My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2187: Contend

"The real catastrophe is destroying our homeland, but we have driven away a benefactor who can resist the catastrophe!"

"The rumors stop at the wise man! Where are you, our emperor Su!"

"The water of the Red Tide Sea has already overturned the'Sea God Cliff.' We were so vulnerable in the face of disaster. We were so wrong!"


Many people regret it. Except for the chaos in the Eastern Region, the panic in the other regions has reached the extreme!

Su Jin bowed his head and was silent. Despite the humiliation and anger in his heart, he was no longer the age of an angry youth. He wanted to understand one thing in the trouble.

Huaxia Great World, you can't lose a single inch of land!

To live is not to live for the cultivation of those outside the territory, Su Jin lives for the Chinese land!

Big Ascension!

The enchanting brilliance rose from under the feet, Su Jin suddenly disappeared——

Lan Yueya was also standing in front of the window, feeling Su Jin's breath disappearing into the hotel, waving his hand to reveal a scene.

In the remote city of Qin, Huan Zhao Dao Zun Su points to a circle, and the catastrophe experienced outside the territory is visible.

Xia Yuyan sat on the sofa, her yellowish skirt was not long, and her snow-white legs overlapped. Tang Yingjiao and Xia Yunxi were sitting on the sofa with her.

In a few areas outside the territory, scenes of disasters and catastrophes are hard to stop. The reason why Huan Zhao Dao Zun manifested in this way was naturally because he saw the reluctance in Su Jin's heart.

Without returning, it is nothing more than trying to help another group to deal with the catastrophe, but it is difficult to support a single tree, no matter how strong a person is, how can he save the common people?

"Sure enough, Su Jin went out of the territories--" Huan Zhao Dao Zun captured the breath of Su Jin in the scenes, the power of the three steps of heaven, and the horror!

The scene was transformed into a scene where Su Jin appeared!

He is in southern Xinjiang!

The entire continent of southern Xinjiang is being elevated by inexplicable power. Once Su Jin appeared, he turned into a huge and incomparable ‘Buddha’s Golden Body’!

Due to the turbulence, in a small town below, the restaurant was dumped. A seven or eight-year-old girl with croissants was carrying a half basket of eggs.

But as soon as the Buddha's golden body appeared, the shock seemed to be temporarily suppressed, and the restaurant did not fall!


With anger on the little girl's face, one by one eggs smashed on Buddha King's body, "Bad guy! You are a bad guy!"

Su Jin was silent.

Plan to do it, decide to do it, Su Jin will not look back!

Buddhism shines! The ‘Wheel of Heaven’s Secret’ quickly condensed under the feet and directly covered the entire southern Xinjiang. Su Jin’s six powers, blessed by it, directly suppressed the lifted land!

"Brother-in-law." In Qin Cheng's home, several women watched with fear. Xia Yunxi had not been to other places with Su Jin. Although Su Jin was her object of worship, she did not know how powerful Su Jin was!

Xia Yunxi couldn't hide his surprise, no wonder he had learned immortality from Huan Zhao Dao Zun before, and showed off in front of Su Jin. Brother-in-law said how weak he was.

"Big Brother Su——" Tang Yingjiao was anxious and angry. Which family is that little girl from? Why didn't she even have any education? He hit Su Jin with an egg.

This shows how big the opinions of Su Jin from outside the region are!

"It's impossible for one person to fight against the Great Tribulation." Huan Zhao Dao Zun shook his head, as if describing Su Jin's irrationality.

"What do you think of Master, what will happen to him doing this?" Xia Yuyan asked with fear, looking at Huan Zhao Dao Zun.

"What will happen? Haha, become a person who should be killed in the disaster!" Huan Zhao Dao Zun said coldly.

She really didn't understand.

Su Jin could have been aside, why should he be so impulsive?

"What should I do? Master, give me an idea--" Xia Yuyan's face was full of eagerness.

"I can't do anything, he is returning what he has received now, but you should know him better than me." said Huan Zhao Dao Zun.

About understanding.

Naturally, Su Jin has a very strong head, and no one can persuade or persuade a decision!

"What kind of person, I always thought that I was his most important thing, but how did he do it." Xia Yuyan turned her head away from the women, her eyes filled with mist.

Death is the cruelest breakup. Does Su Jin care about her most or something else?

"Sister, ideals cannot be compared with women." Xia Yunxi persuaded.

Xia Yunxi and her sister had different ideas. On the contrary, I felt that the brother-in-law did this to be a real man's performance. As for children's personal affection, it can only depend on the choice of people.

Music mm Tang Yingjiao heard the words of the Xia sisters, she felt a little bit of loss in the depths of her pupils, as if she buried something completely--


In southern Xinjiang, the huge Buddha statue has caused the horse fleas to move! Countless monks raised their heads in a solemn atmosphere, watching the sacred scene of Buddha's light.

"Tianzi Su is here to save us!" I don't know who it is, and he cheered.

"Yes! Obviously Su Tianzi valued our southern Xinjiang most, and he couldn't bear it when he saw our southern Xinjiang suffered such a disaster!"

"If he can eliminate the catastrophe, he will be as great as Emperor Huangquan. When the Red Tide Sea was about to overwhelm southern Xinjiang, Emperor Huangquan moved a piece of the continent to block the fierce water!"

"Now that it sounds good? Southern Xinjiang has done the most in the Five Regions! The most amazing!"


The entire continent began to fall violently, and Su Jin used the ‘wheel of heaven’s secret’ and combined the power of the six realms to suppress the Southern Xinjiang Continent to its original level!


On the side of Poseidon Cliff, the blood-colored waves of the Red Tide Sea rose to a height of a hundred meters high. In contrast to the golden body of Su Jin Buddha, the scene was terrifying!


A portal shook the void, and the other five phantom Su Jin appeared!

The six doors of reincarnation!

Except for the golden body of the Buddha, the other five phantoms gradually solidified, unable to distinguish the true from the false! Immediately, the sword body was wrapped around the Shenlong, roaring around the sky, opening a void passage, and rushing towards the northern region!

With the magical technique of'Six Ways of Swallowing Dragons', combined with the fierce power of the Dragon King Pearl, the horror of this sword body has reached the point of staggering!

The dragon can bring down the wind and rain, the fierce wind and snow in the Northern Territory, this sword body will go forward to suppress it! In addition, the Northern Territory is fierce. In order to prevent accidents, the Vulcan Dao body, with four kinds of strange fires, is also buried in the void passage leading to the Northern Territory.


The King of Ghosts condensed Su Jin's phantom, his eyes were pitch-black, and the ‘Great Ascension Technique’ appeared under his feet, and he went directly to the Eastern Region, where scenes of strange black light soon enveloped all the Eastern Regions!

The ghost king goes to suppress it!

The immortal statue with the sword on its back, pleated with brilliance, stepped forward and went to the'Western Buddha Kingdom'!

Four of the six condensed Dao bodies! Demon Ting was shining with thunder, and the body of Demon Dao condensed by Su Jin went to the middle domain!

When countless people looked up, they all had expressions of infinite respect. They knew that Su Jin was going to fight against the rhythm of the catastrophe with his own power!

Suddenly, Su Jin’s golden Buddha emperor's golden body trembled. He could no longer suppress a mouthful of Buddha's blood, and coughed out——

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