My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2173: Uncle, no (3/4)

"Lonely man and widow, dry wood and raging fire, what kind of trouble do you say?"

Su Jin didn't seem to care, and he drank at the mouth of the red wine bottle without even looking at Jiang Ping'er.

Sure enough, Su Jin replied to confirm Jiang Ping'er's conjecture, she suddenly became strong, her pretty face was serious, and said: "Uncle, no!"

Su Jin was slightly startled--

Is he so old?

It depends on how old she is, how old she should be, and now she is called "uncle"? This is ironic!

"Brother." Su Jin said, "I will be very gentle to you."

"Gentle? Gentle, you still tied me—" Jiang Ping'er didn't have a good air.

"If I go to hook away your father's wife's soul, would your first thought be to tie me first?" Su Jin asked.

"I'll kill you first!" Jiang Ping'er snorted and answered decisively.

"Then I killed you? I tied you, you think it's too much?" Su Jin wanted to kill this girl.

Jiang Ping'er:...

This seems to be the reason! But she realized that Su Jin asked her like this, it was definitely a routine for her!

Jiang Ping'er was speechless now. She must have killed her directly, and indeed tied her down. It was a trivial punishment, but she didn't understand why Su Jin was so confident and confident that she could resist the family rescue.

"You won't succeed." Jiang Ping'er pulled his face down, without blinking, staring at Su Jin, with a very bad tone.

Su Jin stretched out his hand and placed it on the skin of her thigh, which had been congealed, and found that she was shaking again.

"I warn you, don't touch me!" Jiang Ping'er glared at Su Jin, threatening.

"Are you allergic to men?" Su Jin said indifferently, seeing her trembling body trembling more and more intensely.

"I want you to manage—"

Jiang Ping'er is a little hard to talk about. She is usually very distant from the opposite sex, not to mention that she is being touched by a strange man now, and it is strange that she does not react fiercely!

The exchange ceased.

Perhaps it was because Su Jin laughed at her. Jiang Ping'er turned his head and didn't look at him at all. Su Jin smiled slightly and continued to drink wine and smoke cigarettes to wait.

In the city that never sleeps, the traffic is getting less and less, and finally the sound of wheels rubbing against the ground on the street can be heard. As it gets late, Jiang Ping'er finds that Su Jin's eyes are always looking at her.

damn it!

I really didn’t plan to do that. If no one came to rescue her, she would definitely have a ‘blood disaster’ tonight!

Jiang Pinger's cheeks flushed, and her heart was extremely anxious, both looking forward to and frightened--

In front of the door.

The daughters of Xia Yunxi learned a kind of ‘yoga dance’ during this period of self-resignation. Recently, Tang Yingjiao has come, including her sister, all of them have been learning.

The moon shines down, and the shadow of the tree whispers.

In front of the door, Xia Yunxi took out the carpet on the floor. With the voice of music mm Tang Ying, a few girls appeared under the tree.

"Weird, where is brother-in-law?" Xia Yunxi sat on the carpet, raised his arms, doing hands-up pose, and asked the side.

Xia Yuyan's face was cold, and her movements were obviously more proficient. She obviously had a much more outstanding temperament. In the moon shadow, she was as beautiful as the moon goddess.

"I don't know." Xia Yuyan shook his head.

Her goose nightdress is very short, the girly color style, there is no sense of disobedience on her body, after all, she is not too old.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun just looked at it, and seemed to feel that her youth was passing away too quickly, and the postures of several lovers were so consistent, which made her feel very strange.

Su Jin couldn't close his mouth when he looked at it--

Tang Yingjiao changed into a black skirt with a hollow woven fabric texture and an extraordinary temperament, while the old girl Yunxi was a normal white nightgown with a spacious robe covering her fists above her knees.

Especially his wife, he couldn't even blink his eyes. It was so beautiful, but the temperament of rain and smoke, especially the cold, smiley face, Su Jin wanted to catch her now, and love her. .

The three women sometimes look like catkins, their body size is not exaggerated, and sometimes they hold themselves up, and the back of their heads almost touched their calves——

Beautiful scenery!

Jiang Ping'er was deeply attracted and watched without blinking her beautiful eyes. Whether the tied body was leaning to one side, she seemed to feel whether she could achieve that range.

"Envy?" Su Jin asked.

"I envy you--" Jiang Ping'er rolled his eyes immediately and pursed his small mouth high.

"Such a kind woman, if you want to hook her away, won't your conscience hurt?" Su Jin's tone was a little angry.

"What is conscience? This lady doesn't have one!"

"You don't lose your mother's heart, you don't have to count."

"You say I called again."

"You shout!"

"I call you to kiss me."

"you win."

Su Jin didn't even think about it, and said that the misfortune came out of her mouth. As expected, she couldn't even kiss her. He was pinched by someone. Of course, he didn't dare to let her scream.

If it hadn't been for treating the captives kindly, this girl would have been ‘blood-light disaster’ several times!

In about half an hour, Yuehui was on the ground, and a trace of dark clouds was added quickly.

The few newly planted old trees in front of the villa, the shadows of the trees shook rapidly, and the wind was much stronger——


In the northern sky of Qin City, dark clouds cover the ground. The clouds are thick and rolling. Red and blue flashes are looming in the clouds from time to time. The rumble of thunder indicates that there will be a downpour.

"Dad." Jiang Ping'er was startled, but his face was full of excitement.

"I just called my uncle just now, and now I'm upgraded?" Su Jin glanced at her and asked.

"Bah, baah, wash your neck and wait for death!"

Jiang Ping'erjin gritted her teeth and let out ruthless words, but no matter how ruthless she behaved, it would make people feel that there was little momentum.

Immediately, Su Jin patted her on her shoulder and contained her in the bone ring. If she wanted to save her, he would naturally pass his test!

Putting Jiang Ping'er away, Su Jin raised his hand, bursts of Dao Yun seemed to be at his fingertips, his fingers touched the edge of the sword box, seemingly slow, but he felt the boiling of three of the swords!

Take down the Longyuan sword box, hold the sword box and fly above the roof of the villa——

Due to the weather, the three girls wanted to go back to the house quickly, but seeing Su Jin's handsome posture, she couldn't help stopping outside the door and looking up at the sky!

The ink was flying, Su Jin hugged the sword box and flew, ignoring the dark clouds in mid-air, but sat down cross-legged, placing the Longyuan sword box flat on his knees.

Zheng Zheng Zheng -

The Demon Sword Heavy Building trembles, and it sounds like a zither music. The sword box has not been opened, and there is already a green sword with a virtual handle. Su Jin's body skin is jade, but it feels like a rich brother.

Then, Su Jin lifted his hand, as if he was lifting a stream of clear water, a handful of imaginary heavy blue swords wrapped around the Longyuan sword box, and then raised his hand.

Those green swords are in a circle, surrounded by Su Jin up and down, very regular and symmetrical!

Why did Su Jin act like this? Naturally, it is to fight against the foreign enemy from the "eighteen cloudy days"!

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