My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2174: You can't afford to offend! (4/4)

"Eighteen cloudy days!"

Dao Zun Huan Zhao was taken aback. Although she had expected it, she had never thought that the other party would come so quickly. You know that Jiang Ping'er was arrested last night, and someone came to rescue him today?

Who on earth is Jiang Ping'er in 18 cloudy days?

"Master." The three daughters of Xia Yunxi turned their heads, looking at Huan Zhao Dao Zun's face blue and red, they seemed very jealous and solemn, and couldn't help but cast doubtful eyes.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun did not speak, and waved his hand to reveal the sky above——

Su Jin sits on the piano, that handles the imaginary heavy-handed sword, there are countless numbers, to say nothing, there are tens of thousands of handles, one hand can manifest such a great power, so that Huan Zhaodao Zun was surprised.

"Brother-in-law is so handsome! How can he be so handsome! Handsome!" Xia Yunxi's eyes widened.

Tang Yingjiao was also attracted by Su Jin's natural appearance. Knowing the relationship between Xia Yuyan and Big Brother Su, she naturally wouldn't rush to talk.

At this moment, after Xia Yunxi praised her, Tang Yingjiao smiled and said, "Yes, Brother Su is really amazing."

"Master, why did my husband suddenly be like this--" In the morning, Xia Yuyan felt that Huan Zhao Dao Zun seemed to have something to hide from her, and it felt related to herself.

"Someone assassinated you last night and was caught by me. Now I am in big trouble."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun said very solemnly, "You all have to be psychologically prepared, things are much more serious than you think."


Xia Yuyan's face paled for a while, she had a dream last night, in a vast white mist, it seemed that someone was calling her, could someone sneak into her bedroom then——

"Don't be afraid, brother-in-law is amazing!" Xia Yunxi was very confident.

"Master, don't you make a move?" Xia Yuyan asked.

"To be honest, I can't afford to offend."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun is not afraid to lose face in front of the three beloved disciples. At this juncture, she has something to say, even if she has a three-step cultivation base of the heavenly path, she can't attack the enemy, otherwise it will really be a disaster.

There was a heavy feeling in Tang Yingjiao's heart. She watched intently, watching the scene that manifested, and wondering if Big Brother Su could deal with the incoming enemy.

"What should I do? Even the master is very jealous--" Xia Yunxi had a preliminary understanding of some monks and knew that the master was very, very powerful.

"One step counts as one step. If it doesn't work, persuade him to escape."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun said, she was playing drums in her heart. She couldn't see through Su Jin more and more. It was obviously not that strong when she left last time, and now it feels so strong that it explodes.

So far Su Jin does not know the depth, Huan Zhao Dao Zun can only comfort a few women like this.

Zheng Zheng Zheng~~~

The sound of the piano came out rhythmically, Su Jin gently brushed his sleeves, tens of thousands of green swords, rustling shuttled into the thick clouds, and cut the past!

Qiang Qiang--

Crisp voices appeared densely, Su Jin's tricks seemed to be swallowed, and they were of no use.

Seeing this, Su Jin is holding the Longyuan sword box, his robe is bulging, his ink hair is flying, his sword eyebrows are erected, his footwork is gorgeous and colorful, and in a flash, he seems to step out of a thousand positions, unable to distinguish between true and false. .

That is the "Xiaoyao Xianbu" evolved from the "Happy Streaming Art"!

"So strong."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun has always regarded Su Jin as a junior, and felt that in terms of strength, even the Six Dao Great Emperor, he could not possibly compete with him.

In terms of hard power, Huan Zhao Dao Zun thought he could stabilize Su Jin, but now Su Jin has completely subverted his perception of him!

Did he break through to the world of six realms?

Huan Zhao Dao Zun had this absurd idea in his mind, and then he immediately shook his head. It was absolutely impossible. God would not let the Six Dao Ancestor become the emperor, he has already become.

It is simply unrealistic and impossible to make his'Six Dao Emperors' become the'Six Dao World Realm'.

Su Jin was like a fairy, holding the piano through the thick clouds, and the scene not far away made him never think of it.

Below, the scene where Huan Zhao Dao Zun manifested was seen by a few women, and his pretty face changed drastically.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun took a deep breath--

On the thick clouds, there is a blue giant skeleton. The giant skeleton is icy blue, crystal clear, and its skeleton is as high as a mountain.

The giant skeleton is carrying an ‘ancient warship’ on his shoulders!

The ‘Ancient Warship’ depicts wild beasts with cloud sails, showing the extraordinary aura of greatness!

Originally, Huan Zhao Dao Zun still had a plan in his heart, after all, it was really impossible to go far!

But when Huan Zhao Dao Zun saw that ancient battleship and giant skeleton appear, she was very regretful at this moment, knowing that she had caught someone who shouldn't be caught!


In the bone ring.

A ripple flashed on the picture of the goddess holding the lotus, and the scene above also appeared in the picture.

When Jiang Ping'er saw the ancient battleship, he shouted excitedly, jumped up with excitement, and shouted again and again: "Father! Father is here to help me!"

"Don't be too happy." The goddess Liu Changjia in the picture, imaginary and graceful, said a little.

"Haha, how many times did this bad guy take advantage of me? You still told me, don't be too happy, do you know who my father is?" Jiang Ping'er was excited.

"Then do you know who Su Jin is?" Liu Changjia seemed to be unable to understand Jiang Ping'er's words.

"Who! He is in an emperor realm, wherever he can be the king and hegemony, on our eighteen cloudy days, it is not a fart!" Jiang Ping'er pouted very high.

Excitement can hardly be restrained.

"Yes, in your eyes, he is only an emperor. However, he is different from an ordinary emperor." Liu Changjia said.

"What's different, no matter how powerful the emperor is, my father will be pinched to death."

As Jiang Ping'er said, she closed her small mouth suddenly, and the words just now seemed to reveal a secret, that is, her identity is not simple, and the father and king who came is even more unimaginable.

She was afraid that Su Jin would hear this, and she would even threaten her life at the critical moment, and use her as a handle, and beg father to let it go.

"He is the Six Dao Great Emperor." Liu Changjia said in a playful tone.

The atmosphere in the bone ring seemed to be freezing in an instant, as if it had solidified. When Jiang Ping'er heard the words'Six Dao Great Emperor', his face was stunned.

"Impossible! You want to scare me!" Jiang Ping'er didn't believe it.

"Before you think I might be frightening, but you don't know him at all. The hardships Su Jin has gone through along the way, in your eyes, may be insignificant, and you even think that he cannot be compared with your status..."

Liu Changjia's tone was filled with admiration and admiration. She accompanied Su Jin to the present, and she knew him very well.

"Huh! We're'eighteen cloudy days', it's not that he can provoke him if he wants to provoke, but if he caught me, it was his biggest mistake in his life." Jiang Ping'er's tone was extremely arrogant.

"Wrong—" Liu Changjia only said this word.

"Wrong? What's wrong!" Jiang Ping'er asked unconvinced.

"The fault is that you think Su Jin is not worthy to provoke you."

Liu Changjia said in a weird tone: "It's you, you can't offend him!"

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