My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2184: Self-exile

Lombok shed tears--

Mostly unknown, Su Jin's heart is heavy, but after careful observation, there is no other discovery. Knowing that he can't get more information, he directly uses the "Maha Prison Eye" again to defy the emptiness.

Look for the old woman who covered her lamp and walked.

The dragon tomb was only a thousand miles away. Su Jin saw the old woman hiding the lamp last night and walked to the end. He placed the lamp in the void and bowed down several times.

Su Jin tried his best to see what she was kneeling, but the eyes of the gods were illusory. It was hidden by the heavens, and he couldn't see it anymore, but faintly saw it was a ‘green bone’.

There was a long silence in place.

Su Jin raised his head and looked into the distance, put his right hand behind him, and said calmly: "I want to go to the outside world."

"With you." Huan Zhao Dao Zun felt the tremendous pressure on Su Jin and nodded gently.

Here again, Su Jin thought deeply, and Huan Zhao Dao Zun walked out of the dragon tomb and came to the teleportation formation.

Not long after, the ancient formation lit up, sprinkling a trace of fairy glory, and the two disappeared in the Shenlong Palace.


Outside the territory, a large city center in southern Xinjiang.

At the gate, Su Jin and Huan Zhao Dao Zun appeared.

When Su Jin appeared, he felt a tense atmosphere. Last night, Chuguan Pluto said that "A Dou" was showing great power outside the domain, and he knew that there was turmoil outside the domain.

Coming to southern Xinjiang is just random, and Su Jin can walk sideways in the entire five regions now, and there is no distinction between near and far.

In order not to create a celebrity effect, Su Jin changed his appearance when he left the teleportation formation.

It is not the first time to visit southern Xinjiang. The home of the saint of the ancient tomb is in southern Xinjiang. When Su Jin fought against the prince of Shu, it caused a great sensation in southern Xinjiang.

In this southern Xinjiang, Su Jin also met Kou Niang and others, and I wonder if the women have returned home at the moment.

Recently, Su Jin knew nothing about what happened outside the territory. No matter where outside the territory, the tavern was definitely the fastest place to get the news. It was easier than asking people.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun followed Su Jin, found a very ordinary restaurant nearby, ordered a few dishes, a pot of wine brewed by the house, and chose to sit by the window.

"The recent catastrophe of the world extinction has caused panic among the people, and several domains have had an impact." Someone grabbed a peanut from the plate and threw it into his mouth, chatting with others.

"Hey, it's not all the Demon Su who caused the damage, and the five domains that have been harmed have suffered." Another said.

"Yes, there is a news that is spreading wildly in the Five Realms. I wonder if you have heard it? Su Tianzi has become the Six Dao Great Emperor! This is a good thing, after all, we haven't been born for a long time. But the bad is bad, God forbids the Six Dao Ancestors to become the emperor, he is a villain!"

"The six great emperors against the sky, do not return to the sky, God descends the catastrophe, let the creatures of the five regions bear the evil consequences." Others also continued.

"Yesterday's wind direction is wrong. Some people say that Emperor Su is immortal, and the five realms will not survive. This is really a catastrophe!"

"Also! Last night, in the Red Tide Sea of ​​southern Xinjiang, a hundred thousand divine coffins floated up and down. You can see that even the immortal coffin of Immortal Emperor Qingshuang has emerged. It is very unknown."

"We can't kill Su Tianzi, but we must work together to expel him from the China Great World! Otherwise, the evil results will be fulfilled——"

"Fulfilled what?"

"Southern Xinjiang will cause a sea disaster, and the sea of ​​red tide will flood the entire southern Xinjiang. Yesterday, the old monk of the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom said that the statue of the master was completely ashes. In addition, there are nearly a hundred Buddhist statues with supreme merit."

"The people of the Eastern Region are in turmoil. The tens of thousands of beasts in the depths of the Jiuyou Jedi are likely to flock to the Eastern Region, all because of one person, that is, Emperor Su!"

"The Northern Territory will have thousands of years of snow and will completely become a frozen land. The hundreds of millions of Northern Territory cultivators will be sealed by eternal ice. If Su Jin is not expelled, we will be killed by him!"


Huan Zhao Dao Zun listened, staring at Su Jin's face.

Su Jin held the wine cup and drank gently.

The wine is not cold, but the cold is the heart!

"Don't be sad, the ghost dragon lotus is a'catastrophe flower'. Its formation does not happen overnight. This big world is destined to experience the'world destruction catastrophe'. It is estimated that you are the biggest obstacle behind the scenes, so you will be misunderstood by the world." Huan Zhao Dao Zun said.

"Everyone in the world is drunk and I wake up alone. I was thinking, this piece of the world I love is worthy of my protection." Su Jin drank three cups.

The wine is very spicy and scorching, but it is not uncomfortable to drink it——

Misunderstood by the Ksitigarbha king, there is no way to go to hell, now Su Jin is struggling to guard the place, how many people can trust him?

Huan Zhao Dao Zun sighed, making everyone feel wronged, but the most hurtful thing was the people's heart, she didn't know how to comfort Su Jin.

In the center of the third row from the left, several guests began to talk about other things.

"Do you know that the Mo Family has already abandoned Su Jin, and the emperor of the barbaric country who returned recently was under pressure last night and was forced to announce his abdication this morning."

"I heard that the emperor of the barbarian country is the emperor of the young man, right? He has a terrifying expert protection by his side, otherwise the relationship between him and Su Jin will definitely not survive last night."



Su Jin shockedly smashed the wine table and immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

The scene fell silent, wondering why this young man with a strange face had such a temper.

Throwing out a handful of spirit crystals in the arms of the shop Xiaoer, Su Jin silently walked out of the restaurant, Huan Zhao Dao Zun followed all the way-

In the teleportation formation, Su Jin and Huan Zhao Dao Zun left southern Xinjiang and chose the location of the teleportation to be the imperial city of the'barbarian kingdom', which was originally called the'Chilan Kingdom'.

Before in southern Xinjiang, someone called a master of terror, protecting the people around Shaomanhuang, it must be Lan Yueya.

The Emperor Shaoman was rescued by Lan Yueya from the Heavenly Dragon Realm, and the Dragon Chair was not warm for a few days. Now he was forced to abdicate, causing Su Jin to be furious.

Su Jin easily caught the breath of Blue Moon Cliff and flashed into the palace with Huan Zhao Dao Zun!

"Boss--" Emperor Shaoman was with Lan Yueya, and when he saw Su Jin's sudden arrival, he was immediately surprised, but in that surprise, there was a bit of bitterness.

Lan Yueya smiled at Su Jin and nodded.

"Who made you abdicate?" Su Jin asked the Emperor Shaoman with staring eyes.

"I volunteered! What bird emperor, too much pressure!" The Emperor Shaoman waved his hand.

"Speaking of people." Su Jin's staring expression remained unchanged.

Shaomanhuang's face flushed, "Even if no one forces me to separate the relationship with the boss, I don't want to be anymore! What kind of person is it, who made Wuyu able to raise his head several times, they have forgotten how good the boss is. !"

Su Jin took a deep breath. Few people knew him, Shaomanhuang was one of them!

"From now on you follow me, I have the Supreme Divine Law for you to practice!" Su Jin stepped forward and patted Emperor Shaoman on the shoulder again.

"Boss, don't you care about the mess outside the territory?" When Shaomanhuang asked, he heard Su Jin's determination to leave, his tone was very worried.

"Since you have abdicated, the Five Domains will no longer have anything to do with me. Borrow your imperial capital to announce for me! I will exile myself! I will not come to the Five Domains again!"

Su Jin said coldly: "One day they will cry and beg me to come back!"

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