My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2172: Devilish man (2/4)

"What do you want! Do you dare to—"

Jiang Ping'er's face was pale, his beautiful body was tied up, and he couldn't get rid of the rope with a trickle of power.

Although the handsome face of the evil charm is full of unique temperament, to Jiang Ping'er, Su Jin is no different from a demon, a big demon who dares to do anything!

Jiang Ping'er was hung at the same height as Su Jin. Ten centimeters below his toes was the ground. Now struggling, when the official Su came, there was finally a touch of fear on her face.

Liying's dagger was placed flat, gently touching Jiang Ping'er's face, and patted it tenderly twice.

It didn't hurt Jiang Ping'er.

"I ask you, do you want to die or live." Su Jin's eyes gradually became sharp.

Su Jin really dared to kill this woman.

Everyone knows that Xia Yuyan is his negative scale and cannot be touched. This woman has come to catch her soul and wants to harm her. Whoever does this kind of thing has to pay the price!

"Want to live!" Jiang Ping'er replied very simply, not at all sloppy, her psychological defense was a little broken.

This man is terrible!

It is terrible to the extreme.

Far beyond the fierce demon Jiang Pinger saw before!

"If you want to live, just give Lao Tzu a better attitude, you are a prisoner, and what dignity to talk to Lao Tzu!" A cruel flash flashed across Su Jin's face.

"You ask, you ask—" Jiang Ping'er said in fear: "I will tell you everything!"

"This trip captures my wife's soul, are you alone?" Su Jin asked quietly.



Jiang Ping'er felt distressed. It turned out that Xia Yuyan was Su Jin's Taoist companion. This is the end of the baby. Now she is caught, how can she still live!

"No, how many people can't tell you exactly." Jiang Ping'er seemed to think of the terrible consequences and shook his head repeatedly.

"Tell me everything you said just now, and now you don't tell the truth, you can—" Su Jin stretched out his hand and touched her cheek with the back of his hand.

Slowly, with the back of the hand down——

Her jade neck, her shoulders, her arms, and finally the big hand was pinched on her long white legs!

Jiang Ping'er was trembling all over. She had to practice clean and self-consciousness, and not move the world. Where would any man dare to touch her half-inch of skin?

Now falling into Su Jin's hands, this man unexpectedly! actually……

"Ah, what are you going to do!" Jiang Ping'er saw Su Jin finally take off her shoes, and his inexplicable fear rose in his heart like never before.

Su Jin cut off a bunch of her hair with Liying's dagger, pinched it between her fingers, and scratched it on the soles of her feet!

"Don't tell me." Su Jin smiled like a demon.

"Itching, stop scratching, don't...itching! Hahaha, hahaha..."

Jiang Ping'er laughed out of tears, and now she felt like ten thousand ants crawling on the soles of her feet. For her girl, that feeling was simply unbearable! It's so uncomfortable!

That kind of laughter, even Huan Zhao Dao Zun was alarmed and opened the door.

Seeing that scene made her very speechless.

"Explain!" Su Jin said lightly.

"Three! Three! Hahaha, no, six!"

"How much!"


Jiang Ping'er was tickled and twisted all over, she had never felt the feeling of laughing and crying, this damned man, it is best not to fall into her hands!

Finally, Su Jin didn't ask any more.

At least Su Jin got a message from Jiang Ping'er's little mouth, that she has a companion! That being the case, it is meaningless to ask how many people. This female country is beautiful and her status seems to be not low. He does not believe that people with eighteen cloudy days will not come to rescue.

Su Jin didn't scratch the soles of her feet with her hair anymore, and threw the black hair on the ground. Jiang Ping'er also stopped the laughter, but in the next scene, she and Huan Zhao Dao Zun were directly dumbfounded.


Su Jin hugged her cheeks, and the two quickly approached.

Lips touched and kissed fiercely.

This smelly man kisses her! Kiss her! Jiang Ping'er felt his brain go round and round, blank!

"I'll try this bait is sweet or not, yes, the little mouth is very sweet, I will wait for your eighteen cloudy people to arrive." Su Jin waved and cut the rope under the chandelier.

Before Jiang Ping'er reacted to the demonstration, he had been put into the bone ring by Su Jin.

"I'm going to kill you!" Jiang Ping'er's voice echoed in the bone ring.

On the picture of the goddess holding the lotus, Liu Changjia's figure flickered, but Su Jin had another woman come in, seemingly not simple, and immediately asked: "Little sister, who are you going to kill?"

"Who am I going to kill? You need to control it!" Jiang Ping'er held the lotus map at the goddess in shame, losing his temper.

"Are you going to kill Su Jin?" Liu Changjia could guess it naturally, asking incredible.

"Okay! Isn't his name Su Jin? It's over, he's over!" Jiang Ping'er was anxious and fell to his side, and continued to curse.

Su Jin's ears do not listen.

After putting away Jiang Ping'er, Su Jin seemed to have done a trivial thing, Huan Zhao Dao Zun's eyes were weird, he opened the door and watched him walk into the living room.

The charming bright red gauze long skirt made Huan Zhao Dao Zun more noble. Su Jin sat down on the sofa in the living room and raised Erlang's legs, but the female Dao Zun did not choose to face him.

Sit down beside him, and looked at the scheming brat.

Immediately, the two people chatted in the living room.


Xia Huo seemed to be burning in the sky.

The dusk of Qincheng came once again. Tang Yingjiao and Xia Yunxi came back from shopping, and they just walked in. Wife Yuyan wore a small temperament women's suit. After work, he returned home.

Tang Yingjiao seems to have a million words to tell Su Jin, Brother Su's house is too big! The Xia Group is so famous, I didn't expect his origin to be so great!

"Brother-in-law! I'm amazing now!" Xia Yunxi swiped in front of him with one hand, and the emerald power appeared in circles. In a short time, the magnificent Taoist priest passed the law, making her transformed like a reborn, and she was considered to be a monk.

"Your low-end tricks are not enough--" Su Jin looked at Xia Yunxi, and attacked mercilessly.

Sure enough, Xia Yunxi puffed up her cheeks.

"I'll take a bath, you guys talk first." Xia Yuyan felt the harmonious atmosphere, stared at Su Jin a few times, walked into the bedroom and found some clothes for washing.

Before long, the dinner was going on normally and the atmosphere was warm. Tang Yingjiao said a lot. In these days, she and Xia Yunxi really get along with their best friends, and the relationship is so good!

Night fell.

Outside the villa, the lights are gorgeous. In the bedroom window, Xia Yuyan is wearing a goose yellow warm skirt and a pair of big-frame glasses. She has a snow-white complexion and dusty. She is at her desk, handling mail.

And on the roof of the villa, Su Jin held red wine in hand, without a glass, looking up to the sky with two mouthfuls——

Sitting next to the roof was Jiang Ping'er who was taken in by him in the afternoon! This woman was captured last night, and someone with "eighteen cloudy days" will most likely come to rescue tonight.

"Smelly man, you dare to kiss me! You will pay the price." Jiang Ping'er was still struggling with this matter and couldn't forget.

"Well, I will pay the price." Su Jin replied absently.

"Aren't you afraid!" Jiang Ping'er is most annoying at this, hate, I have never seen such a superb man.

"How to write the word for fear?"

"You are too arrogant, you will get retribution!"

"I don't know if I will be punished, but within two hours, if people with eighteen cloudy days don't come to save you, you are about to suffer -" Su Jin calmly glanced at her.

"What's the trouble?" Jiang Pinger's face was dumbfounded, and his cheeks suddenly became hot.

Could it be that late at night, lonely man and widow, he thought~~~

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