My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2148: Bone altar oozing blood

"Don't go!"

Girl Fengluo's face was pale when she was frightened, and she directly showed her unwillingness to go. The **** residue had already tossed her miserably, and Su Jin still wanted to take her there.

No matter how great curiosity is, you can't take your life as a price, let alone what Su Jin said?

The bone altar is still wearing clothes with human heads on it, which is not a good place to think about it!

"If the teleportation array on that continent can be activated, we can leave directly, don't you want to leave?" Su Jin asked.

Li Fengluo was silent, with more hesitation on her face, then she bit her lip with her silver teeth, nodded and said, "Where?"

"It's probably less than nine thousand miles to the southwest. There is a deserted continent there. In the abyss of the void, you can swim about ten miles a day."

As he spoke, Su Jin was calm and relaxed, so he didn't worry that the continent would float away.

"Well, let's go quickly—" Girl Feng Luo made a decision.


Su Jin blessed the Nine Elephant Flying Boat with Xiu, and the black boat drove up, and the speed was not slow, rolling towards the teleportation formation of unknown age!

After a stick of incense, the black boat cruising through the abyss of the void, with hundreds of twists and turns, finally fell down. The three people walked off the black boat, and the nine elephant flying boat shrank, but Su Jin received the palm of his hand and turned it over.

This continent doesn't even have a blade of grass.

Girl Fengluo was very curious, because she had just seen from a distance that there was a blue color on this continent, but in fact it was a blue stone, and even the mountains were full of this kind of stone, and there was no life.

The clear and misty environment made Li Fengluo unable to help but look around.

The place where it fell was on the top of the highest mountain on this continent——

Although now deserted, there were more than a dozen temples less than one person high around the teleportation array, and there was nothing inside. In the central area, Li Fengluo saw what Su Jin said.

The eerie and weird scene makes people fear and inexplicable.

In the center of the teleportation array, there are ‘nine people’ in a circular ‘standing’. In fact, this is the nine human skull altar. The reason why the bone altar cannot be seen is because the bone altar is wrapped in a cloak.

Those are all Taoist clothes, and the faint divine flower flows on the surface of the clothes, as if brand new, and above the collar, there is a long-dried human head.

Four men and five women! Number of nine heads!

Li Fengluo covered her mouth with one hand. After looking at the dry heads of the five women, the green silk was gray, and there were no eyeballs in the eye sockets. If Su Jin were not there, she would have been scared away alone!

"It's a very strange situation. The heads of these nine people were cut off, and their necks were refined into ashes, and they were put into the altar, but the skeletal altar was covered with robes and human heads on it." Su Jin could not understand.

"There is no such record in the book. What era is this?" Girl Fengluo walked to Su Jin. Only in this way, she felt more secure.

Su Jin seemed to be aware, frowned slightly, walked to the edge of the peak, and looked to the west——

There is a green mountainous land there. At a position more than ten miles away from this peak, there is a damaged lion head and a broken ship leaning. On the green lion head, there are more than a thousand lion heads. The meaning is unknown.

"Miss Changjia~~~" Su Jin silently communicated with the goddess holding the lotus map, and asked.

"Huh?" Liu Changjia responded.

"Look around." Su Jin was a little afraid of the green lion boat, and when he just noticed it, there was an ominous aura lingering.

"This is a yin temple, why did you come to such a place!" Liu Changjia only felt his head big.

"I've come here, I have to take a look." Su Jin said it didn't matter.

"Go as soon as possible! I know you want to take the teleportation formation to leave, but this kind of place is very unknown, and disasters may happen at any time. Have you seen the nine clothes and bones?" Liu Changjia asked earnestly.

"I came only after seeing those bone altars." Su Jin responded.

"The bone altar is clothed, and there is still a magical circulation on the robes. The power has not been lost. The nine people are definitely strong in the longevity stage. This is the nine gods bone altar--" Liu Changjia said the matter. Severity.

"And that green lion boat, I always feel that I have eyes looking at us." Su Jin said solemnly.

"It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and leave quickly." Liu Changjia gave advice.

Su Jin stared at the green lion boat, and if it weren't for Li Fengluo and Xiao Tangtang, he would definitely come and take a look.

"I find a way to open this teleportation array, even if the array door can communicate with the outside world, I can go out." Su Jin said.

"It's so good to live, I have to die~~~" Liu Changjia was speechless after speaking, and sighed heavily.

"How can I know if I don't try?" Su Jin stopped looking at the green lion boat and turned to Li Fengluo.

But at this moment Su Jin saw Li Fengluo, his face was pale, and his whole body was shaking, as if he was unwilling.

"Mother." Xiao Tangtang reminded.

Seeing her expression was wrong, Su Jin asked in a gentle voice: "What's the matter?"

"Just now, when I was looking at the nine heads, I couldn't help looking at their eyes, and found that they all seemed to be looking at me—" Li Fengluo hugged Xiaotangtang and hid behind Su Jin.

Girl Fengluo's voice was trembling, Yinya was touching in the tremor, the kind of fear that ordinary people could not imagine.

Su Jin followed Li Fengluo's practice and watched each of them, but felt that there was no strange sign at all, but he believed Li Fengluo, after all, her performance was not fake.

Bang Bang, Bang Bang.

Su Jin's face changed suddenly.


Li Fengluo screamed. She wanted to run now, want to escape to the distance, the thumping heartbeat, unexpectedly sounded from the nine cloak bone altars——

Su Jin listened carefully, and it really looked like a heart beating. What happened?

"Don't be afraid! Calm down!" Su Jin looked at Li Fengluo who was eclipsed by Hua Rong, and drank, only to stop her trembling body.

"Brother Midnight, let's go~~~" Miss Fengluo's tears were rolling in her eyes. This place is terrible, and the level of horror is unprecedented.

Li Fengluo didn't want to stay here for a second!

Su Jin was silent. When he turned around, the ‘Maha Town Prison Eye’ on his brows had already been opened, he wanted to see what was going on here—

‘Maha Town Prison Eye’ looked at the nine bone altars, and looked at them in turn!

What has Su Jin not experienced?

Is this trick trying to scare him? impossible!

Strangely speaking, the Shenhua began to dazzle on the surface of those Taoist clothes. When Su Jin looked over, he was still looking at the bone altar. At such a close distance, he should be able to see the inside.

Su Jin was not reconciled, his eyes opened! The result is still the same, very weird--

"Ah!~~~" The horror scene that Li Fengluo didn't want to see still happened in front of her eyes. She hugged Xiao Tangtang tightly and screamed loudly, endlessly.

In the field of vision, under the nine cloaked bone altars, wisps of blood flowed out.

The bone altar is bleeding!

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