My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2189: retribution

In southern Xinjiang, many monks still couldn't hide their joy when Su Jin smoothed out the crisis.

However, at that moment, a fairy light as thin as a cow's hair appeared in the entire southern Xinjiang!



Screaming, someone was covering their face and eyes, one by one, the scars were cut by the fairy light, and at this moment, the two white fairy fingers directly pierced Su Jin's eyebrows!

If this divine eye is cut off, the ‘Great Wisdom Buddha Eye’, the ‘Maha Town Prison Eye’, and even the Immortal Eyes of Good Fortune will no longer be able to borrow from Sakura, and will not be able to show their power!

Su Jin's back was cold, and a round of Tian Mi trembling behind him, Fuyao manifested thousands of miles in height! The six heavenly secret wheels are running frantically, filling him with six powers, and constantly blessing!

At a critical moment, Su Jin put away his vertical eyes, but that cold fairy finger seemed unstoppable, and even the power of the Six Dao Great Emperors could not stop it at half a speed!


The fairy finger turned to a point, and it was at the center of Su Jin's eyebrows!

The sound of broken bones appeared, Su Jin yelled from the sky, and the skull at the center of his eyebrows was spotted with a crack!

The power of horror poured into Su Jin’s Taoist body like a broken bamboo, destroying everywhere, his divine bone glowed with glory, but it was still firmly suppressed!

At Su Jin’s spine, the yellow fonts of Buddha appeared one by one, Om, Well, Ne, Pa, Mi, Hum, the six-character Buddhist mantra mantra, faded and flashed, the power brought by the immortal fingers, It seems that I want to erase those six characters——

The tiger's body trembled, and black death swarms out.

"You shattered my Emperor Spirit! You..." Su Jin roared with an angry expression.

Not only that, even his divine bones began to crack every inch. Fortunately, in an emergency, Su Jin's stone-colored heart twirled around, and a ray of ‘Natural Dao’ appeared in the spirit sea!

The immortal finger trembled lightly and suddenly retracted——

I don't know how many monks in Southern Xinjiang were injured in this scene. The snow-white fairy light was so strong that it was incomprehensible.

Su Jin's whole body was wrapped in death spirit, and Shouyuan began to pass crazily. He immediately endured the severe pain and sat down cross-legged.

At the beginning of the dimming wheel of the sky, the Buddha's light shone all over the earth, and after the fairy light disappeared, the sprinkled Buddha's glory healed the wounds of the monks.

Qincheng within the domain.

The face of Huan Zhao Dao Zun is unprecedented in the eyes of the other three girls! It's hard to see where the blood is going to drip.

"Xianlu Daozhi, that is Xianlu Daozhi——" Huan Zhao Dao Zun looked at the disappearing fairy mang, raised his hand and pinched his fingers, deducing it, and a scene flashed through the depths of her pupils.

Plain fingers!

Mysterious picking fairy finger!

Huan Zhao Dao Zun raised her head fiercely, and the shock on her face was extremely rare in her life!

"Master." Xia Yuyan asked gently, waking up Huan Zhao Dao Zun.

"What is Xianludaozhi?" Tang Yingjiao was also very curious.

"Brother-in-law's situation seems very unstable."

Xia Yunxi was very worried. In the scene of manifestation, Su Jin was wrapped in black air, and he couldn't even see his face. He didn't know what happened.

"Contaminated with bad luck, the retribution against the sky has fallen on him. Usually, it should not be the emperor to start with him." Huan Zhao Dao Zun was very sorry.

No one knows as much as Huan Zhao Dao Zun.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun once heard that there were no less than a hundred strong against the sky. After the Daoji was destroyed, none of them survived. When they were strong, they wilted overnight and died in time.

"What kind of retribution?" The three women looked at Huan Zhao Dao Zun with eager eyes, wanting an accurate explanation.

"Hey, you guys are mentally prepared--" Huan Zhao Dao Zun waved his hand to erase the scene. The fact is that for these three girls, it is too cruel. With the power of the Emperor Realm, Su Jin can survive in the "Xianyu Daozhi" , Has exceeded her expectations.

How is Su Jin now?

No one knows that Huan Zhao Dao Zun sighed besides sighing.

At present, Su Jin's situation is not optimistic!

The true spirit, the emperor spirit, was shattered like tofu! If it weren't for his special spirit, there would be four kinds of strange fires fused into it, and it would be sticky, otherwise it would be difficult for him to sit down.

"It's hard to open my Maha Prison Eye!" Su Jin's inner anger could not be suppressed.

Whether it is the'Mahe Town Prison Eye' or the'Great Wisdom Divine Pupil', it is his existence that he relies on. Now there is a crack in the eyebrows. He tried to open the'Great Wisdom Divine Pupil' several times to evolve the Great Wisdom. Can succeed!

When he was in a hurry, Su Jin no longer considered the matter of God Eyes, and used the only remaining strength to restore the cracked God bones. This process was very difficult, but if he did not do this, he would not even be able to return to the domain!

Bang bang bang--

The power forcibly spliced ​​and fuse the **** bones everywhere. Although the spliced ​​god bones are a bit fragile, they can move normally!

Step by step, towards the void.

All the monks in the southern borders in the rest of the robbery looked up, looking at the back of that lonely departure.

There was no explanation, no complaint, or even an apology!

Su Jin opened the void passage, staggered in, and completely disappeared in southern Xinjiang!

This situation and situation, it hurts my heart!

"What happened just now? Okay, why did Tianzi Su languish?" A monk in southern Xinjiang asked his companion doubtfully. The scene of Su Jin leaving made him feel a little sad.

"I don't know! The soul of life is dead, and it's long gone for ordinary people."

"Could it be related to the white fairy light just now?"

"I hope he's okay—"

There was a void in the domain, Su Jin staggered out, coughing up four mouthfuls of blood, and then pushed the void away again, exhausting the last bit of energy, stained blood before his clothes, and fell in front of the house.


"Brother Su!"

"Old, husband."

When Xia Yuyan heard the voice, Huan Zhao Dao Zun had already noticed it first, and he was surrounded by the door, but he was already in a coma!

The scene was in chaos. The three women were crying and crying, and she was helpless. She had long since retired. Su Jin was a catastrophe unknown person, obviously intolerable by God, and there is nothing to end with him.


Dao Zun Huan Zhao couldn't bear it again, and there was a feeling that he couldn't understand it, perhaps because these female disciples of his own had a constant relationship with Su Jin!

"Master, save your brother-in-law!" Xia Yunxi's sad face was wet with tears.

"Yes, Master, you are strong in Taoism, and you can definitely save him!"


Huan Zhao Dao Zun swept across the faces of the three girls one by one, and even though he knew that he could not save him, he still said, "You guys don't come in first--"

While speaking, Huan Zhao Dao Zun had already carried Su Jin and walked into the bedroom. This was the bedroom she owned when she arrived at the Xia family. It was very prosperous and very large.

Putting Su Jin on the bed, Huan Zhao Dao Zun waved his hand and closed the door, her fingers gave birth to wisps of Dao brilliance, which touched Su Jin's face inch by inch.

Soon, Huan Zhao Dao Zun stunned, and was shocked to discover by himself, and took three steps back in shock!

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