My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2175: Chuguan Hades

Can't afford to offend!

Jiang Ping'er didn't understand, what the courage of the sister in the painting to say such a thing!

Of course, Su Jin wouldn't care about the disputes in the bone ring. The opponent was a strong man from the'Eighteen Clouds', very tough, otherwise he would not take it so seriously.


The ice-blue giant skeleton, carrying the ancient battleship on his shoulders, like two ice flames jumping in the hollow eye sockets, did not speak, directly roared at Su Jin——

The mouth of the giant skeleton sprayed out a kind of icy mist and flame, which was a very strange power. When it sprayed, it was like a glacier hanging upside down, overwhelming the sky, and it was struck across the void.

Su Jin flicked his sleeves in front of his face. It was just a giant skeleton, so he didn't have the three steps of Dao Zun's cultivation base. This roar actually roared the storm.


Su Jin couldn't help taking in a slight breath.

In front of the villa, a few women stared at them without blinking. The yellow leaves of the surrounding trees fell, and the original black clouds had spread before the rain.

"What's the matter?" Xia Yuyan couldn't help whispering when she saw the scene of Huan Zhao Dao Zun manifesting in front of the door.

In fact, Xia Yuyan is very confident in Su Jin. In her heart, no man can match her husband, and she has great hopes for him.

But for some reason, Su Jin suddenly felt weak just now--

"It seems, it seems that Big Brother Su is hard to resist." Tang Yingjiao was very puzzled, not knowing why this happened.

"It's just started, you have to have confidence in your brother-in-law, don't kill yourself." Xia Yunxi was a little unwilling. She was the latest to enter the practice and didn't know the risk.

Even Xia Yuyan clearly saw the problem--

Dao Zun Huan Zhao resisted his panic, saw the three women arguing, and finally turned her head to look at herself. She couldn't help saying: "He is in danger. I didn't expect him to go to meet the enemy with his wounds."


Su Jin was injured?

The three women were worried. Tang Yingjiao was okay. After all, she couldn't be too obvious, but Xia Yuyan had already written her distress on her face.

"Where is it hurt, Master! Why didn't I see it--" Xia Yunxi asked.

"His arm." Huan Zhao Dao Zun's eyes were very poisonous, and he directly understood the location of Su Jin's injury.


Not long after Su Jin came out of the Mogu Prison, he hugged the imprisoned pagoda, and the power of a million jun caused the divine bones of his arms to crack.

It takes a hundred days for a mortal to be injured. Su Jin enters the way from the saint and cultivates the sword sage. He has a super physique to show off his might, but once the gray **** bone is cracked, his arms are still very important. I want to know how troublesome it is.

Xia Yuyan squeezed Tan's mouth tightly. This time the disaster was caused by her. Su Jin hadn't rested for a long time when he came home, and even went into battle with injuries——

Above the thick clouds.

The severe bone pain was aggravated, and Su Jin had never felt the painful feeling! He also knew that his arms were cracked and he should not fight again, but how could he be counseled!

"I am the Pluto of Eighteen Clouds, let go of my daughter. After I destroy the Xia family, I will give you a chance to sever yourself." In the ancient battleship, the voice was strong, and there was a male repairman who could speak out. .

Kill the Xia family?

The whole family!

Is it so serious?

Su Jin originally thought that as a cultivator against the sky, the calamity caused trouble to the Xia family, but this time it seemed different.

It has nothing to do with yourself! Su Jin didn't dare to think about the identities of the wife and sisters. They seemed to be extraordinary. After all, there was a seal in the spirit of the two of them, and even Huan Zhao Dao Zun could not be released.

No real secrets can be seen.

"The Xia Family... is it the existence that you said to kill!" Su Jin shouted with sharp eyes.

At this moment, Su Jin didn't seem to be able to make the other person look at his words, and even ignored him, the giant skeleton put down the ancient warship on his shoulders, letting it float in the void——

The golden color of Su has changed, and the entire ancient warship is not known to be of any material. In his opinion, it is actually very large. The white candlelight inside is jumping, and I don't know how many lamps there are, as if this world does not exist.

In Bone Ring, Jiang Pinger was excited and hard to understand.

"See it! My dad doesn't bother Su Jin at all. There is nothing he can't do that he wants to do!" Jiang Ping'er said.

Liu Changjia felt a little guilty in her heart. In her opinion, the past crises were far less serious than this time. The other party's name is Chuguan Pluto, which is obviously a person of great origin.

"What then?" Liu Changjia asked coldly.

"Let me take a guess, this Su Jin can't contend at all. When it's critical, he will take me out and use me to threaten my father and use me as a bargaining chip for his escape!"

Jiang Ping'er snorted: "However, my dad will not give him a mobile phone meeting. Once I leave here, I will be rescued in no time. Dad is so powerful that people like you can't even imagine it."

"Don't be passionate, Su Jin has never used a woman as a shield--" Liu Changjia sneered.

"Really?" Jiang Ping'er felt a little in his heart, there are such people?

She doesn't believe it!

"Believe me, even if all the jade and stone are burned, the Xia family will die. If he goes down, you will have to die--" Liu Changjia was shocked.

Real man with iron blood, there are not many people who do this step. Liu Changjia has never seen Su Jin use a woman as a threat to achieve the secret of his own survival.

So Jiang Ping'er's idea is simply delusional.

In the ancient battleship, Guan Guan Pluto uttered a voice and gave an order: "Kill him."

The giant skeleton bowed his icy blue bones. After receiving the order, he raised his head fiercely and looked at Su Jin as if he was looking at a dead person. The look in his eyes made people feel cold, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. .

Amidst the billowing clouds, Su Jin sighed and carried the Long Yuan Sword Box on his back again. Everything was involuntary. If his arm bones were intact, there would be a glimmer of hope in this battle.

But now, only recklessly!

Try to survive!

"If you want to fight, then fight! If you want to kill my family, step over on my corpse first!" Su Jin's face was calm, and his tone didn't seem weak.

When the giant skeleton saw Su Jin this little thing, he dared to show off his power in front of him, and suddenly the huge bone jumped into the void with a strange cry, held by the five bone fingers, and directly smashed it.

Whoosh whoosh~~~

Xiaoyao Xianbu, jumping in more than a thousand positions, makes it difficult to distinguish between true and false in an instant, but this giant skeleton is indeed powerful, turning from a fist to a claw.

At that moment, he almost caught Su Jin's true position!

Su Jin is unbelievable!

Xiaoyao Xianbu, as he became stronger and stronger, he was almost unsatisfied, and for the first time he was almost caught in the situation——

Pulling a distance away, Su Jin was full of fireworks.


The Burning World Golden Crow is wrapped in four kinds of strange fires, born from the fire!

The huge Golden Crow body rushed directly towards the giant skeleton with Su Jin's fierce roar!

Xia Yuyan clutched Ying's mouth tightly, and saw the tragic scene...

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