My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2171: Deal with the little sister (1/4)

Caught a little sister?

Su Jin’s sword eyebrows condensed, and it took a long time to get over. In the modern villa, Huan Zhao Dao Zun wears a bright red dress with vermilion lips, and a lot of white skin that looks like a little girl is exposed——

Seeing that Su Jin was looking at him, Dao Zun Huan Zhao couldn't help but blinked his right eye slowly, his slender left leg was folded on his right leg, his face was full of smile, mature temperament, and charming.


Su Jin was relieved, not the coldness of Junyi's face that was not a smile but a smile, and said lightly: "I killed her—"

"No wonder you are so fond of girls, you want to be so irritable~" Su Jin in the eyes of Taoist Huan Zhao is masculine, and she will die if she doesn't agree with her. She is a little skeptical if she doesn't agree.

After that, Huan Zhao Dao Zun did not release Jiang Ping'er according to Su Jin's request. Instead, he asked: "First of all, there is still more than one month left. Why did you return early?"

Su Jin got up, poured a cup of tea on his own, and walked around in a leisurely courtyard. Even when facing Dao Zun, he was still quite normal.

Sitting on the sofa again, looking at Huan Zhao Dao Zun, he said: "Things are going bad."

"Huang?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun felt bad.

Due to the fact that the twin sisters of the Xia family were accepted as disciples, at the invitation of the dean of the Tianshu Academy to Huan Zhao Dao Zun, she could not rush to let Su Jin go to replace herself. How could the Six Dao Great Emperor not lose her identity?

How could something go wrong!

"It's like this--" Su Jin went on to say everything about that day, without adding any fuel or vinegar, and it would not be ashamed to be driven away.

"That old blind man! Driven away a Six Dao Great Emperor!" Huan Zhao Dao Zun's scalp was numb, and he angrily got up from the sofa.

How not angry?

Su Jin was replaced by Huan Zhao Dao Zun, and his approach at the time was probably even more radical!

After calming down for a while, Huan Zhao Dao Zun thought that he was not doing the right thing. After all, Su Jin was only an emperor in the eyes of ordinary people. The Six Dao Ancestors could not become an emperor was the consensus of the heavens.

At that time, even if Su Jin was against the sky, he was only an emperor in people's eyes, and he could not go on stage.

"So, didn't you say you transferred to Shenlu Academy?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun asked.

"I voted—"

"What's the result? It's not home yet, you little villain, people definitely don't want you?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun said with a smile.

"I took a lot of enlightenment tea leaves, practiced enlightenment pills, and selected a few students from Shenlu Academy. If they can't win the first place with those enlightenment pills, what else can I say?" Su Jin Take a sip of water.


Huan Zhao Dao Zun took a breath. She heard that the Enlightenment Pill made from Enlightenment Tea can make fools smart, let alone the talented students of the four major colleges?

a long time.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun gave a wry smile, and shook his head again and again: "Well, it's the old blind man who doesn't know the real dragon. Yingtian Academy deserves it if he is planted."

Obviously Huan Zhao Dao Zun believed Su Jin's words. After all, Bi Hun Nu Zun went with Su Jin at the time, and now he is the only one coming back. It is obvious that Huan Zhao Dao Zun has stayed in the "Shenlu Academy"!

"For someone." Su Jin motioned.

"Give it to others, whatever you do is just to say, don't kill it, otherwise it will be difficult to explain." Huan Zhao Dao Zun said solemnly.

"Is there any identity that can't be achieved?" Su Jin asked.

"Eighteen cloudy days, people in Abi Ghost Prison, I can hardly imagine why this mortal world would invite such a serious situation, you have to be gentle with her——" Huan Zhao Dao Zun repeatedly emphasized.

Su Jin had never heard of "Eighteen Cloudy Sky", but for someone who made Huan Zhao Dao Venerable treat it so seriously, he naturally knew that it was a remarkable place.

Seeing Su Jin nodded immediately, Huan Zhao Dao Zun released Jiang Ping'er from the jade ring in his wrist storage, and his eyes were still closed when he released it.

"What was the situation at that time?" Su Jin looked at Jiang Ping'er on the ground and asked Huan Zhao Dao Zun.

"She wants to capture Yuyan's soul. This is the Yin Shen Ling. Her origins can't be wrong, because this kind of Yin treasure can only exist on eighteen cloudy days."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun took out the "Yin God Bell", waved to Su Jin——

Su Jin caught it, and saw that the other party's name was engraved on it, which was exactly the three words "Jiang Ping'er"!

Holding the bell tightly, Su Jin thought for a while and was silent.

Soon Su Jin got up, picked up Jiang Ping'er from the ground, and carried it into an empty room on the back side.

Walking out of the empty room, Su Jin walked out of the living room on his own. Under the eyes of Huan Zhao Dao Zun, he walked into the garage and found a piece of thick nylon rope.

After entering the house, he tied Jiang Ping'er Wuhuada. His technique was purely pure, and the tying was very symmetrical, and the place to be tied was strong.

Su Jin tapped his finger lightly, and there was a trickle of fairy power attached to the rope.

The imprisonment that Huan Zhao Dao Zun left in the other side's spirit sea is broken away-

In the living room, Huan Zhao Dao Zun was shocked.

What is Su Jin's current cultivation base?

She was able to shake her prohibition easily! Huan Zhao Dao Zun's heart is complicated and difficult to understand, and she can achieve the three steps of heaven, which is enough to show her talents, but Su Jin's appearance is deliberately aimed at hitting people.

Because the last time he was in a foreign country, Su Jin’s cultivation was soaring——

Absolutely skyrocket!

After the ban was lifted, Jiang Ping'er woke up as if waking up from a deep sleep——

But when she woke up, she found something was wrong. She was actually hung from the chandelier under the ceiling, tied with a rope!

In front of me... is a young man who is not handsome, but seems very simple!

Su Jin was on the sofa, with Erlang's legs tilted, taking a lighted cigarette, and looking at Jiang Ping'er.

This Jiang Ping'er has a very good figure. Su Jin feels a little more fat and a little thinner. Her hair is a very retro hairstyle, long hair hanging back, thin white shirt, and pink bellybands are faintly visible. Child exists.

There is a jewel pendant hairpin in the hair——

Wear short brown leather boots.

If the skin is fat.

"Who are you! Let go of me!" Jiang Ping'er was taken aback, and she saw the surrounding environment in her eyes.

Obviously she is currently alone with this man!

Jiang Ping'er remembered that he was originally caught by a super strong power, but why was it a man who appeared before him?

"Don't be nervous, the more you startle, the more I want to eat you." Su Jin lingered on her.

"Hey! He Fang, the demon, do you know who I am! Don't let me go, be careful of karma and misfortune!" Jiang Ping'er's voice is so crisp, how angry he will only make his whole body hot.

It turns out that girls can be so beautiful when they are angry—

Su Jin is a long time to experience, he is very calm and calmly said: "Jiang Ping'er, when will someone come to take you back on your eighteen cloudy days~~"

"Do you know that I am from'Eighteen Cloudy Sky'? Haha, be afraid! Put this young lady down!" Jiang Ping'er was really afraid that Su Jin didn't know his origin, and he became more arrogant now.

"Yeah, I'm so scared, so scared of your people, took a dead man back--"

Su Jin smiled slightly, with an evil expression on his face. Turning his hands, he held the "Liying Dagger" in his hand, got up and walked towards Jiang Ping'er.

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