My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2149: Concubine smile

The atmosphere is weird--

Why does the bone altar bleed for no reason?

The red blood on the ground turned into a pool, slowly spreading over, and Girl Fengluo kept going backwards, her pale face was full of fear.

"Brother Midnight~~" Li Fengluo stepped back, watching Su Jin still not stepping back, and couldn't help calling.

The smelly blood gradually gathered and flowed like a living thing, but it was strange that Li Fengluo watched Su Jin not retreat, but the blood did not stain the soles of Su Jin's shoes.

Not only did it not, but the surrounding array patterns emitted a faint glow, and the blood flow followed the array patterns, covering the entire transmission array.


The entire teleportation array trembled.

"Chu...Chu..." The voice seemed to come from the vain deep soul.

Suddenly, Su Jin fiercely looked in the direction of the green lion boat, his face blue and red.

"You are standing here, don't go anywhere." Su Jin turned to look at Li Fengluo.

"Where are you going?"

"I can't explain it, but I will be back soon." Su Jin took a deep breath and rushed to the direction of the Qingshizhou without hesitation.

Originally, Su Jin was unwilling to go because there were Fengluo and Xiaotangtang. It would not be appropriate for him to take risks again, but it is different now.

The word Chu has a unique representation for Su Jin. At the beginning, the ‘King of Chu’ came out of the unknown world and made Emperor Huangquan his surrogate, but the end was unknown.

Even Su Jin once thought that he was the reincarnation of ‘Chu’, but as time passed, that possibility became less and less.

When he got here, Su Jin didn't expect anyone to call the name ‘Chu’. He thought this was definitely not a coincidence!

Li Fengluo was wearing that tulle skirt, standing in the teleportation formation, watching Su Jin disappear and sulking her lips, she decided to wait here after all.

"Mother, where is Dad going?"

Xiao Tangtang hugged Li Fengluo's neck, her long icy blue hair hanging down, her big curious eyes looked at the direction Su Jin was leaving, and then looked at Li Fengluo again.

"Do something and I'll be back in a while." There was uncertainty in Li Fengluo's tone.

She thought to herself, Su Jin must have found something, otherwise her face at that moment would not be so ugly--

Su Jin was in a panic, and as he approached the green lion boat step by step, there was a little more expectation in his heart. If he could find the person who called, maybe he could get some answers.

Whose answer is you!

This is critical!

Soon, the blue lion boat appeared in front of his eyes, which was only more than ten miles away from the teleportation array.

The green lion boat was about a hundred meters long and was dilapidated. The lion head in front of the bow had a faint smell of majesty. The bottom of the boat was sunken in the mud. Su Jin took a deep breath and jumped up.

Up to now, Su Jin has not noticed the slightest strangeness, including when he walked all the way and boarded the ship, there was no love at all! And the calling sound made with consciousness became stronger and stronger in his ears.

The sound is not on this ship, but underground--

This ship is connected to the ground!

Guessing here, Su Jin showed hesitation on his face. When he looked at the blue lion boat at the edge of the peak of the teleportation array more than a dozen miles away, he felt that there was something unknown in the boat.

For a moment, Su Jin looked indifferent, took out the hidden dragon clothes, put it on his body, slid into the cabin entrance, and disappeared!

The quiet green lion boat has been silent for many years. The cabin is gloomy and difficult to see. When he came in, Su Jin felt a chill on his face.

That kind of cold is very unusual--

"Dingdong~~~" There was a quiet movement from the cabin of the hundred-zhang-long cabin.

Su Jin looked into the distance, faintly seeing a blue shadow flashing past, and on the ground, he saw the existence of scales resembling snakes, each of which was the color of blue and quiet, about the size of a palm.

It didn't take long for Su Jin to find the entrance of the stairs that cut through the bottom of the ship. At the moment when he quietly walked down, he only felt the cold behind his back, and he didn't know if he was discovered by the creatures in the cabin.

With the existence of Yinlongyi, Su Jin felt a little comfort, thinking that he wouldn't find it.

The ladder passage leading to the ground is about ten feet wide, and each ladder is about the thickness of a palm, which is curved downward.

The cold yin air just passed from this passage to the top, and the call should be heard from below!

"Why does Young Master Chu have something to do with this? Is it really a wrong name, or is it a coincidence?" Su Jin has been thinking about this issue until now.

What kind of experience did the former king of Chu have?

Su Jin doesn't want to know the other party's past, he just knows that he looks very similar to the "King of Chu", and it is easy to be mistaken for "Chu".

The arc-shaped spiral staircase descends slowly. Who would have thought that there would be no cave in the sky when a green lion broke the ship?

Faintly, there was a sheep fat-colored fairy, looming at the end of the stairs, Su Jin walked into the space under the cabin and stood in front of the last stairs.


Su Jin thought about a thousand situations, and never thought that what he saw was this scene.

The area of ​​the entire underground space is at least a hundred miles away, and little fairy radiance is emitted from the square stone platforms.

On each cyan stone platform, there is a crystal clear ice sculpture, the ice sculpture swirls around the white cold fog, making some stone platforms crystallized!

It was not the ice sculptures that made Su Jin stunned, but the people who sealed them in the ice sculptures——

They are all beauties, and some fairy skirts are added to their bodies, standing and being enclosed in ice sculptures, with red lips and white teeth, all of them are beautiful, beautiful and beautiful.

Su Jin stiffened his body, slowly turned sideways, and looked up at the three characters above!

"The concubine laughs"! !

Where is the concubine smile! This is clearly the Chu Fei Tomb!

These three names represent how horrible the King of Chu was back then. Su Jin even wondered if the King of Chu, or the King of Chu, was a Dao clone?

Not the real deity?

Obviously it is a mausoleum, but there are three big characters of ‘Concubine Smile’, which makes people feel particularly domineering——

Su Jin silently walked to the first ice sculpture. The cyan stone platform underneath was engraved with road marks. Inside this ice sculpture, a concubine in a verdant skirt was sealed, and she was still a very young girl, lifelike.

But soon, Su Jin made a new discovery.

There is a wooden nail on the forehead of this woman. The brown wooden nail is not as thick as a match stick, and the surface has delicate patterns. It is obvious that this woman's longevity was not over, and she was nailed to death alive!

Su Jin felt inexplicably depressed.

He walked towards the second ice sculpture, which was less than a hundred meters apart. This second ice-covered concubine, who seemed to be in her twenties, was a little mature, and also beautiful, with bare feet.

Back then, they were also nailed to death. Looking at the other ice sculptures, they were all the same result—

Then, an extremely clear voice rang in Su Jin's ears.


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