My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2155: Charcoal in the snow

Lights off--

No one can think of this situation, what does it mean when the human emperor lamp goes out? The result is self-evident!

The Dao ship gradually began to shrink, and the color became lighter and lighter. Su Jin burst out with a shout at the critical moment, and the ‘Wheel of Heaven’s Secret’ opened directly behind him!

The tip of the tongue hurts.

Su Jin bit the tip of his tongue, ejected a blood arrow, and the blood hit the lantern, and the blood was ignited by the four kinds of strange fires, such as Immortal Yan Yan, Red Lotus Purifying Fire, Burning World Golden Crow Flame, Sky Lust, etc.

The terrifying heat wave rolled in, the paper wall around the lantern turned into dust, and an oil lamp was placed on the base. At this moment, four kinds of splendid lantern beans curled up by the strange cremation.

Captain Dao grew up and returned to its original state. The four kinds of strange fire blessings, even the evil wind, are difficult to blow away.

Su Jin, as a precaution, the cultivation base of the Six Dao Great Emperors blessed the ‘Wheel of Heaven’s Secret’ and maintained four fusion of strange fire lamps, without even giving a breath!

"Brother Midnight~~~" Miss Fengluo was in a daze, so nervous that she was ups and downs in front of her.

After seeing that Dao Chuan hadn't sunk under Su Jin's forcibly maintaining stability, his nervous heart was slightly relieved.

"This river should not stay long."

Jiang Xiaji's face was solemn. If the ship capsized just now, even if she could not escape her death, this situation was too serious.


Su Jin bent down slightly, vomiting blood, and his face was a little wilted. The accident just now affected his old injury. After all, his old injury has not healed, but it was just at a critical juncture and he couldn't let him think about it.

The blood-stained river makes life difficult for the general public. A few people are only halfway through the journey, and they are in the middle of the river. The river is like a vast ocean, endless, and now there are hundreds of thousands of coffins, I don't know there is any unexpected danger.

"Brother Midnight, are you okay!" Girl Fengluo held Xiao Tangtang in her arms, couldn't help approaching him, watched carefully, and asked hurriedly.

Su Jin raised his hand to indicate, did not speak, the old wounds in his body were turbulent, he was dizzy now, and the dizziness in his brain was very heavy.

There are many questions to be answered——

There were hundreds of thousands of divine coffins, and every divine coffin was pulled by the blood-colored chain, up and down the river surface, strange and terrible.

"I'll meditate." Su Jin calmed down and sat down.

The six enchanting rays of sunlight rose from the knees on which Su Jin was sitting, lingering around him, and chanting the sutras of thousands of true Buddhas, boosting his strength.

The turbulent power in the body gradually subsided, Su Jin closed his eyes, his face was cold, and the ink hair that was already shoulder-length was flying in the yin wind——

The human emperor lamp blessed by the four kinds of strange fires, let the evil wind blow, without moving the slightest, this is enough to let people see how strong his strength is!

"My king, practice six avenues at the same time..." Jiang Xiaji couldn't believe her eyes.

Throughout the ages.

Because of God's restrictions, no creatures were allowed to become emperors in the Six Paths, but Su Jin not only did it, but also made every effort to make another step forward!

The six fusion skills of the emperor realm are the six reincarnations, which can absorb creatures into his reincarnation.

If it reaches the six-dimensional world, the fusion technology will inevitably evolve into the ‘six-dimensional world’. This is unprecedented and no one can do it.

"Sister Xia Ji, Brother Midnight is the Six Dao Great--" Girl Feng Luo said with a ruddy face, straightening her back.

In the depths of Jiang Xiaji's pupils, a trace of imperceptible jealousy flashed, but her face was very respectful, and the ghostly power of the ghost emperor spread out on the deck to promote Su Jin's power.

"My king, I want to get better soon." Jiang Xiaji bowed down and said.

In the middle of the Shenhe River, the Dao Ship did not make a point, and there were hundreds of thousands of God's coffins blocking the flow, and they couldn't retreat. They could only wait for Su Jin to recover and move forward again——

Although the situation is temporarily gone, Li Fengluo's nerves are still tense, beautiful eyes look around, constantly observing the situation.

"Mother." Little Tangtang.

"Huh?" Girl Feng Luo responded instinctively.

Immediately, Miss Fengluo's face was blood-red, she seemed to have taken over the role of "mother", she liked Xiaotangtang very much, but she would rather call her sister—

It was all caused by the villain Su Jin! She has always been cheap!

"Dad was hurt very badly. Tangtang didn't want him to be in bad health, but Tangtang was very useless." Little Tangtang hugged Miss Fengluo's jade neck, her cheek like white porcelain, with a little loss. .

"He is the Six Dao Great Emperor, a very great hero, very powerful--" Li Fengluo felt warm.

Xiaotangtang is still very small, so considerate.

"Mother, if Xiaotangtang is gone someday, would you miss me?" Xiaotangtang asked.

"Bullshit--" Li Fengluo reached out and scratched her nose.

Little Tangtang's beautiful big eyes were a little dazed, but under the action of Miss Fengluo, she couldn't help but laughed knowingly.


The wind screamed, and the calm **** surface of the river made a slight ripple.

Li Fengluo and Jiang Xiaji immediately changed their faces and looked towards the river when they came!

Visible to the naked eye, the'Buddha' and'Ancient God's corpse' that are as big as a mountain are rippling and rippling. The Buddha's eyes and eyes, which have been dead for years, are spurred by inexplicable power. Slowly opened.

"How could this happen!" Girl Fengluo's face was ugly.

"The Buddha's corpse opened its eyes, with a big ominous sign, it is impossible to return to the shore now!" Jiang Xiaji felt regretful in her heart.

She shouldn't--

Shouldn't turn into a ghost emperor like that, follow Su Jin to this point.

Not to mention the ancient Buddha corpse, even the October ancient god, it is not something that a few people can deal with at present.

When Su Jin was fully recovering, his mental power swept around, and he was actually prepared for a long time. This is the beauty of his ‘great wisdom Buddha pupil’.

One mind can count!

With the blessing of the natural ‘Tian Dao’ of Taoism, it can be used at will.

Very strange, Su Jin noticed that in the distance behind the ship, only the ancient Buddha's corpse and the October ancient god's corpse opened their eyes, but the half of the eaten dragon corpse did not move.

Su Jin hesitated slightly in his heart, and divided his spiritual power into a few strands. He wandered too far away from the Taoist ship, watching the floating dragon corpse——

"My blood junior! How is my clan so far!" The dragon god's corpse trembled slightly, sending out wisps of communication.

Su Jin was horrified, this dragon **** corpse was eaten half of it, and it was still able to emit divine thoughts! He was relieved later, it may be because the part that was eaten was in the latter half.

"One of my realms, the dragon clan has been destroyed. I have traveled through several realms. I have never seen a real dragon. I heard that in the distant realms, there are still a few surviving." Su Jin communicated half-truth.

Being mistaken for the Dragon Race may have something to do with Su Jin swallowing the'Dragon King Pearl'.

"Damn it! Damn it!" The half body of the dragon **** corpse struggled.

"The clan gods don't need to be angry, my dragon clan will definitely be able to regain glory in the future--" Su Jinfa made a comforting voice.

"I have a technique to teach you, if you see other people of the same race again, and teach each other, you are willing!" The dragon **** corpse was angrily unable to himself.

"How?" Su Jin was overjoyed. Of course he was willing to take a risk to observe it. It is of great benefit. Buddha corpse opened his eyes, October ancient **** corpse opened his eyes, but this dragon **** refused.

I want to complain

"Dragon Swallowing Technique!"

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