My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2153: Emperor lights up

When the Six Paths became Emperor! I stained the sky with devil blood!

Will you... please come back!

This was the vow that Su Jin sweared by the three Taoist boats and the human emperor's lamp after passing through the **** fire in the sky at that time, the original persistence was firm, and it has not changed half of it now!

Su Jin watched the opening of the big formation, Jiang Xiaji nodded at him, and the girl Fengluo beside her holding Xiaotangtang, the face of one big one and two small nizis, couldn't help but relax.

Finally, I'm leaving the ghost place of Void Abyss!

Su Jin closed his eyes and opened his eyes again, calming his thoughts.

"Dad, hug—" Xiao Tangtang stretched out her weak arms and said sweetly: "Hug me."

Su Jin smiled and took her into the arms, and several people were gradually covered by the great array of radiance and disappeared completely.

On this continent in the abyss, the front of the nine human skull altars in the formation, blood rustled back, and two flames began to jump in the eyes of the nine skulls, and they were communicating with voices that no one could hear.

"He is not the King of Chu." Youdao female voice was puzzled, "but why would Master Xia Ji follow him——"

"Do you think so? He is only somewhat similar to King Chu. If it weren't for Master Xia Ji to communicate with me, let's not do it, this person has already been tempered by us." Another voice was regretful.

"Master Xia Ji did this, she naturally had her plans."

"It's ridiculous that this person really thought that he had controlled Master Xia Ji, and Tian Jue Nai could not nail her to death. The Ghost King Curse had already been separated by adults and could be easily crushed--"

"I really don't understand Master Xia Ji."

The voices of five women and four men continued to communicate, but Su Jin couldn't hear it anymore. It was not too far away from the Brahma. This ancient teleportation array had an unimaginable range of radiation.

The scene gradually returned to calm~~~


Too Brahma.

White clouds curled up, the sky was as blue as washing, and huge gray-blue stars were faintly visible.

The air was fresh, and a few people appeared on the edge of the Mogu Tianhai. Next to it was a small fishing village in the Mogu Tianhai. As it was close to the evening, dozens of fishing boats going out to sea were in sight.

The ballad of the fisher girl, I don’t know which girl sang it from—

"Feng Luo, you go and prepare a hundred bottles of wine." Su Jin looked at Girl Feng Luo and said slowly.

"Hundred pots? You drunk the ghosts~~~" Li Fengluo's eyes widened.

"There was a senior who loved to drink, and the wine was given to him."


Girl Fengluo suddenly saw Xiao Tangtang being held by Su Jin, she was rarely relaxed, and she couldn't help but go to the small fishing village to buy wine.

Jiang Xiaji's black robe, her face was completely exposed. In a place like the Void Abyss, the environment may be a little gloomy, but in such a sunny day, she can feel her infinite beauty.

"My king, why don't you flatter people, you were far from asking people to do these things..." Jiang Xiaji bowed down.

Su Jin frowned slightly.

Then he shook his head slowly, and Su Jin thought of the king of Chu who "opened the mountain to transform the dragon chair". The opponent's courage was great, but today's heroes and heroes no longer exist.

"My king is acting, why explain to you." Su Jin glanced at her.

"The slave servant is guilty--" Jiang Xiaji looked terrified, and repeatedly showed a face that he didn't dare to talk more.

Then Su Jin was in the waiting space, facing the Mogu Tianhai.

Lu Yanyun and Swan Fairy didn't know what was going on. These two girls made him miss, but he could only think about it. It was far from serious.

Gradually, the sky shattered yellow afterglow, the fishing boat returned, the song of the fisher girl no longer heard, the gray-blue stars became clearer and clearer, and Li Fengluo came over when it was dark.

The wine brought was hundreds of catties, and there were a few jade bottles, and the others were old local wine jars of varying sizes, but they were enough.

Su Jin put away the wine, opened the eyes of Maha Town Prison, waved the'Big Ascension Technique' and appeared, the Qi machine enveloped several people, and suddenly lifted the clouds to the sea.

"Dark Yin and Yang, Mix the Three Lights!"

"Jia Geng Dinggui, it is good to take the time!"

"Autumn comes to the place, winter place is in the township!"

"Longhan opens the picture, should be transformed from 㼜, Chiming set off, Brahman travels nine flights...the first king of the dynasty! Open—"

The sea parted, a black and red portal appeared not far away, and several people walked in.

The scene is no different from the original one. At fifty meters, a nine-foot-high ‘Devil Suppressing Monument’ appeared in the eyes, and the pale flowers of the Devil’s World ‘Crystal Orchid’ clustered into the eyes.

Mogu Prison, in!

Su Jin was inexplicably touched in his heart. It's okay not to come here. After coming here, a trace of sadness emerged in my heart. There are always regrets in one's life, and there are still many unfinished regrets in his life.

"What a strong demon energy, there are so many demon heads around—"

As he walked, Li Fengluo glanced at Su Jin and found that he was indifferent, knowing that he had been here before.

"Yeah." Su Jin nodded, and gave Little Tangtang to Li Fengluo to hold him, and led them through the place where they had collected the "Jin Gu Shi Shan".

Things backfired, Su Jin brought a good wine to the gray-robed old man, but saw that he was not there. As expected, this class of masters did not stick to one place.

"There is a **** devil river. If we fall into it, we will probably be pulled into the bottom of the river. There is no hope of surviving!" Li Fengluo had heard the records of this river.

The Bloody Devil River, also known as the "Sacrifice Heaven and Shenhe River" and the "Human Emperor River", is a place that is difficult for the common people to cross, and even the emperor's realm is difficult to cross, but fortunately there are three Taoist ships on the edge, the human emperor lamp.

Su Jin continued to walk forward, because the hellfire of the sky was taken away by him, and the heat was not there, so he could easily walk to the second level--

Bloody before.

The blood flow in the river was gentle, but there was a faint tumbling situation. The river was not wide, but this was the only way.

On the edge, three small boats are swaying, the hull is yellow, and when you look carefully, it seems to be folded from kraft paper~~

Above the Taoist boat, the paper lantern swayed slightly, Su Jin took out the'Liying' dagger, held the blade in his palm, and cut it lightly, the emperor's blood flowed down!

It dripped in from the paper lantern--

On the snow-white paper lanterns, there is a little more red!


Inside the lantern, there was no fire spontaneously igniting, and a faint light appeared on the surface of the lantern. This lamp was really mysterious and was known as the'Human Emperor's Lamp'. When the lantern was lit, the Taoist ship rose up in the wind.

Su Jin's breathing was a little short, he had never been so nervous before, never!

"Let's go." Su Jin looked at the two women and boarded the ship first.

"I think it's better not to go in. The situation here is very dangerous." Li Fengluo persuaded.

"Well, maybe you and Xiao Tangtang are here." Su Jin felt that what she said made sense.

"Forget it, forget it, it's safest to be with you."

Before Su Jin could say anything, Miss Fengluo held Xiaotangtang and embarked on the road boat in the second wave. She didn't want to stay by the river with Xiaotangtang, what if something went wrong.

Jiang Xiaji stepped forward and boarded!

The ship slowly followed the current and sailed away from the shore~~

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