My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2163: To become a Buddha is no longer a demon!

Seeking wealth and insurance——

Su Jin is bound to win this ‘heavy building’!

You must know that there are a total of three grooves in the sword box. The "juque" represents the thick, so-called epee without the edge, and the skill is not working. There is no such beautiful word to describe it.

The Longyuan sword is domineering, with the domineering feeling of the emperor, exquisite and luxurious, and has three types of original swordsmanship, which can cut through the sky——

The lack of a groove, it is necessary to make up for this heavy building!

Chonglou appeals to the ultimate death. Those hundreds of thousands of locked coffins, each of the goddess' corpses that are locked, contain a huge amount of Yinqi. I don't know how many years the "Chonglou" will be contained.

Therefore, the Demon Yin Qi contained in Demon Sword Chonglou is of great benefit to Su Jin's "Devil", "Ghost" and "Sword Body Dao"!

The Buddha's yellow was plated all over, Su Jin's heart was full of Ming and Qing, and his eyebrows "Great Wisdom Buddha Eyes" opened suddenly, and the three Buddhist temples emerged——


The ‘Da Leiyin Temple’ in the Buddha Hall, the bells ringing like thunder, pierced the heart! Thousands of Buddha's shadows walking behind him bowed down to the "Daxiong Hall" in the middle.


Hundreds of thousands of corpses of goddess, the word "kill" came out, the magic sword heavy building kept trembling, and the beauty of the sword spirit's mind was affected. For a moment, she stared at Su Jin with a murderous intent.

However, the ringing of Frey's bell swayed away the wisps of yin that seemed to be substantive, and the coldness in the eyes of the sword spirit of the heavy building gradually became tender.

Although Su Jin is clear in his heart, he is still a little anxious, knowing that this will not last long.

Su Jin took off the sword box and slapped it open with the sound of the Buddha.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

The domineering, heavy, and two-handed divine sword's brilliance is pressing, and Su Jin can't afford to lose, and shouted: "Return to the box!"

The sword spirit of Demon Sword Heavy Building also did not hesitate at all. The creatures here are not united. For example, in the Blood River, the dragon corpse who was gnawed away by half of the dragon's body chose to help Su Jin.

Chonglou understands that if you want to escape from the confinement of the ‘Huaiyin Mountain’ and want to leave, you must recognize the lord Su Jin, there is no other way!


In an emergency, Chonglou Sword Spirit lay in the sword, but when the crackling sound appeared, a large transparent hand, carrying an electric light, grabbed the sword—


Su Jin yelled, and the "wisdom Buddha pupil" gradually became weird, the Buddha's golden color was mixed with a little water red, and then it became fiery red again!

Three pupils are like fire on Buddha King's body!

The ‘Maha Town Prison Eye’ blessed the ‘Wisdom Buddha Eye’, and the two superimposed to help open the golden eye!

Su Jin’s current ‘Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes’ are very extraordinary, including the Qinghu Immortal Yan, the Red Lotus Purifying Fire, the Sky Hellfire, and even the Burning World Golden Crow Flame!

These four kinds of strange fire blessings, and the golden eyes of the fire eye have two superimposed ancient pupil techniques. This is no longer a simple pupil technique!

Girl Fengluo held the sleeping little Tangtang and backed up a few steps.

An ugly expression flashed across Jiang Xiaji's face, just like Girl Feng Luo, she stepped back a long way--

The two of them were not willing to retreat on their own initiative, let alone being scared, but Su Jin's terrifying aura, which shook them back, not instinctively willing!

"go with!"

Three beams of flames melted into one, and between the electric light and flint, they hit the virtual and transparent sword-holding arm!

The dust was scattered, the Demon Sword Heavy Building seemed to break free from the confinement, let out a tremor, came across, and landed on the opened Longyuan sword box, slowly falling into position.

That imaginary big hand was burned by the fiery eyes, and the second half of the arm was quickly retracted. The three Buddhist temples on the scene exuded the universal kind of Buddha light, as if nothing happened just now.

"What I did, is it right--" Jiang Xiaji saw Su Jin so strong, her heart was already ashamed, she looked at Su Jin's proud back, her beautiful eyes were full of complexity.

Su Jin stayed in the same place, silent for a while, his eyes were quite jealous.

As far as he could see, the Demon Sword Chonglou was just a sword slave suppressed on the'Huaiyin Mountain', and the true enemy had not yet appeared.

"Brother Midnight, are you okay?" Seeing Su Jin did not turn around, Miss Feng Luo asked worriedly.

Su Jin tilted his head slightly and said faintly: "I will sacrifice the'Chonglou' first, you will wait for a while for me."

Immediately, Su Jin sat down without waiting for the two women to speak.

Now that he has the magic weapon again, the three positions of the Longyuan sword box are full, and Su Jin plans to simply refine the heavy building first to prevent accidents.

When sitting cross-legged, Su Jin lays the sword box flat on his knees, closing his eyes, "Wandering Taixu", six kinds of enchanting powers, 簌簌rising all over!

Su Jin's closed face was more and more joyful, the Demon Sword Heavy Building absorbed the yin power of hundreds of thousands of goddess corpses, and the benefits to him were self-evident.

Male is yang and female is yin. Under the harmony of yin and yang, that power is far superior to Su Jin's body, and far superior to the merits of the thousand women of the "Furnace and Ding Double Cultivation Dafa"!

It is not shocking!

Originally, Su Jin was also worried that this heavy building sword was not suitable for male cultivators, because in his opinion, this sword was more suitable for female cultivators, but now this doubt has been completely eliminated!

Because it fits perfectly!

Su Jin wandered in the emptiness, condensing a spiritual body, covering it in the ‘sword body of the heavy building’.

"Sansheng III, don't let go." Among the swords in the heavy building, the beautiful sword spirit looked at Su Jin with a face full of obsessiveness.

Su Jin's spiritual body touched her cheek silently, and then the two palms touched, the spiritual body and the sword spirit began to blend in the emptiness of the sword body——


The beautiful sword spirit, at the position of the jade neck under her ears, gradually lit up a mysterious red curse. It was the ghost king curse, and it would never betray Su Jin forever.


Su Jin regained consciousness, opened his eyes suddenly, and closed the sword case.

The sword box, like a zither, made a pleasant sound--

Su Jin pats the fencing box lightly~~~


The ten thousand azure sword patterns shook out, and those sword marks carried a mysterious trail. In an instant, the void was mottled and shattered by ten thousand sword marks!

This is just a simple sacrifice, Su Jin is already extremely satisfied!

The two women were not far behind him, already dumbfounded.

Su Jin sighed, got up and said: "Let's go, I want to see what is terrible in this Huaiyin Mountain! Who hinders me, I kill whom!"

Immediately, he walked to the foot of Huaiyin Mountain and came to the stone basin before the flame——

Su Jin did not expect that the far-away China Great World was in a dire straits at this moment!

Outside of China, the northern desert city is vast and sparsely populated. It snows all the year round and is covered by ice and snow, but in many snowy areas, the red blood is so striking.

The monks of the Northern Territory, lost nearly 20% in the two-day battle!

If it is not an emergency, a shadow of the monkey appears with a stick, and the creatures in the northern region will be destroyed!

"Ha! God the thief! Brother and sister-in-law's life in that realm is all dead, and you are still launching a catastrophe on our realm now!"

The roaring lonely ape shadow stood proudly with a stick, pointed it at God, the demon light was overwhelming, and questioned the sky indignantly:

"You said that when I become a Buddha, I am no longer a demon! But now if you are ruthless, I would rather be the eternal demon king!"

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