My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2165: Eighteen cloudy days

Tree shadow whirling——

In the quiet villa bedroom, the bell jingle lightly, Xia Yuyan's eyes became more and more confused, as if she saw the endless sea of ​​fog, she was lost in it, and she didn't know where to go.

"Tsk tusk~~~ It's a pity, such a beautiful sister." The mysterious female shadow holding the silver bell in her hand sighed with emotion.

Xia Yuyan's white nightdress has a silky satin-like texture, noble and beautiful, with long legs faintly from the edge of the thin quilt, revealing a little skin. It is not an exaggeration to describe it with fragrant muscles and bones.

But then, the girl seemed to be suffocated, and a palm appeared out of thin air in the bedroom, passing directly through the void, and the index finger poked towards the girl's eyebrow——

not good!

There are masters!

The girl holding the silver bell changed her color and shook the bell violently. The jade-colored fingers were still poking at the center of her brows, but the unknown bell was indeed mysterious, and the fingers did not pierce her brows!


The jade hand turned to hold the girl's body, not letting her go.

"Senior forgive me!" The girl Huarong paled, and the jade hand made her feel like she was in a stormy sea, and she couldn't resist at all!

How could a girl think that in this mundane world, there would be such a terrifying existence! She regretted it immediately, but it was obvious that regretting was useless. In an instant, she felt a huge mental power that penetrated her forehead.

Directly imprisoned her spiritual sea!

Ding Dong~~~

The silver bell fell to the ground and rolled more than one meter away.

Xia Yuyan seemed to have a dream, her soul was not affected after she was separated, and she lay in her body again——

The bedroom door opened slowly and gently.

Huan Zhao Daozun was wearing a white and pink peony nightgown. The texture of the nightgown was soft and smooth, especially the blossoming peony pattern full of noble atmosphere, which enhanced her mature temperament to the extreme.

Dao Zun Huan Zhao frowned slightly, lifted his right hand lightly, and the silver bell on the ground was taken into his hand. The bell was engraved with many patterns, and the faint destiny mark was shining in it, and three words were written on it:

"Ginger Bottle".

Obviously, Jiang Ping'er was the girl's name, and Huan Zhao Dao Zun's face showed a solemn look. What she valued was not the name of this girl, but the origin of the bell.

"Yin Shen Ling! She comes from'Eighteen Cloudy Sky'!"

Huan Zhao Dao Zun's heart was a little confused, "Eighteen cloudy days,'Abi Ghost Prison', why did she come to arrest my female disciple's true spirit? What should I do? This world is turbulent and turbulent, and I can only take care of myself by leaving soon. "

Struggling inside--

Ordinary people may be very incomprehensible, dignified Dao Zun, the power of the three steps of the heavenly path, why the Huan Zhao Dao Zun is so afraid?

After some time tangled in his heart, Huan Zhao Dao Zun looked down at Jiang Ping'er, and the beautiful girl's face came into view.

Jiang Ping'er not only looks like a girl, but also wears an extremely pure dress. The blue-white one-piece skirt and the hollow design of the skirt shoulders and small sleeve cages on the arms envelop two delicate shoulders.

Under Xiuzhi's shoulders, the horizontal collar of the skirt, the snow-white skin on both sides, exposed between the two collarbones——

After standing for a long time, Dao Zun Huan Zhao sighed deeply and muttered to himself: "Catch you first, and there will be more than a month. Su Jin should come back. By then, you will be handed over to him. ."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun thought very simple.

It's really not possible, she can't leave her life as a last resort and can leave at any time.

After she figured it out, the jade ring on Huan Zhao Dao Zun's wrist was shining, and she caught Jiang Ping'er in it before looking at Xia Yuyan who was sleeping on the bed.

The confidante is disappointed.

In the eyes of Huan Zhao Dao Zun, Xia Yuyan's life is also bumpy. Her true identity is probably unimaginable. It is the biggest secret here. Perhaps even her husband Su Jin may not be able to match it.


Of course, Su Jin didn't know about all of this. There was Huan Zhao Dao Zun in his home. He was very relieved. If the three-step power of the heavenly path can't protect his family, who can protect it?

Leaving from the "Pyrolithic Basin", Su Jin followed the road at the foot of the mountain and gradually deepened into the "Huaiyin Mountain"!

"Brother Midnight, how long do we have to walk!" Girl Feng Luo asked.

"Wang, I don't know why, the slave girl feels that the more he goes down, the more hesitated and anxious——" Jiang Xiaji said cautiously.

There was no need for Jiang Xiaji to remind, Su Jin naturally felt this too. The crisis was getting worse and worse. He did not respond to the words of the two women and continued to move forward.

After about half an hour, Su Jin took a deep breath and stopped suddenly—

"Ah! What is that!"

Girl Fengluo held the sleeping little Tangtang with one hand, and covered her small mouth with her other hand. After seeing a scene not far away, her face was full of shock, and she moved closer to Su Jin.

Jiang Xiaji even felt a chill on her back, and took a few steps back gently, her eyes full of vigilance.

The weird "Huaiyin Mountain" has only one road ahead. The mountain road is not narrow, but there is a stone platform in the middle, a bright red chain linking the hundreds of thousands of divine coffin chains on Huaiyin Mountain!


When Jiang Xiaji uttered these three words, her teeth were trembling and touching. If it weren't for a river of blood behind, she would definitely flee without any hesitation!

To pass Yinshan, you must pass the ‘guillotine’ first!

This ‘guillotine’ was exactly the one that Su Jin had seen before using the ‘Mah Town Prison Eye’! Axe blades hung on it, revealing a frightening atmosphere——

On that day, hundreds of female ghosts covered in human skins guarded the prison, and the mother was in the prison. Although Su Jin could only see his back, the guillotine hanging beside the prison made him impressed. profound.

In the dark, it was as if God expected that Su Jin would come here, and he placed this ‘guillotine’ here, not allowing him to pass.

"Brother, let's turn around, I'm scared~~~" Jiang Xiaji pulled Su Jin's clothes, her expression was almost crying, and her whole body was trembling in fear.

"Look back? Can you turn back?" Su Jin's mouth showed a wry smile, and shook his head gently.

This is the end, it's hard to look back!

"Wang! The'guillotine' must not be approached!" Jiang Xiaji repeatedly persuaded.

Su Jin stretched out his hand suddenly, his domineering temperament fluttered away. He didn't look back, but reached out his hand to stop the two of them from persuading him.

As a strong man, you must not only rely on your head, but the world will laugh at him and look down on him. He has also gone all the way to the present and proved himself by strength!

This time is the best hope. It is very possible to find the mother. Maybe it is on the other side of the mountain?

How can Su Jin retire!

"If I can't get past this guillotine, you two will turn back to the blood river and call that senior, he may be able to take you out of the Mogu God Prison!" Su Jin said firmly.

Girl Fengluo is almost crying at Su Jin's words, now she is weak, and it is obviously difficult to pass, but he has to go to death, it is not self-defeating!

But it was too late to stop--

Su Jin's stubbornness made Jiang Xiaji a little unintelligible. The two women stared at him in a daze, and walked towards the'guillotine'!

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