My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2158: Keep going

Girl Fengluo was covering her mouth, and she couldn't accept this fact. She held Xiaotangtang for far more time than Su Jin, and she really liked this little girl.

She is obedient.

She is very well-behaved.

She doesn't ask randomly.

She just wants to be with Su Jin and her "mother", it's that simple--

Su Jin was mad, mad, the surrounding waters and mountains surged, and all that was gushing out was sadness!

Putting down the sugar candy gently, Su Jin looked at the severely damaged stone Buddha corpse and the October ancient **** corpse. They are corpses, and they cannot be completely wiped out!

"Buddha is a ferry, not a harm, you are not worthy! You are not worthy!" Su Jin looked at the ancient Buddha corpse and roared ferociously. At that moment, half of the dragon **** corpse in the distance turned into powder and disappeared.

Buddha is the best!

Su Jin never said such a thing, but at this moment, he seemed to have a clear understanding--

The king of life and death, Su Jin only has a deep understanding of the four words "death" of the king of life and death, but he has more understanding of the "life".

Good people are rewarded, this is the best!

The Buddha can hold countless things, be compassionate to good people and compassionate to wicked people, but Xiao Tangtang is just a little girl, she doesn't live, who should live? She shouldn't die, who should die!


The three Buddhist halls trembled suddenly.

At the Great Leiyin Temple on the left, a bell like thunder broke out, shining brightly!

On the right side of the Sumeru Bodhi Hall, the imaginary bodhi tree actually began to bloom, with Buddha flowers, bodhi flowers!

The'Daxiong Treasure Hall' in the center is even more magnificent. The original Buddha ladder of 100,000 miles has expanded to 200,000 miles.

Those lights and rain were reflected by the glory of the Buddha, and the entire river of blood seemed to be transformed into a bright temple of Buddha, the pure land of Buddha!

"Little Tangtang, my father will come back with you!" Su Jin dictated the truth. In the Ming and Enlightenment, the Buddha had reached the top and merged with the Vulcan Dao.

This is hard to imagine!

With the Buddha's pupil of great wisdom, his heart is like a lamp. His pupil of wisdom Buddha shines a ray of wisdom Buddha's light, and that beam of Buddha's light hits the place where Xiaotangtang's soul is.

The transparent spirit that was about to disappear was flooded by the light of Buddha, and the spirit was lit up!

"From then on, the heavens can't control your life or death, your reincarnation, or your destiny, you enter the reincarnation of my six emperors, and my father will protect you with his whole life--"

Su Jin's voice was light.

Bang bang bang~~~

The six gates of reincarnation opened the void and branded the soul of the goddess of heaven. This scene frightened Li Fengluo and frightened Jiang Xiaji——

Su Jin just used Buddhism and did not succeed, but why is he suddenly strong now? This makes it impossible for the two women to imagine.

The light rain turned into the rain of Buddha, the butterfly soul of the longevity goddess seemed to be asleep in weakness, and was put into Xiaotangtang's body by Su Jin. A weak heartbeat appeared in her heart.

Li Fengluo quickly crawled towards Xiao Tangtang, pressed her face to her face, and held her in her arms. She would rather hold her forever than hurt her.

"Congratulations to my king, congratulations to my king! My king makes another step forward!" Jiang Xiaji worshiped again and again.

I actually regret it in my heart--

For some talented people, the speed of cultivation is astonishingly fast. Su Jin was still weak at first, and then he realized that he improved his moral power. This kind of talent is the most terrifying!

"You seem to be unfaithful to me." Su Jin intended to look at Jiang Xiaji with cold eyes.

Jiang Xiaji was cursed by the ghost king, and successfully used him as the ghost king to transform into a ghost body and a ghost emperor slave, but in the pupil of the great wisdom Buddha, there was still something wrong.

"The servant girl dare not, the servant girl will live forever and will be loyal to my king!" Jiang Xiaji's face turned pale.

Now she has a feeling of despair!

It feels like stealing chickens and losing rice, Su Jin’s ghost king is not yet at the top of the emperor realm. If he becomes the six realms world and reaches the'six realms world’, can the ghost king curse be isolated by her means? ?

Jiang Xia Ji didn't dare to think--

Su Jin faded away from the golden body, the three Buddhist temples disappeared, and the sword box behind him was shaking fiercely.

Six ways of swallowing dragons, refining half of the corpse of the dragon god, and blessing Su Jin's sword body dao. If his sword body dao is free, and then the three styles of the dragon deep, the sword body dao may also reach the top of the emperor.

This is extremely scary!

If the dragon **** corpse was just half dead, Su Jin might be able to break through the imprisonment directly, but it was a pity that Shenhua was nearly exhausted, but he was already satisfied.

Su Jin took down the Dragon Abyss sword box.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

The dragon shadow loomed around, and the entire sword body seemed to have undergone transformation and became more eye-catching. On the Juque sword, the mountain pattern flickered, and the faint and strong fluctuations radiated, and the benefits were also not small.

Su Jin lightly pointed to the "Dragon Abyss Sword", and lifted his hand up like a water splash——

The Long Yuan sword turned into an arc-shaped dragon from the sword box, and was picked out by Su Jin!

The exquisite movements made Jiang Xiaji couldn't help but stare, and Su Jin was able to use the feeling of ‘Natural Taoism’ at will, making her very nervous.


Su Jin's feet shook, the water and mountains disappeared, and the Taoist boat fell steadily on the water. Then he gently pointed to the ancient Buddha's corpse and the'October Elder God's corpse'. Longyuan sword turned into a'shenlong', domineering forever !

Cut to the ancient Buddha corpse!

If these two stone corpses were alive, Su Jin would naturally be unable to contend with it. In addition, he had just been hit hard by the ‘Eternal God’s Little Tangtang’, and he was naturally able to cope with it now!


The ancient Buddha's corpse stretched out its huge palm, trying to crush the dragon that Longyuan turned into, but the dragon was as hard as a **** of iron, and every scale carried a domineering sword mark. The huge palm was pinched, but was cut off by half. !

"My king--" Jiang Xiaji's inner shock at this moment far surpassed the supernatural power that Xiaotangtang had just exhibited, and Su Jin made her more and more confused.

The cold scales rustle and collided, and there was a movement.

Who buried the sword.

Who picked up the sword.

Who loves and caress the sword, far better than the miss for his lover?

A sword song tells the vicissitudes of life!

A sentence of Long You Zai Yuan, and what kind of obsession!

Juque soared into the sky, and the river of blood set up a huge mountain of imaginary swords, pulling away all the power, a ‘in the deep’, causing the Long Yuan sword to fly upside down to Su Jin’s hands——

Standing swords with both hands, it seemed to be making a gesture of ‘Shang Xiang’, and in a flash, Long Yuan seemed to ‘combine two’ with Su Jin.

Su Jin is like a rising dragon, and Long Yuan is like a spine propped up. His hair is flying, and he cuts out with a sword!


The imaginary giant sword absorbed power and merged with Juque, while Long You held it in Yuan's hand, two kinds of swordsmanship, slammed on the ancient Buddha's corpse and the October ancient god's corpse!

Click, click, click——

The stone Buddha was cut like a mountain, neatly cut into more than a dozen pieces, and the corpse of the ancient October god, the mark of the eyebrows and crescents were all burst, and they were also cut in half.

All submerged in the river of blood and disappeared completely!

After Su Jin finished all this, the two divine swords were put into the sword case. He took the sword case on his back, turned and walked to Miss Fengluo, her face was wet with tears, which made people feel distressed.

"Why doesn't she wake up?" Girl Feng Luo asked Su Jin in a crying voice.

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