My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2164: Sui Ren Jing

Eternal Demon King——

Who can utter such cynicism?

Once you become a Buddha, you will no longer be a demon when you become a Buddha? Ah Dou uttered indignant words, the rod began to fade a little Buddha light, and dimmed, but like a wood carving, some patterns appeared.

Outside that deserted city, in the deserted forbidden land, a full ten world realms once again emerged!

The mysterious desert forbidden land is vast and unknown. In the entire Northern Territory, Mu Tianhan and Rong Qingqing, under the spells of the Blizzard Lord, saw that monstrous demon spirit appear.

"It's He Yao, it's so powerful!" Rong Qingqing was speechless, she grew up so big, Su Jin was the strongest person she had ever seen, followed by Blizzard Lord.

"I'm going to break through! He is the fighting sacred Buddha, I have heard that he fought with the Ksitigarbha King once." Blizzard Lord said astonishing.

"Ancestor, break through to become the emperor? A creature in my world?" Mu Tianhan was originally afraid of his father, because the Blizzard Lord was very strict with him, and now he couldn't help but exclaim.

"Demon Emperor, after Su Tianzi, we will add another emperor!" Blizzard Lord was moved.

Now the catastrophe of the World Extinction is taking place, are there any eggs under the covering? Adding another imperial demon emperor would be of great benefit to the entire China World.

"We have a rescue in the Northern Territory!" Rong Qingqing was also very excited.

"Those ten mysterious powerhouses have opened up the mirror of the world. Obviously they are world-level powerhouses——" Lord Blizzard sighed, but he was very desperate in his heart.

It is impossible for a demon emperor to defeat ten world realms, not to mention that Ah Dou just broke through.

World? ?

Mu Tianhan and Rong Qingqing were stunned, and also stunned, there were also a dozen ancestral powers from Blizzard City. They did not say anything because of the presence of the Blizzard Lord.

"Ten World Realms, we are going to finish the Northern Territory!"

"Lord, the latest news is that the blood demon appeared in the'Red Tide Sea' in southern Xinjiang, and now southern Xinjiang is also in deep water." Suddenly an elder walked to the hall, anxious.

"Eastern Ksitigarbha, with a group of ancestral realms, is fighting against the powerful in the depths of the'Nine Nether Jedi'. Currently, there is only the'West Heaven Buddha Kingdom', and nothing has happened yet."

"Our lips are dead and our teeth are cold. We are all too busy to take care of ourselves. Lord Lord is very wise, can there be a way?"

"Oh! How to be good, how to be good!"

"Where is Emperor Su! Where is it!"


The elders were anxious.

The Blizzard Lord swept to everyone, and said lightly: "Our Northern Territory is about to be destroyed, please be prepared."

Who cares about other domains now?

The Northern Territory Relics appeared in ten world realm powerhouses. In the eyes of the Blizzard Lord, even if Su Tianzi was present, there was no possibility of victory. It was impossible. The Northern Territory was about to end!

But the scene that followed caused the audience to fall into silence, and the scene where the Blizzard Lord was manifested completely slapped his face and was beaten!

Ah Dou became the demon emperor. On that stick, the wood grain gradually began to turn red and blood red, only one shot!

Bang bang bang bang...

The world realm of the ten invaders directly exploded into a blood mist, all of them were blown up on the spot, their souls scattered, and annihilated in the world!


Su Jin didn't know anything about China's situation at the moment. He looked at the stone basin in front of him. The stone basin was no more than a foot away, and the fire in it was still burning and lingering.

The stone basin was engraved with the word "Fire Age". I don't know how far away it was, when the "Flintlock Clan" came and vowed to spread the fire to every corner of the sky. Obviously this stone basin is very precious.

Su Jin does not intend to take it away. The Suiren clan has a lofty status in China and is known as the head of the Three Emperors. Not only does he not take it away, but on the contrary he bows and salutes——

"Brother Midnight, your brains are not good? It's just a fire." Girl Feng Luo asked very puzzled.

Even Jiang Xiaji was so puzzled, why did Su Jin bow to a stone basin?

This kind of treatment is unimaginably rare!

"Shut up, don't offend." Su Jin glanced at Li Fengluo.

Miss Fengluo suddenly bulged her cheeks, she was blamed by Su Jin, and she was very dissatisfied in her heart——

"My king, I didn't feel any mystery in this pot of fire," Jiang Xiaji said bitterly.

"Although this pot of fire seems simple, it was placed by the ancestor of the fire source Suiren, and all the creatures in our world have high respect for him." Su Jin explained.

"Ah? It turns out that there really is a **** like'Sui'!" Jiang Xiaji was taken aback.

Although the Suiren clan is very strange to Jiang Xiaji's cognition, she does know the "ancestor of the fire source". In her world, she was known as the "Sui", and she was a very respectable and supreme powerhouse.

Upon hearing this, Miss Fengluo dissipated her complaint, knowing that she was rash.

The next scene surprised the two women even more.

Just as Su Jin was about to leave, the ‘Fire Age Stone Basin’ seemed to appear, and the flames in it had separated into a cluster, but the size of a lamp bean floated to Su Jin!

Su Jin was dumbfounded, stretched out his fingertips, the ray of light went in along the tip of his index finger——

In the spirit sea, a spell suddenly appeared, jerky and difficult to understand! The fonts are very old and difficult to recognize.

But Su Jin was stunned by the first three characters, faintly seeing which three characters they were.


"Suiren Sutra!"

However, this Suiren Sutra seems to have only one paragraph, the initial chapter, but a few dozen words. It is estimated that it only accounts for one-tenth of the entire Dharma, but for Su Jin, it can help his Vulcan Tao!

Not only can it help, but the Vulcan Way will usher in spring!

Su Jin's face was excited, but the four strange fires in his body seemed to be beating joyfully!

The excited expression was immediately held back by Su Jin. During his observation, Jiang Xiaji seemed to have something wrong with her face.

"I'm going to cross this'Huaiyin Mountain' today!" Su Jin worshipped the Pyrolithic basin again, then walked along the foot of the mountain and began to go deep.

Except for Jiang Xiaji, Miss Fengluo didn't think about it, and followed Su Jin directly.


China, Qincheng.

The lights are gorgeous in the middle of the night, and there is no traffic during the day, and there are occasional vehicles passing by on the crowded overpass.

In the bedroom, Xia Yuyan was wearing white pajamas, her beautiful face, her beautiful eyes closed, she was obviously sleeping, her complexion was like snow, and her abdomen was lightly covered.

Covered in snow-colored pajamas above, the beauty is outstanding, and the wonderful temperament can be reflected during sleep.

"Hahaha~~~" In the room, there was a beautiful laugh like an oriole.

That kind of laughter is charming, but no one can hear it!

There is a vague figure of a young girl in the void. When she smiles, she lifts her hand and holds a silver bell in her hand.

Ding Ding Ding-

The crisp bell shook.

Strangely speaking, the bell was not known to be a treasure, and Xia Yuyan's soul sat up from her body in an instant, and her beautiful eyes were all confused.

Immediately, the charming voice said in the girl's mouth:

"Xia Yuyan, come with me~~~"

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