My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2160: Tensions!

The change was too sudden--

Who could have imagined that such a fierce place as the'locking the coffin' could be so terrifying! If you put it on the ground, you may be able to deal with it one or two times, but here is a **** river!

Shenhe that is difficult for the common people to cross!

In an emergency, Su Jin was extremely calm. If he hadn't been prepared, he would definitely not behave like this.

The'Human Emperor Lantern' hung on the Taoist boat was blessed by more than thousands of Buddha shadows. Although it evolved into a Buddha lamp early, hundreds of thousands of goddess corpses can spit out the yin to pure Yin Qi Down, still blown out——

Dao Chuan quickly wilted, like a deflated balloon, shrinking rapidly~~


The confetti is flying, the boat is shattered!

Su Jin held the arms of the two women in each hand, Feng Luo was already terrified at that moment, knowing that she was still holding Xiaotangtang!

Crucial! When the brains of the two females were blank, Su Jin burst out!

A ridiculous thought appeared in Jiang Xiaji's mind. Could it be that Su Jin would fight the entire Shenhe with one person? If it can work, I'm afraid it won't be called ‘difficult life’!

"Divine Art! Wolf Whale Domination!"

On the back of Su Jin's right hand, the wolf whale tattoo imprint exudes a terrifying aura, and the body of a ‘wolf whale’ evolved in a flash!

In fact, Su Jin took the initiative to enter the Void Abyss earlier because of this technique as a backing. If he finds a few spatial gaps, he can escape from it.

The terrifying wolf whale showed a domineering posture. Before falling into the water, he had wrapped several people and fell into the river of blood. Su Jin was actually not sure whether he could resist it with this technique.

Jiang Xiaji sat down, her face filled with impossible.

The same is true for Miss Fengluo. The moment she was frightened, she was softened by fear, but she did not expect Su Jin to rescue them again at a critical time!


Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the area isolated by the wolf whale body in the blood river, he once again bet to win!

"My king, even this legendary'ancient magic'." Jiang Xiaji's admiring tone was still tangled in her heart. After all, Su Jin's secrets were increasing.

It's extraordinary to shoot-

"Have you heard of this technique?" Su Jin was startled, he didn't expect Jiang Xiaji to know.

"Of course, I have heard that this technique has long become a stunt. I don't know how many times it has been lost. Only in the martial arts that have not fallen for generations, there are records of this." Jiang Xiaji's face improved.

"Oh?" Su Jin's face was calm.

Li Fengluo hugged Tangtang in embarrassment and got up, curiously watching the two who were talking.

"It is rumored that this technique is the ultimate technique. When the practice is at its most extreme, it can jump out of the Three Realms. It is not among the five elements. I have studied some ancient books with my friends. I originally thought that this technique would not exist." Jiang Xiaji said.

Su Jin nodded.

Because earlier, Jiang Xiaji was flattering to him on the surface, and I yelled as my king, seemingly surrendered, but in fact, she used the little tricks, relying on his ghost king way, how could she not notice it?

She just doesn’t know, she abandons all the Dao law in the past, and borrows his ghost king body to become a ‘ghost emperor slave’. I don’t know what the plot is—

Su Jin felt that this was the most terrifying thing. The more he revealed, he felt that the secrets were being unearthed continuously. He still can't figure out the purpose of this woman.

"Let's leave this ghost place quickly." Miss Feng Luo didn't want to stay for a minute and urged.

As simple as her, she doesn't know the thoughts of the two.

Su Jin's talent, magic, and physique far exceeded Li Fengluo's imagination. Fortunately, she is innocent, otherwise her two unimaginable daughters alone would be enough for her to imagine!

The "Eternal Goddess" recognized Su Jin as his father. Li Fengluo also heard him say that there is a daughter who is most likely the reincarnation of the "Good Fortune Fairy King"——

Can you think about who Su Jin was back then?


Because thinking is scary!

The evolved wolf whale body, under Su Jin's urging, quickly swam towards the opposite shore!

There are good and bad now.

The good news is that a few years after his mother was taken away, my father rode on a horse of Akakoma! Worrying is not knowing, whether parents are dead or alive!

The guillotine, lock the Yin coffin, there is no Jedi in the world than here, if Su Jin had not relied on the means, this **** river would definitely not pass——

There are hundreds of thousands of scarlet chains, of varying lengths, and the location of the coffin seems to be very elegant, neat and even!

The wolf whale body leaped out of the river of blood, and the last distance passed smoothly! Several people successfully set foot on the land on the other side, and only then did Miss Fengluo really breathe a sigh of relief.

Su Jin turned his head and looked at the hundreds of thousands of ups and downs of the divine coffin. Their second level has passed, but the divine coffin has not disappeared. Those goddess corpses with eyes open are still tied to the coffin by three chains!

Hundreds of thousands of blood-colored chains are still hundreds of miles away from the land, and the ends of those blood chains are actually tied to a red mountain!

The familiar breath suddenly came to Su Jin's heart, and he turned around and looked over——

Under the red mountains, the old man in gray robes swallowed drunkly and leaned against a chain, almost drunk. Obviously, I haven't seen Su Jin before, but he is waiting here!

"Let's go, I'll ask this old thing to be clear!" Su Jin's face was full of dissatisfaction.

At that time, Su Jin was blocked in front of the river of blood and was unwilling to leave. The old man said that his father would never show up again, but just now when his Mahe Town Prison Eyes turned back, he discovered that the truth was not the case!

Why did the gray-robed old man lie to him!

What is your intention!

Soon after, Su Jin smiled sternly and led people to the old man in gray robe——

"Did you bring wine?" The gray-robed old man's watery eyes opened a gap, looked at Su Jin, and took the initiative to say something, but asked if he had brought wine.

"Who are you, Shenhe, which is difficult for the general public, why can you easily get to the opposite bank?" Su Jin frowned and asked.

"It's very simple. I am the guard guarding the "Outer Prison" of the Mogu Prison..." Although the gray-robed old man was drunk, he was still sober.

Su Jin waved his hand and placed the hundreds of kilograms of wine contained in the bone ring on the flat ground, wine jars, and all kinds of wine bottles.

"Good, good!" The gray-robed old man came to the spirit and just reached out his hand.

"Slow!" Su Jinduo yelled, but stood in front of the wine and stopped him.

"What else do you want to ask?" The gray-robed old man thought that Su Jin wanted a pot of wine for a question.

"Yellow Wood Spear, Scarlet God Ju!" Su Jin only said six words.

Hearing these two reminders, the gray-robed old man's skinny body trembled fiercely, and two ray of divine light was condensed in his watery eyes, and he stared at Su Jin closely——

Is this old man an enemy or a friend?

Of course, Su Jin must understand clearly. Now, regardless of Jiang Xiaji's presence, relying on his current strength alone, it may not be impossible to fight against this Dao Venerable!

Jiang Xiaji stepped back slightly and felt the tension. She didn't understand why Su Jin and the old man in the gray robe were still in a relationship with Yan Yuese just now, why suddenly there was a sense of tension!

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