My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2170: Dragon Tomb

Have had the last experience-

Just before the teleportation formation, Su Jin carefully selected the gate that was closest to the domain, and did not look for it carefully last time. This time he found the coordinates of an ancient formation in China from a long distance teleportation formation.

At the beginning of the teleportation, he left the ‘Mogu God Prison’ and at the same time left the Brahma.

Time slowly passed.

Thousands of miles away from the east side of Qincheng, not far away in the depths of the sea.

An ancient formation owed to eight-color gemstones was revitalized, and the glazed light curtains on both sides seemed to exist forever, separating the sea water.

As soon as Su Jin appeared, he felt clammy all over his body...

Tick, tick.

From time to time, there are water droplets, and the pits and pits on the ground are all caused by the water droplets rolling down for a long time.

"This is the oldest Shenlong Palace." Su Jin's heartbeat accelerated.

In the River of Blood, Su Jin had promised that the dragon **** corpse, if he found the Xinshan Dragon Clan, he would spread the magical technique, but there seemed to be no life here. Even the dragon palace where Su Jin received the Dragon King Orb last time was not as good as the dragon palace. .

The whole sea palace is like dead silence, even if there is glazed brilliance, there is no hope of finding a living dragon.

Su Jin walked down the teleportation formation and looked at it--

Paying more and more attention to his face, this place is consistent with what he thought. The environment here is not so exquisite. He even found a bronze wine glass in the corner with a mottled patina growing on it. The size is not small.

When the teleportation came, Su Jin knew exactly the location of this formation gate and understood that it was very close to Qin Cheng, so he didn't rush to leave and started to walk around.

The entire Sea Dragon Palace was unexpectedly large. Su Jin walked across a stone bridge in the palace, and the rushing sea was clear and flowing, and there were two lanterns hanging on both sides of the bridge—

The lantern is very dilapidated, but you can faintly see how magnificent this place was back then.

Ten meters away from the bridge head, there is a red coral with a height of ten meters. On the trunk of the coral, there is a line of ancient writing.

"The Harem Dragon Tomb, the guests stop."

With Su Jin's eyesight, he was really 100 meters away and saw a blue-black gate with the words Clan Mausoleum written on it. He also looked at several rooms before.

Apart from the corpse and the gray bones, there was no other discovery in the room. The dragon tomb still has a faint divine beauty circulating, and Su Jin hesitated a little.

Here, it seemed to be destroyed in one night, silently, even if he saw a few dragon corpses with good repairs, they were all asleep, covered with quilts and died.

"Mohe Town Prison Eye!" Su Jin opened his eyebrows and looked at the dragon tomb.

If he can't bother, it's okay for him to leave, but it's really weird here, there is no anger.



Su Jinhu's body was shocked, and he took a step backwards. His eyes were unable to reflect the illusion back then. When did this dragon palace exist?

Without hesitation, Su Jin walked to the gate of the dragon tomb. Anyway, this place has become a cloud of smoke. He did not shy away from anything. He stretched out his wounded arm and endured pain...

Can't open?

Su Jin did not believe in evil, and six powers poured out of his body, rushing into the weird tomb door, this dragon tomb did not even tremble! Su Jin encountered this kind of thing for the first time.

Originally, Su Jin didn't care about it. When he came, he only thought it was an ordinary dragon palace, but now he has a strong interest in it——

Although he couldn't open this dragon tomb, Su Jin Yu Guangzhong saw another strange place with his'Mahe Town Prison Eye', and he walked along the right side of the dragon tomb.

Walking along the edge of the underground Haihe River for about two miles, I saw the stone house in front of the river. It was obviously quieter than the Qiangong, and the most important thing was that there was a dragon girl jade statue standing in the courtyard.

Su Jin walked to the courtyard. On the left side of the courtyard, there was an Ou Qing Pond. There was a kind of stone lotus and white flowers in the pond, which has survived to this day.

On the edge of Qingchi, there is an ancient tree similar to laurel, with only three yellow green leaves left, and the jade statue of the dragon girl is standing under this ancient tree!

This is a jade statue of an adult dragon girl.

The jade statue is like white porcelain, with two Y-shaped jade horns in the hair, three inches high, and a pretty face.

The dragon girl jade statue, even the clothes are jade-like, the cloud-pink Lingluo skirt, the shoulders are exposed, and the development is quite good. Su Jin stood in front of her as if she was watching.

Su Jin took a deep breath, put his hand on her shoulder, and the tiger's body shook--

The jade image is bone!

This dragon girl is not a jade carving, but a special physique. It was formed before death at a critical moment!

When Su Jin came into contact with her, he could see her past with the magical power of Mohe's prison eyes!

The scenes came in diversified.

"The younger generation remember, the dragon is successful, and the heavens come to congratulate! The Chinese dragon is the center of the heavens, but because of this, he was jealous of the heavens and arrested my dragon clan into the favor of the foreign clan! Destroy my entire clan Daoji, I must quote Thought of warning—"

The voice of the fairy dragon filled my mind. The scene before the demise of the Dragon Palace was vividly remembered. Many dragons with a strong cultivation base lost their souls in an instant. In the dragon tomb, there was a giant holding a battle axe. The dragon coffin was opened.

Carry the dragon coffin away.

Su Jin closed his eyes, the scene in his mind, not only was the dragon clan turned into a giant dragon to fight against foreigners, even the tyrannical monks were bathed in fairy light and brilliance, and resisted foreign enemies!

Even the power phantoms of many of them are not weaker than the power of the gods in Su Jin's current situation!

too frightening!

It turned out that China Mainland was once so brilliant. The fairy light at that time filled the entire territory, far more prosperous and richer than the Ji Yaotian that Su Jin had been to.

Su Jin was excited, but his face turned gloomy.


The Long Yuan sword box behind it began to tremble violently, Su Jin opened his eyes, and his sad expression instantly became inconceivable.

Obviously, this is the birthplace of the dragon family. Long Yuanjian felt the dragon aura in the dragon tomb, but the great power of the dragon family buried in it had already been carried away with the coffin.

Su Jin sighed and arched his hands at the dragon girl jade statue, which was regarded as an offensive apologize. He was still in shock and learned such a big secret, but it was the past after all.

Long Yuan quaked, seeming to want to cut open the dragon tomb. I don't know what's the benefit, but Su Jin calmed it and used the Great Ascension Technique to rush out of the sea.

The location of the teleportation array here has been remembered by Su Jin, and he will definitely come again in the future!

The cool sea breeze hit, Su Jin opened a void passage, stepped in, and successfully returned to the door of the house——

Familiar place, familiar environment.

High-rise buildings, busy traffic, the afternoon is so beautiful.

Walking to the living room, Su Jin saw Huan Zhao Dao Zun.

"Why are you back?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun was drinking coffee, his face was surprised.

"I'll explain later, where is my wife?" Su Jin asked.

"Your wife is at work!" Huan Zhao Dao Zun said: "And Ying Jiao and Yun Xi, they both went shopping, the two girls are like real treasures."

"It seems that you are coming back from outside the territory, there is no major problem at home--" Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down. Sure enough, there was a Daoist guarding him at home, so he was at ease.

"Wrong! A big problem has occurred."

Dao Zun Huan Zhao's expression became extremely solemn, "I caught a little sister, how to deal with her... You have the final say -"

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