My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2178: Blessed tonight

"I don't need your admission."

Finally, Su Jin said something, "It's not me that you underestimated, but the might of China. For countless years, I have been the center of the heavens!"

If Chuguan Pluto hadn't had his daughter in Su Jin's hands, he would really disdain to come to this wasteland world, but at the moment he somewhat agreed with the other party's meaning.

"Yes, there is a demon king like you, who showed fierce power in this realm. This is something we didn't expect." Chuguan Pluto said.

"Demon King?" Su Jin was a little confused.

"It appeared in the desert, and killed ten world realms with a stick. It is unpredictable, but don't you think that I am weak." Chuguan Pluto sneered: "A word of advice, hand over my daughter. "


It turns out that the outside world is in dire straits?

In addition, why is the Demon King mentioned by Pluto, so familiar?

Can you knock ten world realms to death with one stick?

Su Jinfo Huang retreated and returned to his normal state, with a faintly joyful look in his eyes. If the estimate is correct, it should be Ah Dou who knocked the ten world realms to death!

At the beginning, Ah Dou left from the sacred land of Yaochi, looking for his eldest brother and sister-in-law, now he returns so soon? But the combat power is a bit wrong, how can it be so strong!

breakthrough! Ah Dou must have become a great emperor. He is different from the mortal man. Like Sakura, who is suspected of being the "good luck fairy king", he was born with a stone baby!

"Give me a reason to put Jiang Ping'er——" Su Jin said lightly.

"I am the Pluto of the Eighteen Clouds, you..."

Before Chu Guan Pluto finished speaking, Su Jin directly interrupted him.

Su Jin pulls his ears, "Don't let the **** go. What kind of "eighteen cloudy days" will be used to suppress people. I only ask you one question. If you are satisfied with the answer, I might consider it."

"You ask!" Chuguan Pluto was extremely angry, and even a little aggrieved, but he had a handle in the opponent's hand, and he couldn't have an attack.

"Why catch Xia Yuyan's soul."

"No comment!"

"Oh, then you go away! You don't have that daughter, she will die anyway--" Su Jin sneered.

"You're playing with fire, do you know! You are threatening a Pluto! And don't put my "eighteen cloudy days" in your eyes!" Chuguan Pluto could not suppress the inner anger.

"Playing with fire? Often, there is one of Lao Tzu's avenue, which is the "Vulcan Dao"!"

Su Jin looked at Pluto Guan lightly, "What are you, what are you on a cloudy day?"

"Good, good! The first time I heard someone daring to insult us like this "Eighteen Cloudy Sky"! Young man, what do you have the confidence to dare to curse like this!" Chuguan Pluto was all laughed angrily.

"What confidence? Don't be afraid to tell you, listen carefully, Lao Tzu is the Great Emperor of the Six Dao——" Su Jin finally slowed down a lot.

what? Six Dao Great!

Chuguan Pluto's discoloration! He really didn't see that the golden body of Buddha and Dao that Su Jin had just exhibited, he only thought that Su Jin was a Buddha cultivator, and it was considered good to be able to cultivate to the emperor realm.

Seeing that King Chuguan was like this, and his face was blue and silent, Su Jin squinted his eyes, coldly expression, and said lightly again: "Not even afraid to say it. After a while, I will be able to reach the top of the six emperors. It will achieve six world realms!"


Chuguan Pluto looked horrified, and went back several steps in the void!

More than him!

Huan Zhao Dao Zun felt that his brain was blank, and his step backward was no less than that of Chu Guan Pluto!

Terrible, terrible! Chuguan Pluto, Huan Zhao Dao Zun admits that he can't fight, that is one of the Plutos of the "Eighteen Clouds", his cultivation is terrifying.

But Su Jin can now point to the opponent's nose and curse! No wonder Dare, the six worlds, thinking about it is creepy!

"Impossible!" Kuguan Pluto believes that Su Jin has become the Six Dao Great Emperor, but he will never become the world realm.

"If it is then, how about killing your whole family?" Su Jin smiled contemptuously.

Others may think that words are a bit heavy, but are they really heavy? You know, what did Chuguan Pluto say before?

Destroy the entire Xia family! Others are going to kill his wife, can you bear it?

Guguan Pluto clenched his fist, he didn't dare to bet--

"If my daughter loses half of the hair on your hand, I will definitely put all the power of the world to cut you off. You'd better remember it." Chuguan Pluto took a deep breath, and his body gradually faded.

Fade again.

At the last shake, disappeared into the void.

Obviously, Su Jin is now obviously energetic, and Pluto Guan feels that he can't get a bargain, and he is not sure to kill Su Jin before he leaves and tries to return.

Su Jin's face loosened. Isn't it because he is not sure? If you reach the top of the Six Dao Emperors, you may have a five-point chance of winning.

"Father..." In Bone Ring, Jiang Ping'er had a bitter face and her mouth was squashed. Now she was very embarrassed.

"All I said, you can't afford to offend him." Liu Changjia was happy in his heart and couldn't help but proud of his tone.

When Jiang Ping'er heard this, she couldn't refute it at all. Her father couldn't save her and chose to leave. What else could she say?

Su Jin walked out of the void, but did not land in front of home, but chased after the place where the half ancient battleship fell.

In the north of Qincheng, not far from the viaduct, an ancient warship about half a hundred meters smashed into it.

On the viaduct, colored lights flashed, and police cars faintly called from afar.

Su Jin gently flicked his hand and put away half of the hull with a bone ring, and then one step was under the bridge a few miles away.

Small river, reed.

After the dark clouds dissipated, the moonlight shone, and a clear moon was reflected in the creek.

Su Jin let out Jiang Ping'er, his face was calm.

On the contrary, Jiang Ping'er kept going backwards, her stiff body leaning against the bridge pier, her expression nervous.

"Where is the rope? Untied?" Su Jin pushed up step by step, but the pace was very light and his body was very relaxed.

Jiang Ping'er stretched out his hands in embarrassment. It was the rope he was holding between his hands. Seeing him approaching, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "If you are unhappy, you can tie me up again!"

Seek to live

Now Jiang Ping'er could only choose this way, she never dared to look down upon Su Jin again.

"Be quiet, it disturbed people to sleep." Su Jin motioned and said.

Jiang Ping'er was shocked, and she saw a corner under the bridge. She was staring at her with a pair of eyes, and looked up and down. She was a homeless tramp~~~

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Ping'er asked.

"Relax, relax."

Su Jin calmed her emotions and said with a smile: "Your family is going to destroy my whole family. I didn't intend to kill you. Let's work together. What can I ask you? Can you explain it truthfully?"

"I won't tell you anything—"

Jiang Ping'er's beautiful body, wearing a temperament dress, leaned against the huge concrete pier, twisted his face to one side.

Su Jin seemed to know that Jiang Ping'er would answer like this, and smiled softly: "This is your choice, I don't make it difficult for others."

"Then what else are you asking me? I won't answer! You are dead!" Jiang Ping'er was faintly afraid, and didn't know where he was afraid.

However, the scene that made Jiang Ping'er dumbfounded!

Su Jin Xiemei smiled and pointed out: "I envy that man, I am blessed tonight—"

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