"

Girl Fengluo closed her eyes shyly. This kind of person who forced her to say what she thought was pretty good. If she could, she wanted to kill him now!

Sure enough, Su Jin was quite satisfied with this answer. He hugged Girl Fengluo tightly enough to make her panick and suffocate, and immediately his hand patted the long leg lightly.

Li Fengluo trembled and trembled, her face was full of glow, and helpless eyes appeared in her eyes, and she immediately breathed a sigh of relief when she felt Su Jin let her go.

"When are we leaving?" Girl Fengluo began to help Su Jin change the water, looking at Su Jin who had nothing to do in the process, and asked this question.

Miss Fengluo felt uncomfortable if she didn't leave the Void Abyss for a moment. It was too depressing to even see the sun.

"Sleep well, wake up, let's look for a passage again, if it doesn't work, I will directly perform magical skills." Su Jin felt that after finishing all night, it should be possible.


Soon, Li Fengluo helped Su Jin with the bath water. She closed the curtain specially, took a peek outside the curtain, and turned around immediately when she saw that he was changing the tattered clothes.

In the tub.

Before the fragrance was over, Su Jin closed his eyes and was intoxicated, soaking quietly in the tub without making a sound.

After a quarter of an hour, Su Jin changed into a white satin gown, embroidered with gold patterns, which was flashy and not expensive.

When I come out.

Su Jin had to admire the scene before her. This girl Fengluo had a big heart, she had already begun to sleep on the bed, and now the thin blanket couldn't cover the exquisitely outlined scene with her waist gripped diagonally.

The red tulle skirt was placed on the side chair, and Su Jin silently walked up and grabbed it in his palm——

The rich fragrance came out.


Go to sleep, go to sleep!

Su Jin did not rest for a few days, yawned in this state, and lay on the bed~~

This girl is so stupid, she shouldn't mind! Ok!

The exhaustion accumulated for a few days seemed to burst out when lying down, Su Jin lay down in a drowsy state, and closed his eyes~~~

Dim and out of conscious control, Su Jin feels warm in his palm~~


What a wonderful night.

Girl Fengluo has been staring at Su Jin since she was sober in the middle of the night, struggling in her heart. Su Jin didn't move her much. After all, she slept in a robe, but!

But, hey!

She didn't dare to think about some things. If she didn't like him, she would stabb him with a knife now. She was really angry.

Ok? Girl Fengluo obviously felt that Su Jin was about to wake up, and quickly narrowed her eyes into a gap.

Su Jin opened his eyes and supported his side face with his hands. Seeing that beautiful face was in front of him, he couldn't help but kiss her slowly, the corners of his mouth raised a curve, and then he was about to get up~~

Miss Fengluo didn't give up the feeling, closed her eyes, stretched her arms, and hugged his waist.

"Are you awake?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

"You don't know if you wake up?" Li Fengluo puffed her cheeks. She knew she couldn't hide from Su Shao by pretending to sleep, otherwise why did this guy laugh just now——

"I don't know, look at me decent, you like me so much, I didn't move you a bit~~"

"Yes, you didn't want me, but you last night..." Girl Feng Luo was kind and funny, with a tone that wanted to blame.

"I will go to Ji Yaotian in two months. I will show you Yunjian Mountain. This king will be a world-class powerhouse at that time, and he will be a hundred times stronger than that of Bai Jianfei!" Su Jin said nothing.

"Ah, you've got the hang of it." Li Fengluo understood Su Jin's intentions and shyly wrote all over her face.

"Get up—" Su Jin turned over.

When she turned sideways and looked at Li Fengluo, she saw that she instinctively pulled the thin blanket onto the jade neck, bulging her cheeks, and staring at herself.

Su Jin shrugged, what did he do last night? There should be nothing in my impression. My clothes are still neat and I didn't do anything!

I walked out of the room and waited at the bow for Li Fengluo to come out——

During the period, Xiao Tangtang showed her small face, looking at the back of his father on the bow, with doubts on his face, he ran back quickly, opened the door, and saw that his mother had just changed clothes.

Su Jin has been closing his eyes in the bow of the ship, wandering too vainly, and his mental energy radiates a radius of thousands of miles.

If there is a space crack in any place, he can feel it, and then cast his magical skills to leave.

The search process is still quite a long time, many broken continents roamed past, broken palaces, huge abandoned palaces, and some broken mountains can be seen everywhere in the Void Abyss.

for a long time.

Su Jin opened his eyes, with different colors and doubts in his eyes.

Earlier, Miss Fengluo took Xiaotangtang on the deck of the Nine Elephants Flying Boat, but she did not disturb Su Jin and waited silently until now.

"Is there a way?" Li Fengluo asked hurriedly when Su Jin looked back.

"I didn't find the space rift, but saw a weird teleportation array. I don't know if it can be opened--"

"How weird?"

"There are nine clothed human skull altars."

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