My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2179: Enter my acacia gate, know that I am acacia!


Jiang Ping'er was in a silly state, turned his head and looked at the corner, casting a hot look, Su Jin meant to let her accompany the tramp!

The man's hair was disheveled, his face was gray, and his body was wrapped in a military-green shabby coat. Dirty cotton was exposed from several holes.

The color of the quilt is unclear!

Jiang Ping'er's delicate body trembled, and Su Jin's viciousness was evident. He could even think of such an idea!

"Uncle!" Jiang Pinger's neat snow-white teeth, yelled two words and bit it.

"Say, but I advise you, it is best to give up your self-held nobility. In my eyes, you are nothing but an enemy—"

Is Su Jin vicious?

He doesn't think so.

Faced with a person who wants to harm Yuyan's wife, Su Jin will not pity him even if he is beautiful!

Give up nobility?

There was a touch of madness in Jiang Pinger's pupils, and she made a crazy move in a hurry!

Holding Su Jin's right hand tightly with both hands, he placed it on her waist like a willow——

It started with a warmth, and the waist was not thin, and the girl's flat lower abdomen could be clearly felt on the belly of the thumb. When Jiang Ping'er wanted to take a step closer and crazy.

Su Jin lifted his left hand and drew it directly at Jiang Ping'er's face!

Is it such a casual person to be an official?

Jiang Ping'er's eyes didn't blink, and his eyes were full of shame. When Su Jin was about to hit her, he didn't dodge half a minute.

When the palm of his hand was about three millimeters away from Jiang Ping'er's cheek, Su Jin finally stopped.

"You want to abuse me and ruin me! Why let him come?" Jiang Ping'er was desperate and asked angrily. Now, even if she is shameless, she can say it.

Anyway, if you let her accompany the tramp, you won't die!

Su Jin's face sank, and he stared at her eyes closely. This girl was unwilling to turn back, daring to stare at him without blinking!

Is it true that you have done something wrong?

I have to say that Jiang Ping'er irritated him, and Su Jin would rarely be so angry in a normal state. I just said that just to frighten her.

Su Jin broke free from her hand, took out a pack of cigarettes, popped one out, lit it silently, and started walking along the bridge pier to the west.

Jiang Ping'er hesitated a little, knowing that he could not run away, Su Jin was not afraid of her running, and could not help but follow behind him. When his anger was silent, he gradually subsided.

Su Jin's back is very lonely, the cigarettes at his fingertips, the fireworks are dark red——

"Is this place much worse than your'Eighteen Cloudy Sky'?" Sukin paused and turned his head slightly.

After not speaking for a long time, Jiang Ping'er was suddenly disturbed by such a question, and finally shook his head, "I can't tell."

can not say it clearly!

Naturally, there is no way to compare.

This is the mortal world. In the great world of the heavens, there are many similar worlds. Although there are few practitioners, the high-rise buildings full of science and technology are amazing.

Su Jin slowly said: "I've been to many places, many of them are celestial flowers all over the place, full of aura, but here, there are not even a century of herbs."

"What are you trying to say?" Jiang Ping'er couldn't understand.

"I can't tell you the truth. Let's start from the most basic human nature. Although this is a very ordinary mortal world, at least it is to nurture my hometown."

Su Jin thought for a while, threw his cigarette **** on the ground, stepped on his foot, and continued: "No matter how good the eighteen cloudy days, for me, it is good here. Whether you or other big worlds come, I will fight Kill to the end!"

"Why, with your abilities, you can live in a higher level of environment--" Jiang Ping'er couldn't understand Su Jin's thoughts.

"No matter how good the outside is, it's not my home. Think about it in another way. I'll go to hook your family's soul. This place is changed into your eighteen cloudy days. What will you do as me?"

"I..." Jiang Ping'er choked.

"Believe in my ability, if you dare to provoke me half a point on the eighteen cloudy days, I will be able to kill your home tomorrow and turn your'eighteen cloudy days' upside down!"

Su Jin turned around, looking at Jiang Ping's childhood, his eyes were cold.

Feeling the enormous will, Jiang Ping'er couldn't help taking a step back, his scalp numb and said: "Don't be so big, you don't know where the eighteen cloudy days are!"

"is it?"

Su Jin raised his eyebrows with his ‘Mahe Prison Eye’, opened it ferociously, and gently raised his hand with a wave.

Jiang Ping'er's body trembled fiercely--

The beautiful eyes are all unbelievable, Su Jin waved his hand to reveal a scene of "tracing the origin", even the scene of her family in the "eighteen cloudy days" was revealed.

"I told your father that the six realms of the world are possible for me in the near future. No matter who is behind you, I will find out in the future." Su Jin said coldly.

"That's an existence that you will never be able to match, believe me, you can't protect this wasteland." Jiang Ping'er shook his head.


From the perspective of human nature, can't inspire this Jiang Ping'er? Su Jin admitted that he failed again.

"Sister, I want to build a school recently, and the future will surely resound through the heavens--"

"What are you doing, why tell me!" Jiang Ping'er said strangely.

"No, brother sees you being obsessed, let me show you a good baby first."

Su Jin shook his hand and opened a scroll, Jiang Ping'er looked at it instinctively.

"Ah! What did you show me! Put it away!" Jiang Ping'er exclaimed, and quickly covered his eyes, but that picture was not what she could resist at all. Su Jin was full of domineering figures in his mind.

Even the marks of joyous Taoist expressions filled her heart, and Jiang Ping'er's snow-white skin began to be filled with a touch of pink——

Acacia map!

Su Jin is now at a loss for Jiang Ping'er, and it is difficult for him to deal with it. He admits that he is soft-hearted, but he can't solve it, so he simply accepts it first.

"Enter my ‘Hehuan Gate’ and know that I’m happy!"

Su Jin sighed and walked to Jiang Ping'er very scorchingly and put his hand on her shoulder.

At that moment, Jiang Ping'er made a crisp rippling sound, and her skin became more and more pink. She reached out to take Su Jin's hand away, but the picture of acacia seemed to be incomparably attractive.

The beautiful girl’s eyes looked over again, and couldn’t move it away again--

The girl's body wrapped in the skirt was shaking slightly, Jiang Ping'er's eyes gradually became pink, and a strange voice appeared in his mind.

"Six Dao Great Emperor!"

"Six Worlds!"

"Have the majesty of the world, live with the sky!"

Jiang Ping'er's other voice, constantly bewitching her tone, was conquering her heart.

After more than a dozen breaths passed, Su Jin sighed and put away the ‘Albizia Picture’, so there was no way for Jiang Ping’er.

Jiang Ping'er looked at Su Jin's eyes changed a lot, her hand grabbed Su Jin's hand, and slowly placed it on her...

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