My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2159: Lock the Yin coffin and the guillotine!

Why are you still not awake?

The beauty was crying. From Su Jin's point of view, it was really necessary to call a pear flower with rain, and Fengluo's question would naturally be answered.

"She just sleeps--" Su Jin stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears for Girl Feng Luo.

"Really?" Li Fengluo's mood improved, and she believed Su Jin without knowing why.

"Of course it is true."

Su Jin carefully observed when he came, Xiao Tangtang is now in much better condition than just now, and the celestial butterfly returned to her body, her face turned red, and she would definitely wake up after a sleep.

Jiang Xiaji walked cautiously at this moment, and also said: "My younger sister put her heart down, Tangtang has a very special physique, and she can quickly make up for it before she is gone, but she is badly worn out. I don't know when the power she used before will be restored. ."

"That's good--"

Girl Feng Luo smiled, and asked in doubt: "What happened to you just now, obviously I can't save it."

"Wang Fudao has just taken one step." Su Jin nodded lightly. I don't know how many points this Bi can score.

"How to go next, the blood river is only halfway away, it is already so difficult." Girl Fengluo's words meant to retreat, not only herself, but also the idea to persuade Su Jin.

Su Jin walked on the side of the ship and looked at the slightly turbulent surface of the blood river, yes, everything is unknown in the way ahead, and the ship has not passed hundreds of thousands of coffins--

The danger is self-evident.

But the mother won't save it? Every time he drives one meter forward, Su Jin has an extra point of expectation, no matter how hard it is, he will have to bear it!


The Taoist boat swayed several waves, like a dead leaf, and began to roll forward under the light of the dim Buddha lamp of the Emperor.

Swim into hundreds of thousands of divine coffins, and every divine coffin was pulled by blood-colored chains. Those chains all came from the other side of the river. I don't know who used the extraordinary craftsmanship that year to make such a big deal.

The gloomy sky, the red river like blood, every mouthful of the divine coffin made a slight trembling movement. When the road ship seemed to be driving along the channel, the hearts of Su Jin and the two women were filled with unknown signs.

Girl Fengluo felt the most real, and her strength was the weakest here. If Su Jin had not for the tens of thousands of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats that had been condensed from the'Living and Death King Buddha', it would have been too tormented.

"my king--"

Jiang Xiaji's face flushed, her heart was about to jump out, and then she said in an extremely solemn voice: "The coffins are all turning red, I~~"

Su Jin raised his hand to stop her from speaking, "calm down."

Sure enough, hundreds of thousands of divine coffins began to rise with red blood, like a piece of stubborn iron being placed in a high-temperature flame, and like a prawn in a pan, quickly changing color.

The animal sculptures on the divine coffin, such as the **** tiger, the hexagonal red snake, the dragon and the phoenix, the phoenix bird, the scorpion, the tyrant, and so on, changed their movements as the coffin wall turned red, as if to come alive.

"Ah—" Girl Fengluo screamed in panic. During the conversation between the two, she looked hurriedly and saw a scene that made her scalp numb.

A nearby red divine coffin, the red chain like a snake, quickly coiled every divine coffin, and a white-clothed female corpse emerged above the coffin lid, her eyes closed and her waist tied.

To be precise, there are three chains on the female body, one on the neck, one on the lower abdomen, and one on the ankle!

The suppressed atmosphere of horror seems to be breaking the psychological defense of every creature. If there is only one place, it would be simple. The key is hundreds of thousands of divine coffins, and every bite is like this.

"This is the ancient lock-yin coffin, this is the place of great evil!" Jiang Xiaji's face turned from ruddy to pale, shaking as she spoke, her teeth touched up and down, her heart was desperate as gray.

Lock the coffin!

On every yin-locking coffin, a corpse of a goddess was revealed, with different faces——

Males are yang, females are yin, so many goddess corpses gather, I don't know what happens to them.

Su Jin's eyes were sharp at this time, and his face was stern, with unprecedented dignity!

"Brother Midnight, what should I do?" Girl Fengluo was a little anxious. When she reached their state, she was very sensitive to crises. Now she felt that disaster would be imminent at any time.

Su Jin gritted his teeth secretly without responding, Dao Chuan moved on.

Strange to say, after hundreds of thousands of **** coffins have all been transformed into blood coffins, more than half of the incense has passed by now, and the entire blood river journey has taken about three-quarters without any change.

The nerves of the three of them are tense.

Su Jin's expression was much more relaxed, because he could already see the land across the blood river!

"Mahe Town Prison! Reverse the virtual, give me the reverse!" Su Jin opened his eyebrows and sullen eyes, and his blood-colored pupils made people afraid to look directly.

Su Jin wanted to find the way to take his mother away. After all, it was only twenty years old and the prison eye of Maha Town could definitely see it.

The tiger body shocked~~~

In the scene that came from the illusion, there were a hundred female ghosts dressed in human skins, dressed in white, walking stiffly side by side towards the north. There was a prison at the forefront, pulled by three snow tigers, the prison was as big as Gong Yu!

Among them, there was a woman who couldn't see her face, but could only see her back, sitting quietly. Su Jin could see a bunch of blue silk hanging behind her. The trailing red skirt was very long, and the skirt tail was at least 30 meters away.

On the side of the prison, a stone platform was hung. On the stone platform was a crystal scarlet chain with an axe blade hanging from the chain.

That is……


Su Jin is short of breath, is his mother still alive? How does it differ from what he knows?

The scene turned, and another scene appeared, which made Su Jin excited--

Apparently in the next few years, a middle-aged man with short hair in a linen robe, with a ‘yellow wood spear’ on his back, rode a red horse pegasus, and also rushed north.

That face is actually six points similar to him~~~

That is his father! Absolutely! Su Jin felt the heat of blood! Although he didn't see his mother's face, his father definitely crossed this river of blood and went deeper!

Why! Why did the grey-robed old man lie to me?

Su Jin was excited, and his heart was unprecedentedly angry. The old man in gray robe said at the beginning that he had never seen his father again, but now what counts!

Suddenly, there was a palpitation in my heart, and I couldn't tolerate Su Jin's thinking.

On the coffin of hundreds of thousands of gods, every goddess corpse suddenly opened its eyes, there was no **** in their eyes, they made one action at the same time, that is, they opened their mouths——

Spit out a pure corpse breath~~

The corpse energy gathered, the Taoist boat began to spin on the spot, and the river of blood condensed into a whirlpool! The ship is extremely unstable, and the current situation is beyond human control!

"The boat is about to turn over!" Girl Fengluo hugged Xiao Tangtang tightly, her soul frightened and she screamed constantly!

This time it really was going to overturn, the inexplicable existence at first made the emperor's lamp go out. At that time, there was an omen. Su Jin was turned into danger at that time, but this time, Su Jin could not turn things around again!

The Dao Ship spinning in place was swept in by the whirlpool——


Girl Fengluo's voice faintly echoed in the whirlpool~~~

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