My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2166: On the guillotine

"Sister Xia Ji, you must think of a way--"

"I can't do it, I can't do it. The guillotine does not exist independently. The entire Huaiyin Mountain, even connected to hundreds of thousands of Yin Yin coffins, is so large that it is unprecedentedly rare."

"Why is there a guillotine here, hey! Sorrowful!"

Girl Feng Luo has a pale face and she doesn't know what to do. Even Jiang Xia Ji can't help Su Jin. The result of the hard drive is good or bad.

Yin wind rustled, above the river of blood, hundreds of thousands of corpse coffins sank and floated, rustling trembling, those blood-colored chains collided banging and making noises.


On every divine coffin, the corpse of the goddess actually showed signs of getting out of trouble. Each of them, with a chain on their neck, a chain on their abdomen, and a chain on their ankles, began to make a cracking sound.

Boom boom boom——

Even the chains of the Yin coffin broke one by one!

The entire huge ‘Huaiyin Mountain’ began to show off its power, an inexplicable existence, as if exercising its strength, each broken chain wrapped around a foot of each goddess corpse and looted it.

Su Jin's stern face is extremely solemn!

How can one person resist hundreds of thousands of corpses?

In an instant, the surroundings were densely packed with open-eyed goddess corpses with different faces, and each corpse was staring at Su Jin closely!

"Come on! Let's all go together! Heaven, you dare to open your eyes, come and see me how powerful the Six Dao Great Emperors are!"

In an instant, Su Jin's blood was boiling, and his fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high. He couldn't avoid this battle!

He wants to have a good fight!

As if feeling the master's fighting spirit, the Longyuan Sword Box shook joyfully!

"Three feet of water in the ancestor's box, once entered Wutan and cut the dragon! Longyuan out of the box!" Su Jin patted the Longyuan sword box.

The exquisite and domineering Wenluo of the Longyuan Sword, with dragon patterns gleaming, a mad dragon looming, attached to the body of the sword! Long Xiao shook the sky, and the sky and the void began to become unstable, and there was a tendency to be cracked!

"The epee has no edge, the great skill does not work! The Juque is here!" Su Jin drank again.


As soon as the giant fault of 18,000 jin appeared, it was directly higher than the'Huaiyin Mountain' and over one end. Every mountain pattern was thick and heavy, and the sword body trembled lightly, standing in the endless chains.

In the Huaiyin Mountains, in the overbearing and heavy atmosphere, there was a strong sadness immediately.

Su Jin stroked the blue sword in the box, and said tenderly: "In that lifetime, turn mountains and rivers to the pagoda, not for repairing the next life, but to meet you on the way, come out! Demon Sword Tower!"

Zheng Zheng Zheng~~~

The sad and desolate piano sound was melodious, Su Jin gently tapped the heavy building sword in the box. In that moment, tens of thousands of phantom shadows of the blue sword condensed by the sad will, rustled up——

Girl Fengluo was holding Ying's mouth, Su Jin is now more powerful than ever!

Chonglou Demon Sword's tens of thousands of imaginary green swords, the scars are reckless, and they immediately slashed at other goddess corpses, Su Jin first started!

A small blue sword with a handle seems to be very regular, with a wonderful path. Every hundred swords form a burst, and a hundred swords cut a **** corpse. Those necks are bloodless, but like stone.

Not alive at all!

Cut thousands of corpses, just a moment!

Hundreds of thousands of goddess corpses made a counterattack, their eyes turned scarlet, with Su Jin as the center, spewed out a cold blue mist at the same time——

The sky seems to be frozen, the coldness is simply unbearable!

At the same time, the blood-colored chains were flying, and each one was spinning, turning the lock into a prison, and in a blink of an eye it became a blood-colored prison, trapping Su Jin in it!

The Giant Que Sword vibrated, but a chain clung to it, suppressing it!

The Long Yuan Sword made a dragon roar, the sword came out of a mad dragon, and the huge divine dragon slapped on the chain prison, only shaking it for a while.

On Su Jin's sword eyebrows, blue frost was condensed, and he shuddered in the cold!

Vulcan Road!

Four kinds of strange fires lingered around his body, and when the cold air dissipated, he immediately raised his hand and condensed a touch of the giant Buddha's yellow palm, then the giant Buddha's palm spread out, and the strange fire pulsed among his five fingers!

Su Jin was trapped in the blood-locked prison, and every chain was moving, but the palm of the giant Buddha was shot in one of them at the moment!


Su Jin’s body seemed to be swaying in the wind and rain, and Su Jin’s body seemed to be swaying in the wind and rain, taking a step towards the void!

Get out of trouble!

"Kill!" Su Jin's feet were in the void, and a horizontal roulette was condensed. That gorgeous color was eye-catching, it was the wheel of the secret of heaven!

Su Jinmo flew up and put the Chonglou Demon Sword flat in front of him, holding the hilt and tip of the "Chonglou" with both hands.

The whole person slowly turned counterclockwise on the wheel of the secret of heaven--


Swipe gently.

The blade of the Chonglou Sword cut through Su Jin's palm. The Emperor's blood stained the sword. His eyes turned red. Chonglou was indeed a magic sword. At this moment, he was stained with the emperor's blood. Flew out and began to flood the sky above Huaiyin Mountain!


Each green sword rises with four kinds of strange fires, and every goddess corpse is cut into a plume of smoke and disappears!

Jiang Xiaji and Li Fengluo were both dumbfounded, looking at the invincible young man, raging and threatening warfare, the light was unstoppable!

"It's too strong, how could it be so strong--" Jiang Xiaji lowered her head and muttered to herself.

"It's only the Emperor Realm. Although it is the Great Emperor of the Six Daos, it is unimaginable." Girl Feng Luo was excited and impatient.

Only twenty people could not breathe. Hundreds of thousands of goddess corpses were decapitated, and 100,000 of them were decapitated. The humming wind blew on the scene, and the remaining goddess corpses suddenly broke their chains and flew out.

Submerged in their **** coffin, the **** coffin sank into a river of blood and disappeared--

But those chains have not disappeared!

Each one seemed to be like a blood snake, swallowing brilliance and whip!

Su Jin's fighting spirit was strong, and he escaped the chain smash, found a gap to raise his sword fiercely, and slashed to Huaiyin Mountain!

With this sword, Su Jin actually wanted to unfold this mountain!


The weird voice made Jiang Xiaji and Li Fengluo's faces changed greatly. Looking at the guillotine, the guillotine was shaking.

The chain connected to the Huaiyin Mountain seemed to be unexplainably broken, and a terrifying breath emanated from the guillotine.

The broken chain of the guillotine, from blood red to purple and black, once broken, it becomes straight like a bamboo pole, piercing the void in an instant!

"Ah--" Su Jin couldn't help but let out a bit of pain.

The position of Su Jin's pipa bone was pierced by a purple-black chain. The chain was unusual, so fast that he couldn't hide it, and he didn't react at all!

Pain, Su Jin's vitality seemed to be absorbed, and his hair turned from black to gray when visible to the naked eye, which was a sign of lifespan loss.

"Not good!" Jiang Xiaji became uneasy.

Miss Fengluo could not speak, she watched in terror as the chain pulled Su Jin into the stone platform——

On the guillotine!

Su Jin is not reconciled, not convinced, but what can he do, the guillotine is ruthless, and the son of the sky is cut!

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