My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2154: Despair

The scene is getting darker and darker--

After passing through the narrow channel, the surface of the river widened, blood flowed darkly, and the red river surface was endless.

Su Jin took out a jar of wine, punctured the mud, poured two mouthfuls, wiped off the wine stains on his lips, and looked away.

"Emperor River is difficult for the common people, where is it?" Girl Fengluo seemed to ask herself.

"No matter what, my king is fearless!" Jiang Xiaji held Su Jin's arm, one cheek leaned against Su Jin's shoulder, and the warm place in front of him was pressed against that arm.

Jiang Xia Ji didn't care at all.

Gu Gu Gu~~~

The faintly bright human emperor lamp shed its brilliance, but a dense blood bubble suddenly appeared around the boat. The blood bubble was very scary. When it burst, a trace of blood mist drifted up.

Su Jin's eyes were sharp, as if he had noticed something, Dao Chuan's passing seemed to be hugged by a mysterious big hand and began to shake.

"Ah! Brother Midnight!" Girl Feng Luo paled suddenly and screamed.

Li Fengluo swears that as the eldest lady of the ‘Yunjianshan’ sect of the Extremely Yao Tianmen, she has encountered dangers in the mission of the division, but she has not experienced as much as she has been with Su Jin these days!

The fright in the past few days has surpassed the total of Miss Fengluo's life!

Although it is really exciting! But Miss Fengluo didn't want to meet in her heart--


Su Jin's body was filled with a touch of Buddha yellow, the Buddha emperor's golden body appeared, and the "Great Wisdom Buddha Eye" on his eyebrows was also opened.

Buddhism shines!

In the unpredictable emptiness around, one after another real Buddha images, Kutua, Bodhisattva, Arhat, and so on, walked out with their hands clasped together, reaching more than tens of thousands.

The Buddha's singing in the sky is uniform, and the singing of the Buddha of Great Wisdom is diffused, as if the vast river of blood is reflected into a sacred Buddha field.

"All kinds of underworlds are extinct, and all living beings are born into dead mud."

"Satisfaction is like this, just as the teacher said to Dharma."

"Jinghui is accompanied by the name, to the Dharma and to get this wisdom."

"Shooting the other shore..."

The Buddhist Brahman sang all kinds of wise words, on life and death, on good and evil, on karma, on compassion, etc., all burst out.

The Buddha's yellow was reflected by the lights of the Emperor on the Taoist boat, and the Buddha's golden body was suppressed on the boat. There were tens of thousands of Buddha's shadows to protect the boat, and finally stabilized the Taoist boat that was about to capsize.

Deep in Jiang Xiaji's eyes, there was a strange color through her eyes, but apart from her, no one knew her thoughts. On the contrary, she knelt down to worship Su Jin and shouted: "I am an invincible king~~~"

Girl Fengluo's pale face showed a hint of rosy, she reached out and patted Xiao Tangtang's back, soothing Xiao Tangtang who was holding her neck tightly, showing a fearful expression.

Li Fengluo felt shy in her heart, and thought to herself: "The Six Dao Great Emperors are really amazing. Mother looked away. If he explained the situation at that time, Bai Jianfei wouldn't even count as a fart."


The **** river surged, and the blood corpses condensed from blood water appeared on the surface of the river, but for some reason, they were pulled into the river bottom and disappeared by inexplicable power.

"There is terror at the bottom of the boat, and the boat will be overturned soon." Su Jin's voice was indifferent, reminding the two women to pay attention.

"With my king, all hardships and dangers will be worthless!" Jiang Xiaji said.

Su Jin glanced at her.

It seemed that Jiang Xiaji could speak, and the king of Chu people at that time should have liked to listen to this kind of words. Over time, she became a habit, but he did not care.

"At the beginning, the first level of the sky and hellfire level almost made me die in it. This second level is obviously more difficult." Su Jin was lost in thought.

There are thousands of Buddha shadows protecting the boat, and the movement at the bottom of the boat disappears, but Su Jin always feels that it is not that simple——

Where is the problem?

Su Jin felt an unknown aura, shrouded in the surroundings, but could not tell the problem.


As the road boat drove past, abnormal movements occurred in the surrounding blood river, and giant objects surfaced at the bottom of the river.

"Buddha, Buddha corpse!" When Li Fengluo said, the small hand that was freed up covered her small mouth.

The ‘Ancient Buddha’s corpse’ lay horizontally on the surface of the water, huge as a whale, and the breath of vicissitudes of life was reflected from the stone. The eyes of the Buddha were closed, sacred and peaceful, and the stone body was mottled.

Su Jin's eyes were sharp, and new existences began to float from the bottom of the river.

A hundred meters away from the corpse of an ancient Buddha, a torso the size of a mountain floats. The head is as big as a lake, facing the river, and there is a mark of "ten stars and October" on the forehead.

October Old God!

The breath of this ancient god, Su Jin felt that it was no less than the great body of Sword Eleven, and it was still a complete body! The complete body of the ancient god!

The tide is surging--

On the surface of the **** river in the distance, most of the dragon's body in the color of earthy yellow floats. The body of the dragon is wide and wide. This is a dragon god, the real dragon god!

At that half of the wound, there seems to be a **** corpse chewing on it. After eating for countless years, it has not been able to eat the dragon. This scene is terrifying to the extreme!

Puff through puff through.

Miss Feng Luo's heart almost jumped out. These are the strong men who have truly fallen here. If this Taoist ship is annihilated, they definitely have no chance of survival.

Thousands of Buddhist shadows chanted the Buddhist scriptures, the ship was safe, and there were so many gods and corpses around them that it was unimaginable.

In the darkness, the Taoist boat is lingering, like a dead leaf on a river of blood, surrounded by **** corpses like a mountain embedded, the Taoist boat swims through it, in the human emperor lamp, the wick is like a bean——

Squeak ~~~

In the middle of the blood river, driving past the corpse of the gods, hundreds of thousands of **** **** coffins floated in the distance. Every coffin was dragged by chains, and the end of the chains could not be seen. It should be on the opposite bank of the blood river!

Divine coffins are like palaces, with dragons and phoenixes, ligers and tigers, golden phoenixes, and white-footed golden-eyed beasts each carved in different ways. These divine coffins have been silent at the bottom of the river for many years!

When Su Jin and the others arrived, the corpses emerged from the bottom of the river with them!

Horror, terrible!

The corner of Su Jin's mouth showed a hint of bitterness.

The Buddha said that the sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, and turning back is the shore. He has no way to turn back now. The heavens are so vast, and the Six Dao Great Emperors are still too small. Seeing this situation, Su Jin even felt weak in his heart.


Hundreds of thousands of divine coffins swayed leisurely, and every divine coffin gathered a gloomy wind. When the gloomy wind blew, it seemed to be pervasive. Su Jin had never experienced the coldness.

It is tens of thousands times colder than putting it in an ice cellar!

"Not good!" Girl Feng Luo yelled in horror.

Su Jinmeng looked at the "Human Emperor Lamp" ten meters away——

Inexplicable existence, he didn't want to let him cross this **** river, the yin wind gathered by hundreds of thousands of divine coffins was going to blow out the'Human Emperor Lamp'!

If the human emperor lamp is extinguished and the Taoist ship sinks, Su Jin will all die here!

What's more troublesome is still behind, the heat that Miss Fengluo exhaled, condensed into ice, and frost began to form around her, and her whole body was about to be frozen.

Su Jin put his hands together, the Buddha of Life and Death blessed more than tens of thousands of Buddha shadows, to protect the emperor's lamp from extinguishing, he stared at the wick like a bean...

The result is very desperate.


The Emperor's lamp was blown out by the yin wind--

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