My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2182: Weird situation

Under the dimly yellow street lamp--

The white-clothed girl was full of worry, her whole body was like the tender green willow buds in the spring of March, and her face was extremely pure.

"Early summer, are you looking for me?"

For some reason, Su Jin felt something was wrong, and felt uncomfortable in her heart.

"Brother Su, go as far as you have recently, don't stay at home." Chu Xia thought about it, and said to Su Jin very seriously.

"What happened to the underground palace?" Su Jin looked curious.

"No, don't ask, I'm here to remind you." Chu Xia was aware of the clues, showing a little panic, and was about to leave under the street light.

"Stop--" Su Jin's face was pulled down.

"Is there anything else?"

"You go to the underworld with me, I want to see..."

Su Jin raised his hand, and just wanted to wave a void passageway, his heart sank before he could finish speaking.

problem occurs!

In the past, Su Jin was able to sway the void channel connecting to the underworld, but this time he didn't succeed. He had nowhere to go to the underworld! What happened?

"Is it impossible to go to the underworld?" Chu Xia's face was pale, staring at Su Jin and asked.

"How about you, can you go--" Su Jin's expression became indifferent.


Chu Xia nodded, and said truthfully: "I came out of the underworld an hour ago and saw the Ksitigarbha king is erasing the traces of the void passages. I can't figure it out, but I just doubt it."

Who do you suspect?

Against whom?

Su Jin's complexion changed very ugly. Apart from his frequent visits, the underground mansion was guarded by the Tibetan King. No problem had occurred. Now that the catastrophe has arrived, could this be really to defend against foreign enemies?


"What did Sister Meng say?"

After Su Jin became the ‘Six Dao Great Emperor’ last time, he went to the underground palace to recite the ‘Death to Life Sutra’ to heal her, but she left before she was awake, and she must have woken up on that day.

"Sister Meng is not there. I asked about the'Three Lives Yin Buddha'. He seemed to be a little evasive. He said that Sister Tianmeng and the Ksitigarbha King had left and did not know where they went." Chu Xia said worriedly.

"Sister Meng and King Ksitigarbha left, only Brother Ksitigarbha?" Su Jin's heart suddenly became heavy.

"Well, I'll tell you everything I know, I hope it's just that I think too much, you have to relax and have a snack." Chu Xia then comforted Su Jin a few words, then disappeared in the villa, leaving Su Jin alone in the street lamp Think carefully.

More than one person once saw a problem with "Dream Girl".

Su Jin thought about the sentiment, but just didn't want to believe it, but the real situation was still unknown. Otherwise, why should he cure her that day and leave before she wakes up?

A strong sense of crisis breeds in Su Jin's heart.

Silently pulled out a cigarette, leaning on the street light pole, slowly lighting——

Obviously, the Ksitigarbha King erased the traces of the void passage, and he was not allowed to go to the underworld again. Su Jin didn't know what happened, and the sign was unknown.

The good mood during the day, as if a flame was poured over a basin of cold water, disappeared--

"Brother Su Jin, why are you hiding here?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun came over.

During the meal break, when Su Jin left, Huan Zhao Dao Zun noticed the existence of Early Summer. Who knew that everyone had left, the man who loved the disciple had not yet entered the house.

"I'll take you to a place." Su Jin's heart was heavy and he opened a void passage.

"where to?"

As soon as Huan Zhao Dao Zun's words fell, she saw Su Jin walking in without explanation, and she had to follow in.

In the damp and cold environment, Su Jin came to the Undersea Dragon Palace not long ago when he came! The place where it appeared was behind the Shenlong Palace, beside the stone bridge in the palace.

Two broken lanterns, as always, silent in front of the stone bridge, clear stream gurgling, without a trace of sound.

"If something happens to me soon, you can take this void passage to reach this underwater dragon palace."

Su Jin pointed to the position of the teleportation formation, "There is an ancient formation there, which is enough for Seniors to take Yuyan's wife and other girls to leave China World."

Bring Huan Zhao Dao Zun, Su Jin is naturally helping his wife find a way out!

The way to leave!

"So close."

When Huan Zhao Dao Zun arrived at Xia Yuyan's house, he wandered too far at night and was looking for a long-distance teleportation array, but he did not find the Shenlong Palace deep in the sea.

It's too close for her!

"I was teleported here before and went straight back home." Su Jin nodded.

" will encounter unexpected events? Why do you say that?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun was puzzled.

"It's just a bad premonition. Don't tell my wife and others these things to avoid them worrying." Su Jin shook his head and said.

"According to your strength, just leave as you want, don't be masculine, nothing is more important than being alive." Huan Zhao Dao Zun comforted.

"Reality often makes people involuntarily--"

Su Jin stretched out his hands, his tone was helpless, the current situation was very strange, he faintly felt that something big would happen, it was obvious that the King of Tibet didn't believe him now.

What we will do in the future is still unknown.

"Don't think too much, the premonition doesn't necessarily come true."

On the stone bridge, Huan Zhao Dao Zun sighed after speaking, put his white hand on the stone bridge railing, and looked around. Although there was no life, she seemed to be able to see the prosperity and prosperity of the year with her eyesight.


A cold wind blew in the clammy Deep Sea Shenlong Palace.

Su Jin was stunned.

Yesterday he went home from here, knowing the situation here, there will be no such thing as ‘wind’, the wind blows very evil and bitterly——

Su Jin looked at the giant red coral ten meters away, and the few large characters on it were vividly remembered. He still said it was the Dragon Tomb of the Harem, he instinctively looked in the direction of the wind.

His face instantly became very ugly!

Su Jin's heart was beating wildly, staring at a place a hundred meters away, in disbelief.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun looked strange, looked at Su Jin, and also looked over.

I don't feel anything--

"How could this happen?" Su Jin muttered to himself slowly.

"Which?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun's heart jumped a few times.

Although Su Jin is an emperor, he is different from an ordinary emperor, he is the emperor of the Six Dao! In the eyes of Huan Zhao Dao Zun, his strength is almost equal to himself.

Therefore, Huan Zhao Dao Zun also values ​​what Su Jin said, she didn't know what Su Jin was surprised, because in her opinion, there was nothing unusual around her.

"When I came yesterday, the door of the Dragon Tomb was closed!" Su Jin's face was very wonderful, he had never been so worried before.

It is impossible for Su Jin to read it wrong. He remembers clearly that when he was in front of the tomb of the Dragon Tomb yesterday, he tried to open the tomb door, but he failed!

"Huh?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun's eyes opened slightly, his tone of astonishment difficult to hide.

At this moment, the strange breath spread all around.

The ancient Dragon Palace was completely devoid of vitality. Why was the door of the Dragon Tomb opened overnight when Su Jin left yesterday?

Is it a coincidence, or is there another reason?

Who opened the dragon tomb?

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