My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2181: Awesome my sister

Ksitigarbha King walked very **** the dark road.

When the Ksitigarbha King walked out of the road leading to the ‘unknown world’, the gray mist surged and rose in the leafless forest.


Two birds resembling crows pecked their wings and looked at the back of the Ksitigarbha from time to time until the Ksitigarbha completely disappeared on the road.

"Huaxia's respected Ksitigarbha, I am afraid that he has already figured out the truth." On the bare branches, the strange crow on the left communicated in an incomprehensible bird language.

"The day before yesterday, when he walked this road with that'Dream Girl', why is the only one who returned?" Another strange crow spread its wings, buried its dark red beak in it, and continued to peck.

"Seven incense carts, Jiuhua account, waking up and have died. The bones are buried in the mountain stream. I am afraid that the Ksitigarbha king has been found. It seems that it is not too late to know the truth."

The exchange ended abruptly.

Jiuyou Jedi returned to the strange silence again.


China, Qincheng.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun refines the "Death Super Run", it seems that the difficulty is not small, Su Jin is very looking forward to, like before, the Pluto official has the horror scene of the "skeleton carrying the warship".

If the death supercar can be refined, it is definitely a handsome feat! Truly become an out-and-out super sports car!

Out of time, Huan Zhao Dao Zun separated a small space on the spot in order not to cause too much movement, while Su Jin held the bench and tea table and drank tea from time to time.

The semi-ancient warship, the material is very precious, Huan Zhao Dao Zun first unloaded the crystal core inside the ship.

The core of the Shenjing is a mass of green misty matter, but the size of an egg, Huan Zhao Dao Zun carefully contains it.

Except for the most precious core of the **** crystal, the materials of this half ancient warship are very difficult to melt. In order to save time, Huan Zhao Dao Zun has made Su Jin use strange fires from time to time, greatly reducing the difficulty of refining.

"It's a pity, I have no eyes, and the core of Shenjing didn't smell it--" Xiao Umbrella greedily clicked his mouth, a little annoyed.

"You have no eyes and no beads. It's best not to hit the core idea of ​​this crystal. This king must pretend to be on the'Death Supercar'." Su Jin reminded.

"It's a riot!" Xiao Umbrella mumbled in his mind.

Su Jin did not pay attention to it anymore, but looked at what Huan Zhao Dao Zun should do next.

Su Jin reminded in advance that the appearance can't be changed even if you lose it. You must know that the "Death Supercar" represents the highest intelligent technology today.

The problem is naturally also here. Huan Zhao Dao Zun can only use smelted materials to Tonghua's "Death Super Run", and those iron substances have to be completely eliminated.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun pointed his finger and turned the melted materials into a stream of slurry, covering the past——

Su Jin was a little nervous.

If it is not observed, it will be destroyed by gg!

Fortunately, Su Jin's worries are somewhat redundant. The materials are very spiritual. While maintaining the Reaper Supercar architecture, Huan Zhao Dao Zun has already seen through.

In addition, Huan Zhao Dao Zun entered hundreds of Dao formations in the Death Super Run, and they were connected to each other!

The Reaper Supercar trembles, and in the state visible to the naked eye, the whole car is wrapped in a slurry flow of several top-quality materials, and the slurry flow penetrates in and replaces the iron alloy!

Everything is careful.

After most of the day, Huan Zhao Dao Zun wiped off a layer of fine sweat on his forehead, and placed the egg-sized "divine crystal core" in the eyes of the array!


The brilliance of the Reaper supercar was reflected. It was originally a dead thing, but the front lights seemed to be human. The whole dazzling purple car body color is so beautiful that it is difficult to look at it!

The materials of the ancient warship **** class are almost used up! Coupled with the perfect crystal core, the ability and value of this supercar is no less than that of the ancient warship before!

Klang Klang!

The Reaper super ran in the same place and slowly spins up, and there is no dead end in the beauty!

Su Jin stared at him and walked over. Even the body glass, etc., didn't seem to have changed much, but this car seemed to come alive, unimaginable.

"How did you do it?" Su Jin knocked on the glass in front of the car and asked, looking at Huan Zhao Dao Zun.

"I was still a little worried, but among the materials that the ancient warship melted just now, there is a kind of magical skill called'Mimic Tianjin.' You can't buy a catty for a hundred big worlds with money."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun's tone was a little weird, as if he was feeling Su Jin's **** luck, that kind of material was simply unavailable.

"Oh?" Su Jin thought for a while, and smashed it towards the body glass with one percent of his power.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun's face changed slightly, and his heart was raised.


The glass cracked, but it was only cracked, like a spider web!

"Fuck! How about playing?" Su Jin stared at Huan Zhao Dao Zun and asked.

Immediately, the spider-web-like cracks began to disappear gradually, returning to their original state after less than five breaths!

Su Jin took a breath.

Bang bang bang!

One point, three points, five points!

Finally, when Su Jin exerted half of his power, a piece of the car window was smashed. In the eyes of the two of them, the piece of glass turned into wisps of water, and began to swim to the window, and it began to grow inch by inch.

In less than half a moment, the restoration is as new!

"How is it?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun relaxed his expression, seemingly proud.

"Awesome my sister!" Su Jin stroked the body of the Reaper Supercar, a little bit fond of it.

"Try it, you can fly very fast." Huan Zhao Dao Zun also looked forward to it.

Su Jin nodded and snapped his fingers lightly——

The doors of the Reaper Supercar began to move sideways, and finally opened like wings!

"Master." Reaper's super sweet voice appeared, with a strong emotional flavor.

Su Jin sat in the main driving position and seemed to see the existence of a phantom, and the death system turned into an existence similar to the spirit of an instrument. It is estimated that it will take shape in time!

Huan Zhao Dao Zun sat next to him, the exquisiteness and luxury in his tongue, only by really sitting in can he feel the wisdom of this mortal world, really powerful.

The brand new "Reaper Super Run", start to test drive! Su Jin was very excited!

A booming voice appeared, and the **** of death started!

Two gorgeous purple flames began to spurt out from the tail. As soon as Su Jin stepped on the gas pedal, the core of the **** crystal twirled in the eyes of the array, and then soared into the sky!

Two purple flames trailed, making long traces in the sky, disappearing into the sky——

Just one word for handsome!

After a test drive, Su Jin felt so refreshing that he couldn't be more refreshed. The extreme speed was faster than the Jiuxiang Flying Boat——

In the evening, in the afterglow of the twilight, the dazzling purple Reaper supercar took the sky as its way and fell down. The red gauze skirt fluttered and walked out of the car door, and then this Reaper supercar was received by Su Jin in the bone ring.

Satisfied, Su Jin is very satisfied!

In a good mood, Xia Yuyan also came back from get off work, and it was time for dinner.

However, between meals, Su Jin seemed to be aware. After walking to the villa, he saw a girl in white standing under the street lamp——

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