My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2176: Golden buddha cloud

Su Jin dares to fight and fight!

Even in such a critical moment, the opponent is strong, he does not retreat, he has never thought of fleeing, and does not leave any way for himself!

The combination of the four kinds of strange fires, the blessing of the fire spirit of the Golden Crow, the means of the Six Dao Great Emperor's "Fire God Dao"! With a light tap of the giant skeleton, the flame faltered.

The giant skeleton, the spit of ice flame solidified the flame, and it was not damaged at all. The World Burning Golden Crow retreated immediately, a trace of ice patterns spread across its body, fortunately, it disappeared at a critical time—

Otherwise, it is hard to escape the disaster of the fire spirit being pinched!

Su Jin could even feel the fire spirit of the Burning World Golden Crow Flame trembling in the true spirit, and screamed fear from time to time.

"Fall in the lower realm, refine your spirit and serve your corpse." The giant skeleton sounded like thunder, and raised the sky-covering bone hand, the bone hand lingering in the vain icy blue mist and flames, shooting towards Su Jin from top to bottom go with.

In front of the villa, the women were anxious!

"Master! Save your brother-in-law!" Xia Yunxi could see Su Jin's danger no matter how stupid he was.

"Master, I implore you to take action—"


The three women begged Huan Zhao Dao Zun, but the female Dao Zun looked sad, but she shook her head decisively.

what? The master didn't do anything, and didn't dare to help?

The two sisters of the Xia family were stunned.

Dao Zun Huan Zhao was nervous and said: "Be prepared, if Su Jin is dead, I will risk taking you away from this world."

"I do not go!"

"I'm not leaving either!"


Xia Yuyan and Xia Yunxi, and even the music mm Tang Yingjiao categorically refused. How can they survive this situation? They hate their weak strength and can't help Su Jin.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun was a little frustrated, and he reproached: "Are you stupid? That skeleton is not something Su Jin can contend with, let alone a Pluto official!"

The meaning is obvious-

Chuguan Pluto hasn't shot yet!

It's too late to say, then soon! Under the icy blue bone palm covering the sky, Su Jin looked like a flat boat, locked in that terrifying aura, unable to move.

The bone hand seemed to imprison the void, and there was no way to escape!


Sturdy, Su Jin was slapped flying by the palm of his bone hand. At that moment, a clicking sound appeared in his body. His divine body was almost complete, but with this blow, many of the divine bones were shattered!

Su Jin felt that for an instant, the Emperor Spirit was about to fly away, his whole body hurts and he didn't know how to describe it, and his consciousness seemed to sink into chaos.

"Huh?" The giant skull looked at in surprise. According to its estimation, Su Jin would be completely photographed by this blow, without any bones.

But Su Jin just shattered the divine bones in his body, only a few parts of his body were broken, and not much blood was released.

In the bone ring, there was a burst of joy.

"It's over, uncle! Let you catch me, die this time!" Jiang Ping'er felt the immortal power trickle away, and she shook slightly, and the rope on her body was broken.

"Hey--" Liu Changjia seemed to be reluctant to see this scene.

But the saying goes well.

He often walks by the river, and will eventually wet his shoes. Su Jin can win ten times or a hundred times. Even if he loses this time, his career as the Six Dao Great Emperor is over.

"Sister in the painting, this bone ring belongs to me." Jiang Ping'er was very arrogant and proud, and seemed to be considering how to deal with Liu Changjia.

"Don't worry, I won't let you succeed." Liu Changjia said sadly.

"Why do you want to do?" Jiang Ping'er asked inexplicably, leaning on his waist.

The goddess holds the lotus picture, Liu Changjia has already grasped it, she can burn this picture, Su Jin is dead, she has no hope of rebirth, and does not want to fall into the hands of Jiang Ping'er.

In front of the villa, there was no sound.

Su Jin was photographed in the thick cloud, but did not fall off, which makes Huan Zhao Dao Zun very strange.

Of course, Liu Changjia was the one who noticed this. The goddess holding the lotus map, she had prepared to burn the map, but it seemed that something was wrong—

One second.

Fifty seconds.

One hundred seconds passed.

In the thick black cloud, a light yellow appeared, and it spread immediately.

"Golden Buddha Cloud!" Tang Yingjiao became excited, her feet jumping again and again, excitement hard to control.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun's eyes widened, what's the situation? She couldn't understand the magnificent power of the heavenly realm! Didn't Su Jin die?

But at that moment, Huan Zhao Dao Zun felt that Su Jin should have fallen—

The thick Buddha cloud spread rapidly, enveloping the entire Qin city. Although the night was deep, everyone who did not fall asleep began to use mobile phones, cameras and other tools to capture this magical celestial phenomenon!

The Buddha cloud is gorgeous, and the Buddha soil seems to have evolved in the flourishing age.

Su Jin closed his eyes tightly, his body with the sword box back floating horizontally on the Buddha cloud!


As if not under his control, Su Jin's eyebrows opened, and the'Great Wisdom Buddha's pupil' opened uncontrollably.

For the first time, this is definitely the first time a beam of truth, wisdom, Buddha light is emitted from the pupil of wisdom Buddha!


Great Leiyin Temple!

Daxiong Hall!

Sumi Bodhi Hall!

The three Buddhist halls were dyed golden by the Buddha's haze, and the shock appeared on the clouds!

"I see! He is truly a peerless genius!" Huan Zhao Dao Zun's face was shocked, and his tone was mostly shocked.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yuyan was worried now, and didn't understand why Huan Zhao Dao Zun praised Su Jin so much.

"Oh my God, I can't even imagine it. Have you noticed in front of the third temple." Huan Zhao Dao Zun pointed to the temple of Sumi Bodhi in the manifested scene.

Sisters of the Xia family, Tang Yingjiao went to see them together.

The three women had tears in their eyes. They couldn't see that Su Jin was so unconscious, like a corpse, but they didn't understand what Huan Zhao Dao Zun was referring to.

"Master, is there any problem?" Xia Yunxi asked with tears.

"Is that a Bodhi tree?" Xia Yuyan asked tentatively. She didn't understand, but she could still guess it.

"It should be! There are rumors in our world,'Bodhi is not a tree'. This sentence is a big secret hidden from the world. Look at what is on the tree, and it bears the fruit of the Bodhi Buddha!" It feels terrible.

How terrible Su Jin's future should be!

Sure enough, on the Bodhi tree, a few women saw clearly that there were six fruits on it.

"Om, well, it, ba, mi, hum."

Xia Yuyan slowly muttered, "Why is the Buddhism's'six-character great mantra', the most profound existence of the Buddhism, manifested on the bodhi fruit."

"These six buddhas, fruits, and Bodhi should not be born just now. They were ‘quasi-bodhi’ when they were immature at first. They have realized this through his Buddhist teachings and finally matured."

When Huan Zhao Dao Zun said, every word was shocked.

After I finished speaking, I had not reached ten breaths. In front of the Sumeru Bodhi Temple, six bodhi Buddha fruits broke free from the branches, glowing with Buddha's brilliance, and were attracted by the light of the wisdom Buddha's pupil——

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Six Bodhi Buddha Fruits, burst open! Like the tears of a Buddha, dripping into that ‘great wisdom Buddha pupil’.

Seeing this, Xia Yuyan felt sadness in her heart, and finally couldn't help crying, but she was actually extremely proud!

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