My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2191: Fu Yaoxian

The beauty was weeping.

Su Jin sighed inwardly when he saw Xia Yuyan like this. In addition to being complicated, he was complicated. The severity of this time is far beyond the past.

The divine eyes that depended on for a living were cut open by the mysterious man who used the "Xianyu Daozhi", not to mention whether it could be restored, according to the words of Huan Zhao Dao Zun, he only has a lifespan of one week.

Su Jin knows his own situation better than anyone else. This is still an optimistic view of one week of life.

Three people appeared on the Shenlong Palace Teleportation Formation in Qincheng, a thousand miles away deep under the sea. Su Jin's time is precious, Huan Zhao Dao Zun will not waste a minute and a second!

The lines glowed, Su Jin held the back of Xia Yuyan's hand, and the smooth and delicate skin on it made people love it. Soon the three of them disappeared into the gate.

The glazed channel, rustling back, the teleportation array communicated with the distant void, and the time was extremely long——

It took half the incense to transmit the light!


In the dark, icy, and deeply silent void, a cyan circle floats, behind which is a three-foot-high bluestone with the word'Fu Yao' written on it.

Above the three-foot-high bluestone, a red rope is hooped. Every ninety-nine meters, a copper bell is tied to the rope. The bell is large in the palm of the hand, and the red rope does not know where it extends.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun's expression was extremely complicated, and he showed up at the gate with two people, seeming to think of old things.

"I once said that I won't come here again for the rest of my life, and I won't come to beg her again--" Huan Zhao Dao Zun glanced at Su Jin.

At that glance, the meaning is inexplicable, as if to say that you owe yourself a favor whether you live or die.

"Master, can your friend save my husband?" Xia Yuyan asked nervously.

"The only one who can save Su Jin is Su Jin himself."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun looked at Xia Yuyan, "The only purpose here is to prolong his life. Don't underestimate the success of life extension. The difficulty is outrageous, and the price is unbearable, and I don't know whether it can be extended."

Xia Yuyan's teeth lightly bit her vermilion lip and nodded slowly.

Su Jin lifted his spirits, as a strong man, he felt that this was not easy when he fell through the gate.

"That senior should not be inferior to the cultivation base of the Divine Dao realm, and he is still a heaven-defying person!" Su Jin said to Huan Zhao Dao Zun with a little hope in his heart.

"You have a good vision, you are fellow travelers. This is a bonus point for this trip. Did you see the red rope—" Huan Zhao Dao Zun pointed to the red rope that tied the bell.

Xia Yuyan's face was puzzled, and the red rope went deep into the black void, not far enough, she couldn't understand it.

"Terrorist means." Su Jin only said five words.

"Yes, the cultivator did not end well. My friend also knows this. If you enter her, there is only one way to go. Even if the vision of Xianlu Daozhi appears, you can resist it." Huan Zhao said. Zun nodded.

The red rope tied the bell. When the Heavenly Punisher came here, the Dao bell would ring. The terrifying backman did not know how many layers there were. Since the deployment of this method, the friend of Dao Zun Huan Zhao has never had an incident.

"Friends are coming from afar, welcome--"

In the deep black void, the voice came rippling, Su Jin's expression was weird, the friend of this magnificent Dao Venerable, listening to the voice turned out to be a female cultivator, and listening to the voice was like a warrior, it was wonderful.

The naked eye saw that at the place where the distant red rope disappeared, a white paper boat arrived, getting closer and closer, and after five blinks, the paper boat fell on the front door.

"Go up." Seeing that Huan Zhao Dao Zun had already come here, hesitated wherever he was, and went straight to the paper boat——

The three of them got together, and the paper boat was shining with scars, and with a slight shock, it swam into the deep darkness.

Su Jin was amazed, not the paper boat, but the difficulties in the past!

After only one-third of the distance, Su Jin saw the wonder of a layer of deep-space quicksand. If the powerhouse of the three steps of the heavens came to flee, I am afraid that he would be trapped in the quicksand and be completely buried.

What's more, crossing the deep-space quicksand, as well as the terrifying void abyss vortex, if caught in it, it would be a disaster, and it would be involved in unimaginable nothingness.

But the paper boat is not affected, and the situation has passed eighteen levels in a moment! With those eighteen levels, one level is more difficult than one level, and one level is more dangerous than one level!

The heavy black environment, after the paper boat broke through a star wind, the environment turned white. The white color was not like sunlight, but like snow, but not dazzling.

The paper boat swayed through a layer of mist, and faintly saw a few fairy mountains appearing in the distance. On the western edge of the left side, on the not high fairy mountain, the four words'Fu Yaoxian Palace' were written.

Su Jin's face gradually became solemn--

It's not easy here, Su Jin perceives more than 30 tyrannical auras when it falls alone!

"My dear sister, I didn't expect you to bring a man over~~~" The voice came from the Fu Yao fairy palace again, quite surprised.

My sister?

Su Jin was surprised when he heard it. It was natural to see who he was referring to. Naturally, he was undoubtedly Huan Zhao Dao Zun, but why Huan Zhao Dao Zun said he was just a friend?


Just how big a contradiction has arisen between the two sisters that makes Huan Zhao Dao Zun so reluctant to come here.

The mountains are as huge as a city, and the gates of this "Fuyao Immortal Palace" are not as great as the other mountains.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun's face was indifferent, and did not reply to her sister's words. Below, there are a hundred female fairies, sitting and swallowing the fairy light, studying fairy arts, and from time to time there are fairies with waistbands, holding ancient swords, and transforming into a graceful fairy posture— —

In the palace on the top of the mountain, the pink tent covers the phoenix chair, which is like a wide bed, covered with a quilt, and a faint scent comes from the two incense burners along with the pink smoke.

Among them, the powder tent covered all of the'Palace Master Fu Yao', and Su Jin and the three walked in.

"Do me a favor." Huan Zhao Dao Zun turned his face and stood in the palace, refusing to look at the person in the account.

"Save this man? Who is he?" Fuyao Palace Master asked naturally, sitting in front of the phoenix chair in a magnetic voice.

"Why do you ask so much?" Huan Zhaodao respected.

"It seems that my sister is still brooding about what happened back then, but asking myself, I don't owe you--" Palace Master Fuyao's voice became more indifferent.

"You can't save it." Huan Zhao Dao Zun didn't want to care about that year, so he only asked three words.

There was a brief silence in the phoenix chair.

Su Jin frowned slightly, he was reluctant to do things that are difficult for a strong man, and the low posture of Huan Zhao Dao Zun made him feel a little unhappy.

"It's not that I don't save."

After the Fuyao Palace Master was silent, he said softly: "But he can't live, he was cut off from the sky, and now there is still a strand of'Xianyu Daozhi' in his body, trying to erase the Buddha bone."

Su Jin was secretly shocked, the divine realm is so strong! He can see through his reality at a glance, which even Huan Zhao Dao Zun can't do!

"Can you extend your life?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun asked.


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