My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2162: Chonglou

The sword box trembled--

Although there is no direct relationship between the two strange fires, the flames that ignited on the stone basin made Su Jin feel inexplicably moved.

Chi Chi ~~~


Mahe Town Prison opened his eyes and looked at the stone basin flame with a sense of vicissitudes of life.

At the beginning of civilization, Su Jin saw an old man with a slightly hunched back, dressed in coarse brown linen. In the past, he had excavated the Huaiyin Mountain cliff and placed a pot of fire.

Su Jin did not expect that the ancient legend was actually true. This old one was spread all over Tinder, and it was definitely the head of the Three Emperors who enjoyed a lofty status in China, the Suiren clan!

No wonder it causes the resonance of four kinds of strange fires, such as Red Lotus Purifying Fire, Qinghu Immortal Flame, Sky Hellfire, and Burning World Golden Crow Flame!

In the first level, why does the sky hellfire exist?

It must be related to the Suiren clan! This is an awe-inspiring existence, courageous and lonely wandering, inhuman can bear!

Girl Fengluo's expression dimmed, her face was full of sadness, no less sad than when Xiaotangtang was born.

"Brother--" Miss Fengluo stepped into the range of Huaiyin Mountain for some reason, her heart could not contain her sadness and she wanted to cry very much.


Su Jin replied, calmed Long Yuan lightly, and started walking towards the flame.

But only 20 meters away!

Su Jin's complexion changed slightly, and he raised his hand to stop the two women from walking. In the range of "Huaiyin Mountain", there was a piece of beautiful Dongxiao music——

"The long street is long, the fireworks are numerous... You look back with the lamp, the short pavilion is short, the red dust is rolling, I will sigh Xiao again."

People hurt in the song, and the female voice sighed faintly. Obviously, the poem was given to a woman. This Huaiyin Mountain locked the hundreds of thousands of divine coffins in a strange and barren place. Why would there be a female voice?

Su Jin looked around the red mist and faintly caught the shadow of the opponent. The speed was staggering, but then he had an idea, and under the panic of the Fengluo girl, he echoed:

"Lin Hua thanked Chunhong, too hurried~~ Helpless morning, cold rain and late wind, rouge tears, drunk together, how long will it be heavy. Since people grow and hate water, they will grow up—"

There were two drops of clear tears in the red mist, and the shadow mark stopped strangely, seeming to be moved by Su Jinyin's poetry.

"With this word of you and the sword in your box, you retreat, and I won't cut you." Shadow Mark stopped, it turned out to be a beautiful woman swinging a sword!

The beauty was dressed in a green and white Luoshang, with a blue sword lying flat in front of her. It was one foot wide and looked like a swinging sword. It was better to say that the sword was placed like a piano.

And in that blue sword, Dao Mark is reckless, obviously very extraordinary.

"Do you know my sword in the box?" Su Jin was surprised, seeing the reality of the opponent.

This beauty is not a real person, but a beautiful sword spirit! The sword spirit of this sword!

"Three feet of water in the ancestor's box, once entered Wutan to cut the dragon's son! It is Long Yuan -" The beautiful sword spirit seemed to be severely depressed and very depressed.

"Are you He Jian?" Su Jin asked.

He Jian?

Girl Fengluo's eyes widened, she saw the beautiful body, she really didn't see the mysteriousness, she didn't expect it to be a sword spirit!

Although Jiang Xiaji was skeptical, she suddenly got up after Su Jin's point was broken. Her eyesight was correct--

"The world no longer knows Huazhonglou, it doesn't matter who I am." The beautiful sword spirit seemed to recall that year.

"Zhishang Chonglou! This is the Chonglou sword, let's go!" Jiang Xiaji's mind was about to explode. It was obvious that she, who was knowledgeable, knew the name of this sword.

"Fuck!" Su Jin glanced at Jiang Xiaji, "Is there a way to go?"

Su Jin didn't have much research on this, but it is estimated that the difficulty lies in her if Huaiyin Mountain can encounter this sword! How can he retreat--

"She was called Hua Chonglou. When this woman was alive, her family was once a famous sword-making family. She went through a lot of hardships and was hurt by love. Later, she killed a million people with a heart, and finally embraced the gods and jumped into the furnace. , Rongdao becomes a sword."

Jiang Xiaji was extremely jealous, and at least a hundred thousand points of energy was stirred up in her heart. She felt that if she felt a little wrong, her body would be cut off.

"Interesting." Su Jin touched his chin and nodded.

"My king, she said to let us go, it's better to wait until the next day when my king becomes stronger and hey, and it will not be too late--" Jiang Xiaji sent a sound to Su Jin, persuading.

Regarding persuasion, Su Jin ignored her lazily.

"Beauty, you and I are destined! The Long Yuan sword has lost two handles, and there is still a place in my sword box. Why don't you recognize me as the master? How about I take you across the world!" Su Jin reached out and asked.

Jiang Xiaji and Li Fengluo changed their looks at the same time. The other party was obviously able to kill them all, but Su Jin wanted to conquer this divine sword?

Su Jin naturally thought!

Long Yuan’s other two handles are missing. I don’t know where it is. I am afraid that it will be difficult to gather them in this life. If he gets another heavy building sword, then in the Long Yuan sword box, Juque, Long Yuan, and heavy building swords will raise his future. Sword body and power!

"Smelly man... you don't deserve to have me, you leave quickly, otherwise even if I don't make a move, you will die here--" Hua Zhonglou shook his head.

Su Jin:...

He sighed heavily.

It turns out that relying on handsomeness and temperament can not win the hearts of beautiful people. Once this woman is labeled as a ‘smelly man’, this magical sword will probably miss him again.

"Since you don't want to follow me, I am not too difficult for others. I will pass this mountain.

Su Jin turned around and started to move on towards the stone basin flame.

"Do you really want to leave?" Girl Fengluo said, her voice was obviously very disturbed.

Su Jin's face was calm, but his eyes rolled. After communicating with Feng Luo to tell her to stop talking, he left the back of the sword spirit in the heavy building——

The poignant and touching poems chanted from Su Jin's mouth:

"How long to wait, how long to dream, ten thousand years? One hundred thousand years? Even if there is no night and day, I will chase to the end of the heavens, Sansheng III will not let go--"

Sansheng III don't let go!

Chonglou Jianling's delicate body trembled fiercely, and the green sword with a foot width trembling.

"Wait~~~" Chonglou Jian Ling suddenly shouted, his voice was slightly softer.

"Any suggestions?" Su Jin's mouth showed a scheming smile, without turning his head back.

"You, tell me one more thing, Sansheng Sanshi will not let go--"

Regarding the words of Chonglou Jian Ling, Su Jin was naturally full of sentimental tone, and his voice was full of sincere emotions, and said something as she requested.

"I'm willing to follow you." As he said, the beautiful sword spirit of Chonglou seemed to lose her strength.

However, on the Qingjian, wisps of mysterious yin air wafted out, and hundreds of thousands of gods' coffins were locked on the corpse of the goddess with open eyes, her mouth opened, and suddenly she shouted in unison, "Kill!"

Chonglou Jianling's mind seems to be affected, and the sadness reappears!


Su Jin was shocked. It turned out that this woman was suppressed in the "Huaiyin Mountain". In addition, she was originally lack of care and could not leave even if she wanted to leave. Now the terrible place here is reflected!

Can Magic Sword'Chonglou' collect it?

Su Jin gritted his teeth fiercely, but he didn't allow him to think, sadness and killing intent filled all around——

Then, Su Jin said something that surprised the two women of Fengluo:

"Fight! Give it a try, the bike becomes a motorcycle!"

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