My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2190: God Buddha bone?

Huan Zhao Dao Zun is now scared to death!

With Huanzhao Dao Zun’s Taoism, although she can’t see exactly what it is, she naturally discovered the problem with such close contact.

"The eyes of the sky were cut open!" Huan Zhao Dao Zun felt his brain roar and looked at him as if he was a wooden chicken.

The bed where Huan Zhao Dao Venerable slept in the past few days, Su Jin is lying on it now, not aware of it, and even a strong death spirit is still escaping.

Why does Huan Zhao Dao Zun touch Su Jin's forehead?

Many cultivators against the sky have divine pupils, and most of them are people of this generation. Although Su Jin's divine pupil was not poached, it was cut away by that finger.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun's face flushed, as red as the apple that had just been picked. If it hadn't been for a few lovers, she would have escaped.

Like many great powers, they don't even want to hear about Su Jin, a monk who has been punished by heaven, let alone what it matters!

"Hey!" Huan Zhaodao respectfully sighed and approached gently again, **** Daohui, touching Su Jin's head all the way down.

Her sturdy chest was touched by Huan Zhao Dao Zun's fingertips, and her heart and soul couldn't help but screamed at herself, cultivating Taoism needs to be pure.

Soon, Huan Zhao Dao Zun looked suspicious, and most of them were surprised.

"The **** body stone heart, the six-character Daming golden body, the spine has been turned into the **** and Buddha bones, and the'Xianyu Daozhi' could not be erased." Huan Zhao Dao Zun shocked his face.

"No! Why is this!"

Huan Zhao Dao Zun exclaimed again, now I am afraid that the person who knows Su Jin best is her. She even knows the secrets of Shi Xin and the bones of gods and Buddhas, but the greater surprise is still to come!


Extremely shocked!

Huan Zhao Dao Zun gently closed her eyes, Su Jin's broken emperor spirit appeared in her mind, it was hard for her to believe everything she saw with her eyes!

You must know that Huan Zhao Dao Zun, who can walk to the Three Steps of Heaven, is a leader among the monks, with outstanding talents, but she believes that if she is still an emperor at this moment, it is absolutely impossible in this state Survive three breaths!

Su Jin's Emperor Spirit was shattered. Like a tofu block, the scars were very regular, but he was able to go home with such a serious injury!

His injury was even more serious than Huan Zhao Dao Zun thought!

"Melting Fire Dao Soul, his Emperor Spirit is actually slowly repairing--" Huan Zhao Dao Venerable opened her Danfeng eyes fiercely.

Su Jin's secret was almost taken care of by Huan Zhao Dao Zun, but she was a little surprised immediately.

It is not that simple to say how to achieve the Six Dao Great Emperors without possessing some super secrets.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun woke up and looked at Su Jin on the bed with a tangled expression on his face.

In the final analysis, it is still impossible to save. Although the Emperor Spirit is slowly fusing, Su Jin is cut off from the **** pupil, and his potential in the future will be greatly reduced.

In addition, the disappearance of the life soul means that the lifespan is passing fast, and the emperor spirit will eventually collapse instantly when the lifespan is exhausted.

"You are a miracle by yourself, I...I can't help you too much." Huan Zhao Dao Zun's bright red gauze skirt was shaking gently with his body.

Then Huan Zhao Dao Zun gently leaned over, almost touching Su Jin in front of her bent body, her lips were smeared with vermilion, and a strong charm spread throughout the room.

Strands of jade-pink brilliance passed over her lips, and the lips touched--

Huan Zhao Dao Zun actually kissed Su Jin! What she crosses is the most precious ‘Yin Yuan Qi’ for women in the three-step career of the Way of Heaven.

Although there will be no damage if worn out, for Huan Zhao Dao Zun, that represents a different one. Only when the Taoist couple cultivates together, the male cultivator can obtain it for the first time. It is precious.

Su Jin's wilted complexion seemed to have some luster, and his emperor spirit was like lava, under this cloud of Yin Yuan, speeding up the fusion and repair.

A drop in the bucket.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun shook his head, and she saw Su Jin still have a good week to live at most. This was because she had almost sacrificed her "self" in exchange for him.

Everything, wait for Su Jin to wake up.

Even Huan Zhao Dao Zun felt that Su Jin could never wake up again.

After a while, Huan Zhao Dao Zun walked out of the room.

"Master, how's it going?" Xia Yuyan asked closely.

"Not too optimistic." Huan Zhao Dao Zun told the truth.

"Is there no way even Master can do it?"

The three women's face was pale, and the despair in their eyes was completely indescribable. Su Jin was too important to them, it was hard to imagine what would happen after losing him!

"Now he has two levels to break through." Huan Zhao Dao Zun said while sitting on the sofa.

"Which two levels?" Xia Yuyan asked urgently.

"The first is to wake up, of course, the second level I thought about, maybe a friend can help him prolong his life temporarily, but the possibility is unlikely. Even if he helps him prolong his life successfully, he will still die."


Dark and cold.

Su Jin's consciousness seemed to have fallen to the deepest depths of darkness. He didn't even know who he was, and he couldn't even feel his own existence, like an empty soul, floating in the ethereal darkness.

Until the emperor spirit merged rapidly, he faintly smelled the remaining fragrance on his lips, and his consciousness seemed to have penetrated into chaos.

Weak and feeble, Su Jin opened his eyelids, his vision gradually became clear, and he saw the gorgeous chandelier on the ceiling.

A trace of death was faintly separated, not as fast as before, Su Jinqiang sat up and looked inside, his face gloomy——

"You can wake up unexpectedly." Huan Zhao Dao Zun held a goblet in his hand and swayed the red wine. When he appeared in front of the door, he stared at Su Jin's face.

"Where is my wife?" Su Jin asked softly, his lips pale and bloodless.

"Don't think about it, follow me."

During the day, Huan Zhao Dao Zun was repeatedly interceded by several lovers, and agreed with a soft heart. It was too late to regret it. Now that Su Jin woke up, she must take a trip to ask an old friend to extend his life.

"I'm not leaving." Su Jin shook his head.

"You won't leave?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun widened his eyes, "This is your last hope for survival, are you sure?"

"No one can save me, I know my own situation--" Su Jin said coldly.

"You have to try it." Huan Zhao Dao Zun persuaded.

Xia Yuyan had already packed her things, and suddenly heard that Su Jin woke up and just heard these words, walked to the door, looked straight at Master Su, and cocked her mouth.

Silence is better than sound!

Su Jin certainly understood Xia Yuyan's meaning, doesn't that mean you dare not go?

"Go." Su Jin slowly closed his eyes and turned his head away.

Supported and walked out of the door, Su Jin put away the salute Xia Yuyan prepared with his bone ring. The direction that Huan Zhao Dao Zun opened the void passage should be through the Shenlong Palace Teleportation Array to other places.

Xia Yuyan followed, Su Jin felt very relieved——

"If I can't live, you take Yunxi and follow sister Huan Zhao." Su Jin and Xia Yuyan explained to Yuyan's wife before leaving China.

This is to explain the funeral?

Xia Yuyan wanted to kick him!

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