My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2157: Heavenly butterfly

Little Tangtang is really hot!

At that moment, Miss Fengluo's heart seemed to be broken, and even Jiang Xiaji was inexplicably surprised. She really didn't see this little girl, she turned out to be a'longevity goddess'.

But can the longevity goddess help them resolve their distress?

Because I haven't seen it, there are very few historical records about the "Longevity Goddess", and the existence of Jiang Xiaji's level has only heard legends once or twice.

When Xiaotangtang finished speaking, it was irretrievable--

When the long icy blue hair on the legs fluttered gently, the small body seemed to contain great energy, faintly radiating waves.

"Stop her, hurry up!" Li Fengluo shouted quickly with red eyes.

Jiang Xiaji slammed her hand out, trying to catch the little Tangtang in front of the bow, but the big hand that she condensed with the power of ghosts, but violently withdrew, was shocked back!

Xiao Tangtang didn't turn around, raised his head and looked at the huge ancient Buddha corpse and the ‘October Ancient God’s Corpse’ that were getting closer, his tone no longer resembling the milky voice, and said softly:

"Jianjia is blue, white dew is frost."

"Retrospectively follow it, the road is hindered and long."

"Jianjia 萋萋, the white dew is not shining. Traveling back from it, just in the middle of the water~~"

"Go back and follow it, the road will hinder and rise."

"Jia Jia Cai Cai, the white dew is not there."

"Retrospectively follow it--"

When every word was spoken, a few white silk floss appeared around Xiao Tangtang's physique. The silk floss was like a silkworm cocoon, surrounding her in circles.

"I can't get close to her by half an inch!" Jiang Xiaji couldn't believe it.

Xiao Tangtang's voice was a bit immature, but it was very serious.

"No!" Li Fengluo shouted, two strands of tears falling down her cheeks.

The situation of metamorphosis was very rapid, the white egg-shaped silkworm cocoon, the wave of terror became stronger and stronger.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

The cocoon broke open, and Xiaotangtang grew from a height of about one meter to about 1.3 meters. A pair of colorful butterfly wings appeared behind her——

The butterfly wings are very thin. Upon closer inspection, the lines on it look like the lines of the vast river and the sea. The mountains, the sea of ​​clouds, and the vast land are all manifested.

"Don't be sad for me, so Xiaotangtang will be sad too. Dad said that the longevity coffin will not live forever. Sooner or later Xiaotangtang will turn into a butterfly and fly away~~~"

Xiao Tangtang still didn't turn around, and under the corner of her right eye, a blue butterfly mark appeared!

The butterfly wings shook slightly behind, and Xiaotangtang flew into the sky, dancing lightly——

The blood was so heavy that he couldn't pull her body down, which was almost beyond the cognition of the two women!


In the eternal emptiness, a burst of butterflies was raised. There were various colors, flying around the celestial butterfly, and the colored wings of Xiaotangtang flapped slightly--

Immediately afterwards, her right wing slammed towards the ancient Buddha's corpse and the "October Ancient God's Corpse"!

The mighty power of the goddess, through the void, flapping with one wing, how powerful!


The ancient Buddha's corpse was severely injured. At that moment, the stone chips on the right arm of the Buddha's corpse flew, and this blow directly destroyed half of its arm!

The corpse of the ancient **** of October was also seriously injured. Among the ten crescents on the forehead, one of the moon marks was milled away, terrifying like this--

"So strong!" Jiang Xiaji couldn't help but gasped.

Unexpectedly, the strongest person on the scene does not belong to her, let alone Su Jin, but the little physique of the long-life goddess! Terrible and fearful, emerged in her heart!

Little Tangtang raised her palm, and a blue butterfly landed on her index finger, and then the blue butterfly flew away. She also closed her eyes——


Sudden vibrations appeared around her, and above her head, a vision appeared. There was only one blue ice butterfly, a very big one!

Xiao Tangtang closed her eyes, but two drops of tears rolled down.

The ice butterfly above her head is the soul of her celestial butterfly, which is equivalent to the true spirit of the ancestral realm and the emperor spirit of the emperor realm.

"Dad, mother, I love you... Little Tangtang is about to turn into a butterfly and fly away." The ice blue butterfly glanced at the boat, but even more reluctant.

The surrounding swarms of butterflies seemed to have lost their vitality and began to fall inexplicably. Thousands of butterflies fell on the boat, and countless ones fell into the river of blood.

On the deck, some butterflies moved their wings weakly, and never moved again--

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaji ventured to condense the giant hand, fished her body that was about to fall into the blood river into her hand, and received it on the boat.

Little Tangtang’s celestial butterfly soul, that terrifying big ice-blue butterfly, without turning its head, rushed towards the ancient Buddha's corpse and the "October Ancient God's Corpse"!

The ancient Buddha's corpse first made an action, lifting the stone palm, and the magnificent **** radiance gushed out, trying to catch the goddess butterfly soul.

Unexpectedly, the goddess of the goddess passed through its fingers, at an amazing speed, coiling and sinking into the stone corpse of the ancient Buddha is in his heart——


A stone cave appeared in the heart of the ancient Buddha's corpse, which had amazing defenses, and passed by!

But that day, the female butterfly soul, passing through the body, became more transparent, and the blue lightened a lot.

The ancient Buddha corpse roared in pain, while the October ancient **** corpse retreated quickly, but at the speed of the female butterfly spirit that day, its speed was not worth mentioning!

Seeing that they could not hide, the nine crescent marks on the forehead of the ancient **** of October shone brightly, and nine moon stars were manifested in the sky behind him, among which nine moon beasts roared in the sky.

The moon beast resembles a dog, with snow-white hair and four canine teeth glowing coldly, roaring and galloping out.

The celestial butterfly turned a deaf ear, and turned into an ice-colored horse, just like the corpse of a stone Buddha, the corpse of the ancient **** in October passed through!

At this point, the celestial butterfly is almost completely transparent, only a phantom exists, and a drop of light rain falls in the sky above the celestial butterfly's soul——

That day, the female butterfly shadow, as the light and rain fell, seemed to be transformed into a small sugar candy again, with a happy smile on her face.

"No no no... no!" Su Jin rolled his eyelids and burst into bursts.

Su Jin's eyes opened impressively, bright red!

The huge hand covering the sky was stretched out by him, fishing towards the transparent goddess butterfly soul in the rain of light——

I made a lot of money~~

Su Jin was stunned and instantly lost his reason, got up and walked towards Xiao Tangtang's body, held her in her arms, and smiled tragically: "It's okay, it's okay, Dad is the Six Dao Emperor! Dad is the Buddha of Life and Death! I'll save it. you!"

Thousands of Buddhist shadows filled the sky, speeding up the rhythm, and constantly chanting the "Sutra of the King of Life and Death", and the Buddhist chanting of the "Ksitigarbha Sutra" of the Ksitigarbha.

The almost transparent phantom celestial butterfly spirit in the sky just shone a little, but dimmed again——

Su Jin's face was fierce, and instantly turned into a golden body of the Buddha emperor. He opened the "Great Wisdom Buddha Eye", and he personally chanted, personally!

Sadness flows in the air.

The result was just in vain. The three temples manifested and blessed the Buddha's power, but there was no effect at all!

"I, what is the use of me as the Six Dao Great Emperor!"

Su Jin looked up to the sky and cried bitterly, "I am the king of life and death, what is the use!"

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