My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2183: Ghost Dragon Lotus

Chapter 1 Great Changes

Originally, Su Jin was only helping Huan Zhao Dao Zun to find a way out. Now this treacherous situation, he must figure it out!

Su Jin faintly felt that it would not be a coincidence. The Shenlong Palace, which has been silent for so many years, had such an accident overnight, and he could not convince himself that it was a coincidence!

"Mahe Town Prison!" Su Jin's eyebrows were raised and a red light flashed, reflecting the scene in front of the Dragon Tomb after he left yesterday.

In the next scene, Huan Zhao Dao Zun saw his scalp numb, and his eyes showed an incredible expression——

The stone bridge was gurgling, and from the nothingness in front of the bridge last night, an old woman in sackcloth walked out, with unkempt hair, old face and white hair like snow.

The old woman's face was dull.

Holding an oil lamp in his right hand, the wick of the lamp was dark red, and there was brown corpse oil in the lamp. He walked across the stone bridge and walked towards the dragon tomb.

The old man hides the light!

Finally opened the Dragon Tomb and walked into the depths of the Dragon Tomb!

The vertical eyes between his brows were closed and Su Jin felt a huge pressure, and glanced sideways at Huan Zhao Dao Zun.

"What to do? Can't you enter?" Huan Zhao Taoist asked tentatively.

"I'm naturally going to take a look." Su Jin couldn't see through the reality of the old woman, and couldn't feel any vitality in her body.

Putting aside the mysterious old woman, Su Jin wanted to approach the Dragon Tomb yesterday, but he could not open it before giving up. Now it just happens to be another opportunity——

Huan Zhao Dao Zun was wrapped in charming temperament, bright red gauze skirt, noble aura, blinked at Su Jin and said, "Listen to Brother Su..."

As he spoke, under the veiled skirt, the snow-colored right leg was curled out from the position of the two fists on the knee, making Huan Zhao Dao Zun especially charming.

Where is Su Jin still in the mood to watch Huan Zhao Dao Zun's dress tender?

Although the face of Huan Zhao Dao Zun looks almost the same as that of a twenty-eight-nine-year-old beauty, this is a senior, and he can't move his mind.

"Let's go." Su Jin took the lead.

"Cut, boring~~~" Huan Zhao Dao Zun made an expression, and then followed.

Soon, the location of the tomb door.

It was difficult to change what Su Jin decided. He just paused in front of the tomb and walked in.

Stepping into the first step, the yin wind enveloped the body, the whole environment was very dim, and the ground was similar to barren loess, slightly loose.

After countless civilizations, Su Jin felt very peculiar that there could be such a vast cemetery in the Shenlong Palace in the deep sea.

This dragon tomb is at least a thousand miles in radius, and many large pits have been dug out. The giant who was dragged with the axe took a mouthful of the dragon corpse coffin--

"It's no wonder that the Dragon Clan chose this place as the tomb." Huan Zhao Dao Zun obviously noticed it, and there was no surprise.

"Ancestral Dragon Nest." Su Jin sighed.

"Yes, if my guess is correct, this cemetery should be the place where the first dragon was born, a natural stone dragon fetus." Huan Zhao Dao Zun was deeply moved.

Su Jin nodded, fighting the sacred Buddha, Adou, and Sakura, who is suspected of being the ‘good fortune fairy king’, were all born out of the rock. They were so strange that even he could see the problem here. What’s more?

Because every tomb pit, there are pure dragon energy rising out, there seems to be a dragon cave underground, and the power contained exceeds his imagination!

"Three hundred and thirty miles to the west, there is the Dragon Rift Valley. There should be the place where the first dragon broke through the stone shell, but something seems to be wrong." Huan Zhao Dao Zun felt it.

Su Jin waved his hand gently, and his whole person disappeared, and Huan Zhao Dao Zun also made the action at the same time.

The huge dragon rift valley seems to exist a bit like a snake, and the entire rift valley seems to have traces of struggle on that distant day.

Struggling to be born!

"Long Xie, I saw it right." Su Jin just noticed this.

Su Jin originally thought that under the Rift Valley, the huge dragon body was a dragon corpse, but now he clearly noticed that the stone-colored yellow shadow was actually the skin of the first dragon that year shed after struggling.

The rift valley traverses the dragon tomb, bending and bending, and there is a body that is more than 2,000 miles long. Not far away, the huge dragon head is facing the sky, and it has remained the same today.

"Your world really surprised me." Huan Zhao Dao Zun was extremely shocked in his heart, and his tone was beyond value.

"This dragon, look carefully--" Su Jin couldn't help but utter horror, reminding Huan Zhao Dao Zun.


When Huan Zhao Dao Zun observed carefully, the scales and grooves on the yellowstone-colored dragon were very clear, but in those scales, there were blood grooves, densely covered with nets.

"This is the body of dragon sloughing beyond imagination. There are horror existences to put restrictions on it, and fear that the dragon sloughs creatures, so that it will not be allowed to leave here." Huan Zhao Dao Zun exclaimed.

Although this is the skin that the first dragon shed, the death of the first dragon will surely lead to life and revitalization over time. Obviously, there are mysterious existences who do not want to do so, so they have become a second hand.

"Before the dragon head, you look again, what else—" Su Jin reminded again.

"That is the'Ghost Dragon Lotus', the existence in the legend!" Huan Zhao Dao Zun's mind seemed to be blown up, a rumbling blank, incredible.

The "Ghost Dragon Lotus" is black and the size is as big as a basin. It grows on the rocky cliff before the dragon sloughs. A little bit of glittering red dots of fluorescence float around the Ghost Dragon Lotus.

"A pot of ghost lotus has at least more than one hundred leaves." Su Jin foresaw the unknown situation.

Unless this dragon has given birth to spiritual wisdom, the "ghost dragon lotus" will definitely not be born. This basin of "ghost dragon lotus" will be nourished by the dragon qi from the dragon for a long time.

While talking, the "Ghost Dragon Lotus" on the stone cliff trembled slightly, and a black leaf quickly withered yellow, lost its black luster, and fell.

"I heard that in a Jedi, there is a'Ghost Dragon Lotus'. This ghost dragon lotus is an unknown thing. The world it was born in will experience the catastrophe." Huan Zhao Dao Zun couldn't help saying.

"This lotus was not born recently. I am afraid that it is a mysterious existence, and I have long wanted catastrophe to fall on the vast land of China."

Su Jin's face was solemn.

"When you fought against Chuguan Pluto, I heard you say that the China Great World was once the center of the heavens. I still don't believe it, but I believe it now."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun truthfully told what he wanted.

Now Huaxia World is a wasteland. I don't know what kind of secrets Huaxia has hidden. People have been thinking about it until now, and want to perish this world.

Su Jin didn’t want to be suspicious. He gently clasped his fists and bowed towards the dragon. “The younger generation is a native Chinese monk. He has always admired the dragon in the human race. We have always considered ourselves to be the descendants of the dragon! If the elders are born with wit, can they give pointers? One or two mazes?"

The dragon slough was suppressed by inexplicable means. Because of the birth of the "Ghost Dragon Lotus", this dragon slough was baptized by endless years, and it is very possible that the dragon slough gave birth to spiritual wisdom. Su Jin did this, but just tried.


The dragon trembled slightly, although the arc was small, it was still felt by the two.

"Ah!" Huan Zhao Dao Zun was shocked by the scene again.

The dragon shed its head, and the edge of the dragon’s eye was crying——

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