My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2152: Jiang Xia Ji

Girl Fengluo was scared--

Now she obviously has a chance to leave. If Su Jin changes, she dare not think about how she would take Xiao Tangtang to leave after all.

The black-robed beauty, carrying more than a hundred shadows, appeared in a short distance not far from Su Jin, and slashed towards Su Shao!

This sword is shocking!

Su Jin took a deep breath, didn't slow down, and swung the'Dragon Abyss Sword' vigorously. Which of the two kendo skills is better?

Bang bang bang~~~

The void continued to explode in the mighty sword marks. Su Jin's Red Lotus sword song had reached the extreme he had realized. A sword literally swept the surrounding void, completely cracked!


The cloud pattern sword suddenly collapsed, and the black-robed beauty was obviously strong, and when Su Jin cut the sword song, she suddenly gave up...

Su Jin couldn't stop it at all. Once the sword song came out, who would fight for it! With a sword, I am afraid that only the dead soul is left. The other party gives up, obviously wanting to die?

Is there such an operation?

"Seeing my king...domineering unabated, the concubine is willing to die even if..." The black-robed beauty gave up, watching the sword mark that pierced the void, and slowly closed her eyes.

How deep is love, how much hate?

Su Jin was speechless for a moment. At the moment of his death, he lifted up the sky, and the sky was shrouded in front of the black robe beauty in an instant, and grabbed her away.


The terrifying backlash caused Su Jin to squirt out blood. Fortunately, this is his own sword. If it is an enemy, I am afraid that it will not be so lucky—

Overlord is so tender!

Su Jin's face was cold and stern, and he wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth. The king of Chu was also really a talent. He put the old concubine to death and missed one. But what is missing, are they willing to die for him?

No one can do this!

"It's better to die than to live, do you think this is the truth?" Su Jin stared at the face of the beautiful black robe.

"King Chu, you..." There were many doubts in the eyes of the black robe beauty.

This is not the style of King Chu!

The king of Chu people at that time regarded living creatures as ants, and even executed his own woman if he wanted to be executed. It was impossible to do such a behavior!

"You are willing to be the slave of this king!" Su Jin sterned his face and snorted softly.

"I, I'm willing." The black-robed beauty seemed to have melted her heart, her face was intoxicated, even if the King of Chu did anything to her now and asked her to slay herself, she did not hesitate.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

Su Jin's eyes turned to pitch black, and his left and right arms each sink and float hundreds of millions of evil spirits, and gradually fly up to form a huge skull——

The beauty in the black robe rose slowly, and finally stood at the left eye of the skull.

The rolling ghost power washed away the other powers in her body and completely transformed into a ghost body. Her aura changed from strong to weak, and then from weak to strong.

This is Ghost Emperor Slave!

Su Jin also has a ghost emperor slave Yaoyi, who completed the metamorphosis in the right eye of the skeleton at that time, and now this black robe beauty is in the left eye of the ghost skeleton, becoming his second ghost emperor slave!

"Ghost emperor slave Jiang Xiaji, pay homage to my king--" The black-robed beauty slowly scraped off her cap, took off the black gauze, and bowed down with her white fingers.

Su Jin stayed slightly-

It was a flawless face.

She is at least 1.7 meters tall, fat and thin, and her face is unimaginable, her Qiong nose is light, and the two-leafed eyebrows are very good for her temperament, otherwise she will not be seen by the well-known Su Dayo.

When the black-robed beauty was kneeling, her eyebrows flashed with the imprint of the'Ghost King Curse', and the hole the size of a matchstick slowly disappeared as before.

"So your name is Jiang Xiaji~~~" When Su Jin said, he was also healing his injuries and made up for the damage just now.

"Yes, my king." Jiang Xiaji said in a respectful tone.

"I have been around for three thousand lives, and I don't have much memory. You may have recognized the wrong person. I am not a king of Chu, but a little similar." Su Jin sighed.

"It can't be wrong, my king." Jiang Xiaji shook her head.

Su Jin wanted to tell her that she had been in reincarnation for three thousand lives, and no one had shown the situation in the illusion just now. Her persistence is almost always an oolong.

"I'm very surprised, you are the concubine of the Chu people, why do I feel that you are still Yunying?" Su Jin was very curious.

"There are thousands of sisters. How did my king ever know who Jiang Xiaji is? I and all the sisters only spent one time'walking in harmony with the king of Chu,' and my king didn't like the joy of Taoism."

"Tsk tut—"

Su Jin chuckled a few times. There were thousands of concubines. This is only a concubine. Some beauties may not even be able to seal their concubines, but "you are in harmony with the gods", which is a powerful trick.

Using each other's spirits to collide, touch, and be far more exciting than the Taoist body, he had tried it before.

I remember that in China, the daughter-in-law Yu Xuanji condensed the ancient Great Wall. At that time, he used a clever trick to collide the two men's mental powers, but sparks ignited and were able to conquer the beauty.

It's a pity that Yu Xuanji still doesn't know where she is, and the feeling is still unforgettable.

"You know how to open the Bone Altar Teleportation Formation." Su Jin pointed to the teleportation formation more than ten miles away and asked Jiang Xiaji.

"The maidservant knows that this boat was moved from the teleportation array at that time--" Jiang Xiaji watched the evil spirits disappear, and her beautiful and beautiful face looked at the lion boat below.

"Good, good! Start quickly, this king is going to Tai Brahma." Su Jin was pleasantly surprised.

It seems that adventure is not without value!

Jiang Xiaji nodded lightly, but she disappeared into the void and fell into the blue lion boat, and soon brought back a blue crystal.

That piece of God Crystal was the size of a fist.

"Shen Jing! What a big, best Shen Jing!"

Jixi Long Umbrella greedily greeted his mouth and exaggeratedly shouted, "Let me eat it. I can blast any world you want to destroy!"

"I asked you to destroy the 33rd Heaven Domain, can you?" Su Jin communicated in an angry voice.

"Forget it—"

Little Umbrella sighed, the thirty-three heavens, each of which is huge is unimaginable, it is estimated that it will eat this **** crystal, and the power on display is like a fart in the thirty-three heavens.

Obviously, Jiang Xiaji removed the driving crystal of the green lion boat, otherwise the teleportation array would not have energy to activate.

Su Jin couldn't let Xiao Umbrella eat it.

Not long after, Su Jin and Jiang Xiaji walked to the teleportation formation.

"The slave of the king, Jiang Xiaji, her name is Fengluo." Su Jin introduced the two girls to Fengluo.

"I have seen my sister--" Li Fengluo greeted her first, although she was also very confused and didn't know what was going on. After all, it was incredible to turn an enemy into a friend in such a short time.

"My sister is so beautiful. It is indeed my honor to follow my king." Jiang Xiaji said with a polite.

Ms. Fengluo and Su Jin looked at each other, pouting their mouths, turning their heads violently, and muttered: "Fancy carrots."

Su Jin:...

Whatever she thought, Su Jin watched Jiang Xiaji place the crystals, and the cyan pattern began to emit a dazzling glare, and a star field pattern appeared in the void.

Obviously, too Brahma can go! Otherwise Jiang Xia Ji couldn't stop telling him--

He is about to go to Brahma, he has become the Six Dao Great Emperor, and his mother is probably still in the Mogu God Prison. He was blocked in front of the'Emperor River' last time.

This time, he will use six blood of the great emperor to light the human emperor lamp! Rescue mother!

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