The real princess?

The Emperor Shaoman raised his sleeves and said, "Boss, don't make trouble, Princess Princess, I see a lot!"

Lan Yueya's face was also puzzled. After seeing Su Jin's weird expression, he seemed to understand something, and Junyi's face was flushed.

Stride into'Royal 1'——

The decoration inside is invincible in the eyes of Emperor Shaoman. His own palace doesn't feel so magnificent, and the style is quite special, full of aura, and very prosperous.

The most important thing is to count the two neat beauties after entering the door, there are at least a hundred people.

"Welcome the boss."

There are a hundred beauties, wearing gauze long skirts, light makeup and light makeup. Every girl is one of a million, and the mouth of the emperor Shaoman has not closed for a long time.

The immediate process was very simple. Su Jin took out a bank card and deducted it as he pleased. First, he ordered a variety of expensive drinks, all pure beer.


For a long time, I was very drunk——

The girls are all beautiful, but Su Jin chose to drink it himself, watching the girls sing and dance, and even a few beautiful girls came, and Su Jin pushed them away.

Let them accompany the two brothers to drink.

The emperor Shaoman's face was full of ‘strawberry prints’, and his eyes were distraught. These beauties were too good to drink, and they played alcohol gambling with him. It’s not bad that he can win one of ten.

If it weren’t for the cultivation base, it’s not too vulgar, I’m afraid it’s already been knocked down on the spot, and even Lan Yueya went crazy in the end, swallowing wine with a gut--

Someone came to this world for money.

Some people do it for status.

Su Jin drank the wine alone, a touch of confusion appeared in his heart, what did he do for?

These girls are beautiful enough, but not as good as Xia Yuyan. The first is to come here to drink, and the second is to let the two brothers eliminate the dissatisfaction in their hearts. It is not an exaggeration to use the words "borrow wine to pour sorrow".

Half a day later, Emperor Shaoman vomited four or five times. His intestines were probably going to churn up. No matter how hard he could hold on, he and Lan Yueya finally climbed on their shoulders and walked out staggeringly.

Su Jin paid more than one million yuan and walked out of the'Royal 1'before asking, "Are you happy?"

"Happy!" Shaomanhuang shook his other arm with dizzy eyes.


"Not happy!"

The Emperor Shaoman cried bitterly, and thumped his heart, "It's so panic here! Why?"

Lan Yueya dispelled Jiu Jin and shook his head to sober up. He knew that the brother Shaomanhuang was very upset for Su Jin. One such brother was enough!

Su Jin was silent and said, "I'll find a hotel and arrange for you to stay in—"

"Don't go back to the boss's house?" Shaomanhuang asked.

Su Jin didn't explain. He found a five-star hotel nearby and asked for the three most high-end suites. He stayed here and waited for Emperor Shaoman to wake up completely before returning home.

In addition, Su Jin faintly felt something was wrong, which was one of the reasons why he did not go home.

Lan Yueya sat down in the room and watched the Emperor Shaoman fall asleep. He did not choose to go back to the room. He saw through Su Jin's mind and said, "Are you still worried about the outside world?"

"Worry about the ball--" Su Jin shook his head, lit a cigarette silently, and held it at the corner of his mouth.

"Sometimes, no matter how powerful a person is, it can't be greater than disaster. I know very well that this so-called catastrophe has nothing to do with you, but often things are so cruel and foolish people take the lead." Lan Yueya sighed.

This place is very close to the outside world, so he chose to stay here, but he still couldn't understand what Su Jin did. It’s just about Outland.

"I hope my hunch will not happen." Su Jin said through the cyan smoke.

"What should come will always come, and you can't stop it."


Time slowly passed, Su Jin sat down alone at the tea table on the balcony in front of the window, sipping the good tea with lingering fragrance, and looked west——

The sunset glow on the horizon was gradually engulfed by black, and the night fell on the earth, everything seemed to be killing.

Su Jin stayed alone for at least three hours, and the tea was cold on the table, but his vague premonition grew stronger in his heart.

Mohe's eyebrows opened suddenly.

Confrontation! Confrontation!

At the edge of the vertical eye, the Buddha's light dotted, and the big wisdom Buddha pupil contained it, and the two became one, and he saw the far beyond.

South Xinjiang stepped into the night, and the red lanterns looked like long dragons, which seemed to be very mocking, but at that moment, the entire southern Xinjiang began to tremble—

The horrible "Red Tide Sea" showed fierce power, and it was usually not a foot wave, but in the center of the Red Tide Sea, the wave rolled up to a hundred feet high!

The whole southern Xinjiang is in chaos!

In Dashu Imperial City, the old clothes have long been changed. Su Jin used to show the monstrous fierce power here. At this moment, the monks in the city looked at the constantly swaying red lanterns, panicking.

"Didn't Demon Su exiled himself and is no longer outside the territory? Why is Southern Xinjiang still shaking--" a monk couldn't help asking.

"Yeah! What's the matter, isn't the world extinction catastrophe over, isn't Demon Su still leaving?" Someone asked with a pale face, feeling the vibration under their feet.

"Impossible! Today in the Eastern Region, someone saw the "Nine Elephant Flying Boat" owned by Su Tianzi, and that flying boat carried Su Tianzi out of the region!"

"Why? Why did Demon Su depart, and the calamity worsened?"


There are several other domains that are frightened.

In the "Northern Territory" of the extreme north, the heavy snow covered people's eyes. When visible to the naked eye, the scenes were white and frozen, and the speed was so fast that they even clung to houses one by one, which would seem to be frozen!

In the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom, the stone Buddha statue glowed with Buddha's brilliance, and three feet of tears shed around it, seeming to appeal to the world's ignorance. There are Buddhists and monks chanting in unison. The Buddha's light is rising throughout the country, trying to deal with the catastrophe!

These situations are really happening!

"Ah! How do I feel that the continent of southern Xinjiang is being opened!" Somewhere in southern Xinjiang, a cultivator felt that his feet were half a foot high, and shouted in horror.

The entire southern Xinjiang, the sea of ​​red tide swept across in mighty, the entire southern Xinjiang land mass, began to be slowly lifted by the inexplicable force, intending to tear apart——

Scenes of catastrophes were unprecedentedly strong.

Even the Jiuyou Jedi of the Eastern Region is covered by a dark scene. Those big cities in the Eastern Region, seeing the dark scenes like demons, are spreading.

"You all blamed Su Tianzi!" In the Eastern Region, I don't know which cultivator it was, and angered the other monks in fear.

The entire human race of the Eastern Region has very special feelings for Su Jin, but it is regrettable that it is too late to sober up!

"Tianzi Su left, and the catastrophe happened as usual! How can this be explained? The only thing that can be explained is that he is the biggest obstacle to the world destroyer behind the scenes! And we drove him away!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Where are you Su Tianzi, come and save us, we don't want to die..."

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